
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasía
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78 Chs

Chapter 5

Walking on the the castle walls, I can clearly see the the cyclops king in the field. He looks kinda pissed off, Should i piss him off more or should I end it now with my brand new toy? If I piss him off more he could end up taking the city with him Better take him out now. I focus and summon my new toy, the M 16 A 2 assault rifle.

I can feel both Yuna and Iris staring at me.

"You girls watching?"

(Both) "Yes!"

"Keep your eyes on his head."

I take aim. say, "Sniper" and fire one shot towards his eye. He never saw it coming. The eye explodes and so does the back of his head. It's over. No casualties on our side. I look at both princesses and their jaws are on the floor. Then William walks over and asked me what happened.

"Ask both of the girls. They saw everything."

So he askes them both and they both tell him everything that happened. Smoking a cigarette, I wait for them to finish. William turns to me with his jaw on the floor. The expression on his face is priceless.

"It's already over? Just one shot?"

"I always shoot to kill."

"That skill you used, Sniper, what does it do?"

"That's a secret. If I told you then I would have to kill you." I said jokingly but with a serious face. I need to fuck with somebody sometimes. The fear in his eyes is showing like a LED flashlight in complete darkness. I look at him as then said, "Just kidding, hahahaha!"

"Good one, Michael. Heh heh"

"What Sniper does is it accounts all the variables for the prefect shot. That includes wind speed, temperature, wind direction, humidity, and movement speed and direction of the target."

"Wow! all three said at the same time.

What I could do for a Mountain Dew or better yet and Mountain Dew Livewire about now. Well, All in a day's work as I'm famished. I start walking back and I turn my head to yell. "I'M HUNGRY!"

After getting my eat on, I head back to my room with Yuna and Iris and sit at the table, with another cigarette lit. I was thinking about everything that happened today before I feel someone poke my shoulder. It was Yuna.

"Yes Yuna?"

"Iris was wondering about your old world and I was wondering too."

"Ok, Both you girls sit down and I'll tell a little bit me and my old world."

So I told them about the good old U.S. of A., some of my life, the culture, about football. I told them about both of my brothers. my sister, and my friends. I also told them a little bit about my triumphs and tragedies in fantasy football. The hardships I went thru in my previous life. By time I was done, it was dark outside and both girls was yawning. That was making me yawn too.

I pick both girls up and set them in the bed and them I got ready for bed myself. As I lay down, I look at Yuna, who was on my left, and the at Iris, who was on my right, and then I thought, 'Cute.' Then I felt them kiss my check and their arms wrap around me. Then I heard Iris whisper, "It worked Yuna." These girls was planning this all day. Sneaky. I'll have a word with them in the morning if I remember. I'm too damn tired to do anything about it.

"Good night Yuna and Iris."

"Good night Michael."