
Madara in the Avatar World

A man on his late 20s survived more disasters than anyone would ever know, during his whole life, nothing ever worked for him, it was if the world itself wanted to get rid of him. Until one day when he woke up on a dark space and decided to make a deal with a strange voice that echoed through the abyss. To enter a world of his choice with a single wish, and the knowledge about 5 things about the world. "They said one wish, not one power... i already selected the avatar world.. i need a powerful bender, someone who can take on an army on its own, someone badass, iconic.." "My wish is.. to become Uchiha Madara!" _________________________________________________ I'm forced to add this stupid disclaimer here. No he is NOT the real Madara, he will NOT have Madara full powers, and the story is NOT about him becoming the one all be all and dominating all the world and getting all the girls. Now if you can get past that, you more then welcome mate, i shall drink my beer in your honor! but if you can't ... well... im sure there's plenty of other Madara related fanfictions, go ahead and try them. Cheers! _________________________________________________ This is my very first and probably only fanfiction on this site, I’m doing it as a hobby because i got inspired so it all depends on how well it is received. English is not my main language but I’m trying my best :D _________________________________________________ Space Dedicated to some boring disclaimer about not owning Avatar, the Image that i use or Madara himself, yeah yeah.... yadda yadda... yall know the drill. Cheers! _________________________________________________

KojiSan · Anime y Cómics
Sin suficientes valoraciones
80 Chs


A group of pirates that usually raided specific routes between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom decided to relocate their usual route due to the recent Fire Navy moving east, they couldn't keep their operation for a while so they had to go south.

The captain was a scarred woman with a long black jacket, she had tanned skin and dark brown hair to complement her one blind eye, which had a long scar, and part of her partially burned scalp on the right side of her head, which makes her have a rather viking-ish hairstyle.

She had a vicious air around her, wearing a crop top under her long coat that exposed her scarred yet well defined abs, long puffy beige pants and dark brown long boots. She was tall for a woman but anyone could see that she would've been a beauty if it wasn't for her damaged body considering how beautiful her cyan blue eye was.

"Captain, we spotted a ship starboard side!" said one of her henchmen offering her the spyglasses.

Taking the item, she turned towards the location "Aren't those sails from those rich fuckers from the Earth Kingdom?" she said as she looked at the sails of the ship.

"Aye captain, they are filthy rich! After plundering their ship we can retire for months!" Said her first mate, a short stout man with a long dirty beard and a braided skullet hairstyle.

"Are you fucking retarded?! They will chase us down if we attack!" Said one of the crew members that worked on the sails.

"Shut up scrub, no one asked you" Said the first mate.

The woman kept staring at the ship, attack or not attack? She had a bad feeling about this, both sides one had one ship and Beifongs had the money to hire strong protection…

'And they probably already spotted us… that can ruin our plans to plunder the south in secret until those Fire Nation bastards clear our waters…' she snorted "Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, eh?"

Everyone was silently waiting for the captain's decision.

She smirked sadistically and shouted "Bottom's up ye seadogs, we are takin her home!"

""YEEEEEEEEEEEEAH"" everyone shouted and ran to their places

"All hands on deck, batten down the hatches!" Shouted the first mate.

The ship slowly turned towards their target and started moving full speed.

The captain walked towards the bow of the ship and stared at their prey with expectant eyes, a Beifong ship was a motherload to any pirate, she may be afraid of consequences but the sea is their realm, they could always erase all witnesses and no one would ever know.

She kept staring at the other ship until she saw someone stepping on the top of the bow's railings, she focused her spy glass and saw a young boy with long black hair and black and red robes that looked a bit too fancy for some common servant to wear, but it was when she focused on his eyes that her heart skipped a beat.

Those blood red eyes staring directly at her from so far away, she could see him perfectly due to the spyglass, but why is she feeling like he can see perfectly as well without even needing one?

Seeing him making some strange hand sign she was confused, is that the rich way to sign for peace or something?

One second later the world turned red, she couldn't even describe it because the term "massive" didn't sound accurate enough

A gigantic wave of fire was launched on their direction, devouring sea water like a hungry beast and leaving a huge cloud of vapor behind, it approached them at high speed, roaring like an angry stampede wanting to trample everything in its way.


She felt insignificant in front of such display of power, quickly turning around she dashed towards the cabin while shouting in panic as she ran. "BRACE YE SELVES!"

The sails burned before the wave even got there, it was so hot that people were sweating from both dread and heat way before the wave reached them, even the captain's skin started boiling while running as that disaster came closer and closer.

All the greed and lust for gold disappeared in a sea of fire.

On the opposite ship the situation wasn't so different, every crew member stared wide eyed at the massive wave of fire that roared towards the pirates, this absurd level of power wasn't something they ever saw or even hear about it!

Some kept staring at the fire absentminded, some stared at the young boy in black and red wondering if he is an ancient dragon in disguise, Jackie on the other hand looked up, wondering if Sozin's comet had returned.

After the wave devoured the ship, it slowly faded away, leaving behind a thick cloud of vapor everywhere, the pirate captain was on her knees inside the captain cabin, with smoke coming out of her entire body, her jacket was half burned to cinders her pants were devoured and now they could barely cover up to her thighs, her boots and top were still intact but that was because of the boot's materials and because the jacket took most of the damage head on.

She breathed heavily and tried her best to not lose consciousness here, she used every amount of chi she had to pull the water out of the ocean and create a barrier around her, it wasn't a perfect barrier she didn't have enough time to make one of those, she had to compensate the sloppiness with chi and that costed her dearly, she was barely awake.

"Cough, Cough" she heard her first mate's coughing outside

"Kur…A…Are Ye Still With me?" she spoke as loud as she could, taking deep breaths between words since she was beyond exhausted right now, her voice turned raspy due to the feeling of dehydration.

"Ca….ca..captain…" a weak voice reached her ears and she mustered her whole strength to walk outside the cabin, what she saw brought her despair, fear and sadness.

Corpses with boiled skin everywhere, the ship charred like charcoal, falling apart, a slightly bigger wave would break the hull.

"…Cap…captain…" the voice again! She hurried and looked around and spotted her first mate completely burned, massive lumps of ruined flesh all over his body, there's no way to save him, it's just a matter of time now.

".. We.. s..shoud..ve… left…" were his last words.

He nodded and lowed her head "Aye…we should've..." Although sad she was a pirate, there was no romance between crewmates here, those who fell behind stayed behind. What made her like this was another thing, her first mate, just like her, was a waterbender, and she didn't have any doubt that he used his skills to protect himself with water, but even doing that he ended up like this… 'if I didn't reach the cabin in time… ' she could only gulp at that thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a childish male voice.

"Oh, so there are survivors after all…"

Turning her head towards the source of the voice, her one good eye captured the sight of the same young man from the spyglass, standing there on top of the charred deck with an indifferent gaze, his red eyes glowing through the fog.

"How should I call you?" he asked.

"K…Kaliya" She answered, she wasn't stuttering or anything like that, she was just that tired.

"Very well Kaliya, from now on your residence will be inside our brig, I have some questions for you if you don't mind."

"Aye..." was all she could say before her world turned black and she passed out.

The rest of the crew jumped onto the charred ship and started looking around, paper and other fragile items were long gone, but gold and precious metals obviously endured the flames, they looted everything they found under Madara's orders, good paycheck or not, no one would throw away some extra income that just falls on your lap like that.

Kaliya was first sent to a cabin to be treated, Madara needed her alive to get some information, he hasn't travelled across the four nations yet so any information would be welcomed, it took a whole day to complete Kaliya's treatment, once she woke up, she was escorted to the brig, she didn't complain or anything, just followed instructions.

During those 24 hours the crew was silent, especially around Madara.

Most of them, excluding the few handling the ship and medics aboard, were trained under Madara's torture and they knew Madara was no joke when it came to martial arts, his firebending was also an open secret at this point, although one talked about it everyone knew, but no one ever saw him using it before, today was the first time… and no one would be able to forget it.

Kaliya was resting, sitting on the ground and leaning her back against the metal bars, waiting for whatever it was to come, having captured many prisoners before she knew of her possible outcomes, but having a possibility of life was still better than having certainty of death.

She heard light footsteps walking down the stairs, coming towards her. She slowly turned her head and her eye captured the same boy again, this time his eyes were pitch black though, that made her rather curious, she never heard of such a skill.

"So, Kaliya, are you enjoying your stay?" asked the boy.

"Ye rich folk brigs are better than me ol' cabin" she chuckled in response.

Madara chuckled in response "I can't deny that, these people are rather … excessive…"

"These people? Aren't ye one of them? Judging by ye clothes…."

Madara shrugged "They pay me, they house me, they outfit me and they feed me… what can I say?"

She laughed "Ye live the life of a king"

He laughed as well "I can't deny that either."

After that a brief moment of silence she spoke first.

"So.. what ye wanna to know?"


"Don't play dumb with me, I know ye left me alive for a purpose, me gold and me ship are gone, so the only reason I am treated and alive is because ye need something i might know."

"You are rather smart for a pirate."

"And how do ye think I became a captain in the first place? by riding on a sea of cocks?" she snorted and spat on the floor "If those whores use their bodies, I use me brains."

"Commendable" Madara chuckled "With a look like yours I thought you would do exactly that to be honest."

She snorted again and ignored his remark.

"You are from the Northern Water Tribe aren't you?"

"W-what?" she was shocked by his spot-on question.

"Yes, yes you are" he grinned.

"What difference does it makes? And ye haven't told me what ye wanted."

"Alright let's start with that then, my name is Madara Uchiha."

"Ye already know me name, Kaliya."

"I initially wanted to interrogate you while giving you false hope of life and eventually get rid of you" he said with an expressionless face.

"And what changed?" she wasn't surprised, she did the same many times over.

"Your brains, that's what changed… tell me Kaliya of the Northern Water Tribe, would you be willing to work for me?" Madara grinned.

I hope you are having a good day you handsome sausages, i am posting this chapter today because i might take a break on sunday, i appreciate the ones that worry about my health but i am actually a very avid writer, in my head i already have certain scenes from the final arc of ATLA canon just waiting to be put on paper, honestly writing this fanfiction is being a blast to me i am enjoying it for real, specially after receiving so many praises.

Stay awesome and have a lovely weekend, Cheers!

KojiSancreators' thoughts