
Madara Uchiha in TBATE

(READ THE SYNOPSIS FIRST) want to enjoy this second life. I want power I want an adventure. I want them to fear my name. This is my story now. ------- A story about a guy who is reincarnated with Madara's body and powers. With his new life, he promised himself to live his life to the fullest. Join him on his journey as he become a powerful being in TBATE. ---- This ff is just for fun, nothing serious here. THIS FF IS NOT FOR ALL OF U, IT'S FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WILL ACCEPT THIS SHITTY WORK AND READ IT. Also, don't come here saying that my grammar sucks. I already said that. English is my third language, so don't expect a good English here. If you want good grammar story then write your own or go read other ff with good grammar. I'm only writing this ff for my own enjoyment. If you don't like it then just leave, no one is or will force you to read this shitty ff . ------------- English is my third language, so prepare yourself for some grammar errors. I don't own anything other than my own ocs

A_Sinner · Cómic
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94 Chs






"young master, young master...are you alright?".said an old man while trying to wake up a small boy with short spiky black hair, both them looked soaked.


Coughing out a mouthful of water, the boy opened his eyes and looked at the direction where he heard the calling voice. This boy was Sakuna who just got reincarnated.

He saw an old man with long white hair, his face was full of wrinkle. Sakuna looked at the old man whose clothes were all soaked in water.

The old man who was kneeling in front of him, Sakuna looked beside him only to find out that they were near the ocean..or at least that what's he thought.

"sigh..thanks god your still alive, Young Master Madara". Said the old man as he hugged Madara.

(AN:ok, from now on our mc will be know as Madara)

Madara, who this whole time was just laying on the ground, looked at old man who was still hugging him.

"mm, seems like I got reincarnated but in a way that I wasn't expecting….my figure seems small so that means I'm around Four or three years old….why am I not getting this body's previous memories?." Thought Madara.

"what happened".,with his childish voice Madara asked the old man .

The old man grabbed Madara's small figure and lifted him up.

"Don't worry Young Master, we are ok for now, but I don't know where did the ocean washed us up….", said the old man as he started walking away from the beach while carrying Madara. As they head inside the forest .

"mm, I have no idea what just happened, but it seems like this old man used to work to my family….i can only guess that something bad happened to them and this old man escaped with me.", thought Madara who was being carried by the old man.

"mm, I think this area will do, I don't sense anything so we are safe", said the old man while placing Madara down and sit down beside Madara.

"I know your sad from what happened to your parents, Master Uchiha didn't want anything bad to happen to you, I escaped with you before the bad guys could catch us, I'm sorry I didn't have a choice but to jump to the ocean, I almost have us killed..I'm so sorry",

Suddenly, the moment the old man finished talking, memories started playing inside Madara's head, as scene after scene started playing in his head, Madara head started hurting.

Seeing Madara grabbing his head and groaning in pain, the old man panicked.

"what's wrong master Madara?".

"I'm fine, it just a small headache".

Sigh…you might be hungry, wait here for second, I'll go grab some fruit from those trees". Said the old man as he stood up and walked towards a huge tree with weird fruits.

"mm, so my full name is Madara Uchiha,I'm 3 years old and both my parents were merchants that were killed by an unknown enemy who was looking for something that my parents possessed, and this old man was the first servant in our house hold , he's name is Hamura…sigh, in my first life my parents died in an accident, I was hoping to get new one here but it seems that isn't happening".

Suddenly Madara felt a burning sensation on his eyes." arrgg", Madara groaned a little as he touched his eyes.

Looking around, Madara saw a small puddle, he stood up and walked towards it and looked at himself.

A one tomoe sharing was the first thing he saw, he just gained his Sharingan.

"master Madara, it seems like you have awaken your family magical eyes", said Hamura who was now holding two fruits that looks like mangoes on his hand while looking at Madara's Sharingan.

"you know about them?".

"not really, it's just that your father always said you will awaken them in the future..but it seems you awaken them earlier than he thought, I wish he was here to see this".

"well, I don't need to waste time, I know what to do for the upcoming years…..but I wonder if I'm in the beginning of the story or before?", thought Madara as he looked at his small body.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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