
Mad Wolf Knight(DxD)

At one point Alexander Canis was once one of the richest men in America. He had money, but his real pride and joy was the pack of wolves he owned. Until his ex killed them all in anger him included. It seemed he got the attention of a goddess while he is at it and he is now reborn.

BlackSwordman1234 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
31 Chs

First Fight.

Alexander quickly found out that he was far faster than he expected. He was moving so fast that the left a blur everywhere he went, but it was not helping him. Every passing second seemed to drive him nearer and nearer into a berserk-like rage.

Him piercing his tongue with his razor-sharp teeth was barely working as the Berserker Armor began to cancel his pain. The pain was beginning to lose all meaning, so he was between a rock and a hard place.

The storm clouds were following him and they formed whenever he passed by. He was barely managing to keep his beast side in check and the storm clouds were growing in power and intensity. He himself could feel the malice that the clouds contained as it was all an innate ability of the Dark Star Saber.


Ragnarock was enjoying the trip as the wind felt nice on his fur. He could feel the emotions of his master, but he had too much faith in Alexander to panic. The vote of confidence was welcomed, but misplaced.

'Not fun at all buddy, not fun at all. I am barely keeping myself together.'

He was not the one being attacked by the combined murderous intent of two cursed artifacts and a volatile bloodline. The same bloodline that coursed through Ragnarock's veins, but the wolf was lucky he was not in his first full shift.

Alexander did not stop running even when he left the reaches of Kuoh Town. He knew that if he could not get his armor and sword to go away they would not stop releasing their aura. He finally froze and dropped Ragnarock as he fell to his knees reaching the limits of his sanity.

He roared to the sky which caused the lightning clouds to crackle and writhe like they were alive. The Dark Star Saber on his back pulsed which caused the lightning in the sky to turn more aggressive. Part of it began to fall on him lightning him up without harming him.

Their power even felt gentle and soothing like he was on drugs. In reality, it was a dark power that played tricks on his mind to get him to let go of the rage. If that was not enough the Berserker Armor began its assault on his mind. He heard a dark voice in the back of his head that seemed to resound in his head.

It seemed to pound his rationality away and drove him deeper into the embrace of the beast. Alexander felt like he was in the middle of a dark void and two different creatures were after his soul.

Even his own bloodline attacked at the very little rationale thought he had to slaughter and murder. Alexander froze on his knees and out of nowhere reached for the helmet and began to pry it open with pure rage.

As if in shock the pounding voices in his head shut up. How was their host resisting them? They did not know, so they had no idea how to respond to someone like Alexander.


The top part of the wolf-like helmet was pushed off his head while the bottom stayed where it was. Alexander picked himself off the ground as he shook his head.

"I almost lost control, how unbecoming of me. Wouldn't you say so?"

He turned around where he saw a white-haired woman looking at him with a wary expression. Around her were several magic circles as she was ready to fight if things did not go well.

"What are you?"

Alexander sighed as he picked himself up. He wanted to resolve this peacefully as he had no reason to fight her. Maybe she could even help him if he played his cards right. He was reasonable when he felt the danger outweighed the risks of being forceful.

"I appear to be a werewolf."

That seemed to make her worry as she squinted her eyes at him. Already he could smell her doubt which made him lose more rational thought.

"No, you are not. Werewolves don't have more than one tail and they are not as large as you. I, Cleria Belia overseer of Kuoh demand you answer or be dealt with as an intruder. What are you doing in my town?"

"I am simpl-"

Before he could finish both the Dark Star Saber and the Berseker Armor finally used the moment of distraction with Cleria to attack his mind. It was the last straw as what he feared occurred, he lost control.

He did not roar, he did not howl, he simply growled. Not light growling either, it was like Fenrir himself had awoken. He reached behind him and grabbed the handle of the Dark Star Saber. The swirling energy of the sword made his veins and eyes glow a dark purple.

Dark Red energy flowed through the vein-like grooves in the armor while the same happened to him. The energy released from him was enough to make Cleria shake. Just a while ago they were talking, but it seemed he had finally snapped.

Massive bolts of dark purple lightning struck Alexander empowering him. The energy from it coursed through the armor empowering him rather than hurting him. The helmet of the Berserker Armor began to rise to cover his face as he spoke the last rational thought he could hold.

Ragnarock turned into mist and entered his chest. To be more exact entered the familiar pact as there would be times when Ragnarock could not be visible. Cleria knew she had to hurry as her reinforcements would take at least 5 minutes to arrive.

She came out here alone after all as she did not expect to face someone like Alexander. The Church would also rush here and there was a chance her lover could be dragged into the fight.

She was ripped out of her thinking when a tidal wave of rage and steel appeared in front of her in an instant. Someone weaker would not have noticed, but she noticed instantly why he was so fast.

'THE MANA HELPED HIM! It reduced the resistance he would face making him move even faster.'

On instinct, she used her best speed-boosting buffs to dodge out of the way of the Dark Star Saber. Her right eye looked to her right as the giant blade just narrowly missed her shoulder. She could see her reflection in the crystal-like blade that made her feel like the cursed energy sapped her strength.

If that was not enough a giant purple destructive wave tall enough to cleave a building rushed past her. It tore up the small forest around them and it exploded in a giant pillar of the same dark purple light.

Cleria shivered at the energy emanating from the sword. She had never felt it before as it was from another universe. Alexander had no idea either, so to him, it was just a weapon.

'What is that? I feel fear, cold, and oppression from it. What is it made of?'

She looked at the ground where the blast exploded and saw the ground glowing dark purple. She glanced at Alexander who roared at the sky causing the same mana in the air to be absorbed by his two tails.

Cleria knew that she would need to analyze his armor, and his sword to activate her ability Worthless. Only she had no idea what they were made of, where they came from, or what Alexander was.

No werewolf had ever had more than one tail and none of them were as big as Alexander. Now she was stuck in a fight with him in his berserk state.

"Hey, just ca-"

Before she could finish Alexander launched the massive blade at her. He put a spin on it with wind magic that caused the already impressive force to be applied.


She used her ability along with her magic to slow the blade down. She specifically canceled out the force of the blade instead of the blade itself which caused the speed to plummet. Either way, she still got a cut on her cheek.

From the wound emerged the corrupting power of the Dark Energon mixed with a magic life-steeling curse which began to cover her face with glowing purple veins. She felt pure agony as Dark Energon was very volatile and against life itself. She used her magic and Demonic Power to slow down the spread.

As for Alexander he extended his hand and called back his blade to his hand. Cleria felt she might not make it, but just as he was going to attack he dogged to the side to avoid gunfire.

Cleria sighed in relief when she saw the Exorcists who were stationed here as part of their agreement. Among them was her lover who looked worried about her face. Cleria stood up and put on a strong front.

The pain of Dark Energon flowing in her body was agonizing.

'I will not show weakness in front of the church.'

She got up and avoided looking at her lover.

"Careful, if you get cut I do not think you humans will make it."

They glanced at Alexander who did the same. They spread out as they worked better as a unit than they did alone. He stepped on the ground and charged toward the closest person to him who happen to be a middle-aged exorcist. The man did not even get a chance to scream before he was cut in half by the Dark Star Saber.

The leader of the group was about to give orders to surround him and froze. That was a senior exorcist who had been considered a rather strong one. He was not even a bother before he was cut in half.


She sighed as she flew into the sky.

"I have no idea, Mathew. One minute he is calm and talking to me the next he is a total berserker. I think it is the first time he used these artifacts, they are cursed to be exact."

"If that is the case if we can get him to return to his sanity before he kills us all we may just live."

Mathew drew his holy sword which seemed to be trembling. While holy swords were not fully sentient they all had a will and this one was terrified of the Dark Star Saber. Alexander looked at the sacred blade with pure rage behind his eyes.

Only the helmet of the Berserker Armor prevented anyone from seeing them, but Mathew could feel the bloodlust in the air. It was all directed toward him meaning he had to be ready to react within a fraction of a second.


He expected Alexander to charge into his trap, but instead, the giant werewolf stayed where he was.

'Come on, come here. Step on the light trap.'

Before Mathew even knew what hit him a giant purple bolt of lightning struck him in the head. His head exploded into fragments of blood and gore before he even realized he died.


Exorsitis was rather weak as they were just slightly stronger than humans. Even Cleria was nothing special in the grand scheme of things so a monster like Alexander was the worst thing she could have encountered.

They did not even have the time to set up a bounded field as Alexander was far too fast. He charged at Cleria and raised his sword to cut her in half. Her entire life flashed before her eyes as she saw the blade descending toward her face.

'Will I die here?'

Just as she was about to despair, Alexander's instincts told him to dodge. A massive cross of light appeared where he was once standing. That would have been enough to pierce through the Berserker Armor and his durable body.


Cleria was badly burned by the energy from it, but she lived. She glanced at her lover who was biting his lips and holding a broken cross in his hands. He rushed in front of her and picked her up in his arms. The exorcists that were here thought he was doing this to be owed a favor instead of the truth.

That jolt was enough to get his consciousness to take back control of his body. The top part of his helmet began to open up as his control was returned to him. He reached up and dragged the top part of his helmet backward until his black werewolf face was visible.

"How did you do that?"

Hearing him speak was even more unnerving than when he was just a growing mess. The broken cross was an item enchanted with a single attack from Michael that the church had been given.

"I should thank you for returning my sanity. By the way, take care of your friends."

They glanced at the dead exorcists and noticed them begin to raise up as undead. That was a shock as they already had to deal with him and now they had his ability to bring back those he killed.

He began to walk away which made the remaining exorcists try to make a Bounded Field. The broken item was also a way to call for the help of Michael, but Alexander waved his hand and drained the mana in the field causing it to shatter.

"I thank you for being the ones to give me my first battle. Next time we meet, you will most certainly die."

Alexander rushed back toward Kuoh Town shocking Cleria and the surviving exorcists. One of them raised his gun at the two undead and fired 4 shots. 1 for the heart and 1 for the brain both of them to ensure they were dead.

They left after as they expected Alexander to attack the town so they gave chase. The only issue was that Alexander was much faster and he finally found the trick to removing the armor and sword.

He focused on the idea of a lock and key which made his armor and sword turn into a black and purple mist that entered his body. After a few seconds, they were gone and so was the beacon of negative energy as 9 tails could make their presence seem exactly like the magic in the surroundings.

The first chance he got he went around as he lost the chasing Cleria and the exorcists. He sighed in relief as he sat down leaning on a tree. His giant 4-meter-tall body was too eye-catching so he focused on returning to his human form.

He closed his eyes as he felt his bones begin to break and shrink. His werewolf face began to shrink while his fur and skin began to fall off. Under it was human skin that took the place of the fur and thick hyde of the beast. He grunted in pain as transforming was not pleasant in any way shape or form. He reached and clawed at his face to rip off the shed werewolf skin and fur revealing his human face underneath.

When he reverted to his human form he fell limp against the tree as he looked down panting.

"Weird, my pants are just fine. I took off my shirt and hoody, but why did the pants not rip?"

Alexander looked at the ground at the shed fur and skin that began to degrade rapidly. It very quickly began to turn to dust and steam which reduced it to nothing.

"Convenient. This way they can't use my shedding to develop some weapon against me."

He sighed as he began to walk back toward Kuoh Town. He sighed as he missed his phone so much. Just as he was walking he looked around and felt something weird.

"Did things get smaller?"

As he glanced around he realized something.

"I think I got taller and more muscular. Not by, much though."

He shrugged and jumped up a tree to look around. His ears and tails were still out so was the control of his mana and the surrounding ones were still fine. He jumped from tree to tree as he needed to get home quickly.

He learned a lot about the town he now called home and he accidentally made enemies of the church. He was glad that he did not hurt Cleria too much as he felt angering a species of Devil was worse than the church.

'No, that is wrong. If they are devils what says that there are not angels? That last cross attack was far too strong for the energy I felt in that human boy.'

Suddenly Alexander froze in terror as he realized something.


He sped up even more as he used the magic to mask his presence as well as possible. Such a significant attack could be used as a signal for something truly strong. He rushed into town in the areas closest to the church.

'The last place you would look is placed close to your home base.'

He knew that for now the Exorcists and the Devil Cleria were working together to look for him. He snuck between their search parties before he reached his home and entered his room through the window.

He closed the window, locked it, and lowered the blinds while he fell to the floor panting. He still did not feel safe so he hid his ears and tail while he got reached into his dresser to put on another shirt.

Just as he was getting dressed his magic sensitivity felt the presence of a powerful being outside of Kuoh. The magic inside him froze him solid as his bloodline instinctively sought to keep him alive.


Michael felt the destruction of one of the items he enchanted for the church near Kuoh Town. It was Devil territory, but he was allowed to be in the area outside the town to an extent. He descended from Heaven as they were only broken when something truly terrible happened.

When he arrived at the exact spot of the battle he felt his holy energy clash with the residue of the Dark Star Saber.

"My God, what is this?"

He raised his hand toward the ground as he tried to purify the energy in the ground. Already the trees that survived were glowing dark purple and mutating into monstrosities. He also spread his awareness to search through Kuoh which was pushing it, but he felt the danger was worth it.

Normal humans could not feel it, and he could not feel Alexander. The mana had hidden him, but this also alerted the Devils who could even take this as a provocation of war. However, Cleria had no reason to try to make this worse so she decided to speak to Michael.

She needed to make sure that Alexander was not in her town which she was sure he was. As for the culprit, he was currently being hidden by his bloodline. He did not want to be found just yet as someone like Michael was outside of his power for now.