
Made 4 You

She picks up the call "Hello" her jaw dropped. She could not believe it. Her dreams have finally come true. Everyone was against her idea of relocating and working far from home but who knows God could answer her prayers so quickly. Maybe this is a door to many opportunities and perhaps meeting a new lover and getting over her former lover? Better the devil you know than the one you don't know.

TheBlackBird · Ciudad
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31 Chs

Chapter 13

Give me the strength to digest all this. I am still in shock. I stare at the empty desk, Mr Windsor's desk. I miss him already, I know it's too much for a person who has spent the past weeks trying my best to avoid him and only say the least to cut the conversations short.

"You miss your lover already? "

I look up and I meet her mysterious eyes.

"He is not my lover" I sigh lazily.

"Gonna be?" She tilts her head a bit and bites her lower lip.

"No..." I try to fix my desk even though the books were already packed in the order, only the social sciences Grade 8 textbook in front of me.

"But he's cute, he likes you, we all know and you know too" She presses on the matter.

"Does he? I don't know that. He has never said that to me" I open the textbook. How do I change this topic?

"Come on sweetie, guys like him never say it, they show it" She leans into me.

"Oh? " I try to read the table of content.

"Yes, he has never been so friendly with anyone before besides you" She crosses her finger.

"That is not true" A male voice chimes in. "I heard a rumour that at first, he was secretly dating Mrs Windhoek"

"No way!" Ayanda and I unanimously exclaim.

"But that is clear it's a lie, however, there is a twist, Mrs Windhoek had a little crush on that is why he got to act as the Deputy head instead of the hired Deputy head" He continues.

"Whoa...charm him with the taste of power, no wonder he is always gracious in her eyes" Ayanda slowly nod her head. "But that didn't work, did it? " Ayanda continues and eyes the male teacher.

"Yes, this is why any lady who seems to be budding with him, maricourisly disappears..." He stares at me with sad eyes.

"We are not a thing" I clear the topic again.

"Yes, you are not..." The guy goes back to writing his book.

Ayanda moves away from my desk and looked at me and mouths "He loves you" She walks away.

I sigh a heavy sigh.

The guy pushes his chair close to me. To be honest, I have barely noticed him because he is so quiet. I am surprised that he talks this much.

"Don't you think she is pushing it?" He looked into my eyes.

"What?" I quickly avert my gaze.

"The thing with you and Lucas. I think she is shipping you guys so that you are not a threat to her" He pauses "Listen, go for what you love or else you will have regrets. Do not hesitate" He leans back on his chair and pushes his chair back to his desk.

Okay...I partly agree but why is he such an instigator?

A bell rings and I get up, I am ready to go teach my new classes.


What a day! The grade 8s and 9s are a lot of work. I let my face gently lie on the desk.

"You look tired..." Ntshuxeko stands by my table.

"Yes..." I groan

"So sad that Mr Windsor is not here to drive you home" He mocks.

"Not you too" I groan with my closed and wiggle my fingers at him.

"Just a tease. I guess we will go back to being walking partners again. "

"Yes, yes. I am tired, carry me back" I slightly open my eyes.

"Meeting everybody, right now" A shrieking voice echoed in my ears.

Is it her? It better not be her. I raise my head and my eyes meet a lady dressed in a tight red leather bodycon with a slit that ends a bit above the knee matching with red stilettos adorned. Everybody rushes in.

"Where's Mrs Grey? " She yells.

"Okay everybody, I apologise for the impromptu meeting. They have been a few changes" She stands in the centre of the room and starts flipping her black file. " Mrs Grey is the new H.O.D of the science department, meaning there's a new space for the H.O.D for languages which she had occupied and we are putting Mr Baloyi in that space. As you know, also subject allocation has been rescheduled. Due to this, there has been a mix-up of class periods, but be rest assured that the matter will be dealt with as Mr Khoza is now responsible for it." She pauses and no one dared said a word although the faces frowned, lips pouted. "I warn you, verily, verily that business should not be mixed with pleasure. Unfortunately, our respectable teacher, Mr Windsor has taken a leave to attend to some self-reflection. However, few people will join him. Self-reflection is very important. Meeting dismissed. Paris follow me" She strides out of the room and I stood on my feet and quickly follow her. A few metres away, there she is standing and her fingernails tap on her black file.



"I hope you are okay. I have decided that you take a few days off, I need to sort something out. I will fill you in more details when you return on Monday okay? " She brushes my shoulder and tears a small comforting smile.

"Principal, Did I do anything wrong? " I ask pitifully.

"No...I will try filling you in on the details later, just go home" She walks a bit and walks back. "Please tell Mrs Grey to announce that school is going out early, the SMT has an urgent meeting right now" She walks away without waiting for my response.

With my dejected shoulders, I walk back to the staff room. I walk towards Mrs Grey and deliver the message and walk to my desk. Pull yourself together. The SMT members leave the room and PL1 teachers are left in the staff room.

"Okay, I will talk first. What side of the bed did she walk to wake up on? " Ayanda places her hands by her waist.

"The nasty one " My neighbouring deskmate utters. He is lowkey savage.

"Who thought I will live the day to see Windsor on a self-reflection leave? " Thank clasp his hands.

"And it never goes well" Ntshuxeko chimes.

Surprisingly, Ntshuxeko is commenting, he acts invisible in this kind of situation. I guess everybody is surprised by the new announcements.

"Is it me or do I feel something going on between Mrs Grey and Mrs Windhoek? " the neighbour inquires.

"I heard that their husbands just went into business with each other so I guess she must play nice at work too" One of the female teachers speak up.

"But what is the beef with Windsor?" Neighbour enquiries.

"Come on! We all know" Everybody chimes in.

Okay, I wish I could partake in this conversation but I know nothing, nobody and I don't understand why I must not come to work for a few days. Tears well up in my eyes.

"I don't think you do...There's more than meets the eye" Ntshuxeko chimes.

"Ntshuxeko, if you continue sounding wise, you will become a useful SMT member. Be careful, it is dangerous that side"

I get up and take my bag. I can't take it.

"Goodbye, guys!" I leave the room.

"Wait for me!"

I hear Ntshuxeko's voice as I close the door. Should I wait? Or go?


SMT- School Management Team

H.O.D- Head Of Department

PL1-A low-rank teacher, teacher can be junior or senior, as long they are not a H.O.D. or a principal.

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