
Mafia's Addictive Women

This is a dark romance. This is my first book. I hope you like. There will be a lots of up and downs. Read at your own risk. "You are mine and mine only!" said Damien "No" Avery cried ------------------------------------------------- Damien King ---  25 years old,Dark, heartless, never hesitate to kill, cruel, owns a lots of bars and hotels, owns Boston, Italy, and Russia, doesn't have a good relationship with parents, loves to party, and play with girls. The Mafia King. Avery Ross --- bubbly, loves kids, has 1 younger brother, 23 years old, works in a famous restaurant as a waitress, parents dies in a car accident when she was 5 and her brother was 3, now lives in a small apartment with her brother. Has one best friend name Emma.  

Shria · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter one

- Avery POV -

"Good morning dummy" I said in a sleepy voice

"Dummy?! I have a name okay! And I am not that dumb, Ok!" My annoying brother, Alex, said

"Whatever I will still call you dummy." "What is for breakfast, I am so hungry."

"Calm down hungry pig, we have eggs and bacon."

"Ok great."

My name is Avery Ross. I am 23 years and my brother is 21 years old. I work in a famous restaurant. It is called The King's Restaurant. I work there as a waitress. My parents died in a car accident. Since then my brother and I lived in our uncle's house. Soon as I got a job I wanted, to get an apartment that I can afford. I didn't even go to college because my uncle nor I had money. Things are going good with my brother and I. I also have a boyfriend name Jake, I love him so much. Anyway lets go back to the story.

"Avery hurry up, I have to go to college!"

"Coming! I am almost done." I was getting ready fast because we are both are late for my brother's college and my work. We would be early but my dumb brother almost burn the kitchen.

"Finally you are done. Come on lets go."

"Yes, yes. Lets go."

I dropped off Alex at his college and then went to my work.When I reach there, my bestfriend, Rose, hugged me tightly.

"Rose I-I c-an't br-bre-ath."

"Oh sorry. I am just excited to see you."

"I know, even I am happy to see you too. I kinda scared tho, because I am late."

"Yea you are 15 minutes late. The boss is pissed. Have fun explaining to him."

I rolled my eyes. "Hopefully Mr. Baker doesn't fire me."

"Don't worry he will understand...hopefully, but good luck." Rose said with her hands on my shoulders.

"Yea, now go before I get evening more late." With that I left to go see Mr. Baker in his office. Which was in the 14 floor.

-In Mr. Baker's Office-

I knock on Mr. Baker door.

"Come in" Said Mr. Baker

When I enter the office I saw a muscular man sitting in the chair. I couldn't see his face because his back was facing me. I also saw two men standing beside the mysterious man. When I looked at Mr.Baker, he was sweating from his forehead and he looked scared. I got chills when I looked at the mystery man's back again.

I went towards the table. When I reached there I could kinda see the mystery man' side profile. It wasn't very clear because the man's bodyguard was in the way. Anyway I turn my to Mr. Baker and was about to talk, when he asked me...

"Why are you late Miss. Ross?" Mr. Baker said in a nervous tone. I don't know why he is nervous and scared.

"Sorry Mr.Baker, I had to drop my brother off that his college and I got stuck in traffic. I promise it would happen again Mr. Baker." I kinda had to lie because I really need the job to pay for my brother's college fee and my apartment loan.

"This your last warning Miss. Ross, if you be late again I have to fire you." Before I could say anything the mystery man said something.

"Should I fire you first?" The mystery man said with a scary and deep tone. Mr. Baker got scared and nervous again. He shook his head.

"No please. I will do my work better next time. Please give me one more chance." Mr. barker begged. He also join his hand together and got on his knees. I was shocked at the scene. Then, the mystery man looked at me.

That is the end of chapter 1. I hope you like it. Vote and comment your opinions. Anyway love y'all gorgeous people.

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