

"Ravi..... "

She still looked the same, It was as if I was still standing there when I first saw her,the day was still there, time might have stopped.Her voice startled me.I was freeze of seeing her.My lips were trembling, I wanted to say something but my tongue had left me.I was just looking at her.

"Hey lady, who are you and what are you doing here?" Nirmalya sir asked her.

But she didn't answer.

"Hello.. I'm talking to you... "he said.

" She is Jeny my aaa... house owner's girlfriend"I said in a firm tone.

Seeing Eve and Nirmalya sir, it was as if they had gone into some deep shock.Then someone opened the door of the house, everyone looked at the door, Tushar was standing there, who seemed confused seeing us all so serious.Then his eyes fell on Nirmalya sir "Good morning sir, you remember aaa..I met you in the hotel.... "


"Yes sir"Tushar seemed very happy after hearing that.

" Mr.Tushar what are you doing here?"I asked him.

"Sir as you told me to find out what's... "

"I know what's going on here."


There was pin drop silence in the room.

"Sir we should go out, there is no one at home to talk to" I said.

"I think so"Nirmalya sir said, then" Ravi...

Jeny was saying something but I came out ignoring her words.The guards were talking about something but as soon as they saw me coming out, they stopped talking.I came out and was just looking at the door of the house,first Nirmalya sir, Tushar behind him and Eve came out last.I probably wanted to see someone else walk out the door. Everyone was looking at me but no one said anything.I was now looking at the ground with my back to the door,I could think about nothing but her, her face, her drenched eyes and her hair.I kicked an empty can who was lying on the ground right in front of my feet.Then '𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩!' a lady's voice came, I looked at the road, aunt Alina had fallen on the road and her belongings were scattered on the road. She was screaming in anger while collecting her belongings, "Who fucking threw this empty can here!"

I felt a little happy hearing this voice of her, it had been a long time since I heard this voice.I sent my guards to help her."Thanks boys,you guys are so sweet "she said to guards.

" She is your aunt, right "Nirmalya asked me

But before I could say anything, Tushar replied that

" Yes sir, she's Ravi sir's aunt".

"Nervous" Eve asked me.

"No, absolutely not"but I was, cause I couldn't tell aunt this house couldn't survive being sold.She looked at me, a smile came on her face"Ravi" she said in a very soft voice,she came to me.

Then her gaze shifted to the rest of the crowd, and she exclaimed, "Who are these people?"

"He is Nirmalya robertson, son of Arnab Robertson, the owner of MRK company and she"I pointed to Eve and said "She is Eve his secretary".

"Ohh..nice to meet you guys, I....

But then the home door swung open, and Alan emerged."Your tea is ready" he said.

"We are coming"I wanted to stay outside the house but don't know why I felt like going inside, maybe I didn't want to answer the aunt's questions, or there was something else, I don't know.We came in and went to kitchen, Jeny had a knife in her hand with which she was cutting a cake into pieces.

"Jeny, when did you came dear?"Aunt asked.

"Aa..actually I went to Davin's house because Robert's watch had been left there, and I figured that if I'd travelled this far,so I should also come home"she said.

"Ohh.. you met Ravi, take a look at how much he's changed" Aunt said happily.

Jeny gave me a slight nod as she gazed at me.

Everyone sat around the dining table.On one side, there's Tushar, Nirmalya sir, and Eve, and on the other, there's me and my aunt.Then '𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩' Jeny's  thumb was bleeding and the knife slid from her  grasp and landed on the floor.

"Jeny"I got up from the chair, everyone started looking at me, I sat down again pretending to clean my suit.

"Be careful Jeny" aunt said softly.

"I'm okay " But she said this while gazing  at me rather than the aunt.She sat on the chair next to me. Tushar and Nirmalya sir were conversing, but from what I could see, Nirmalya sir looked to be boring from Tushar's comments.

"How's your father dear?" aunt asked Nirmalya sir.

"He is fine"This question perplexed him, and it perplexed me as well.

"I used to be your father's secretary, but it was a long time ago, and I wasn't even married at the time"She said.

"Ohh.. nice" Nirmalya sir said.

"For me this house.... But that's when Nirmalya sir's phone rang." Ya"he said into the phone, he listened as someone spoke for a while and said, "Ohh, ok good job Mr. Glibs".

He put the phone down and looked at me.

"Anything wrong sir" I asked him.

"Aa..the owner of this house has sold this house to our company, excuse me" he said and left the room. I looked at Aunt, the color of her face had vanished.Jeny got up from the chair and put her hand on aunty's shoulder, I didn't want to stay there anymore.I got up from my chair and came out without saying anything to anyone.Nirmalya sir stood quietly near the stairs."Sir"I said.

"Dad wants this house to be empty by tomorrow....

That's when Tushar and Eve also came out of the kitchen.

"She is very sad" Eve said.

"As I told you guys that she won't be able to leave this house" I said.

"Sorry to interrupt you but I have an idea sir" Tushar said.

"Say what you want to say" I said in a lazy voice.

"If you take her with you in your bungalow sir"he said.

" Nice idea, Mr. Tushar "Nirmalya sir said.

" Thanks sir"Tushar said happily.


"Look, Ravi, put the past things behind you; I know it's difficult, but it's the best you can do for now" Eve said softly.

"I think you should talk to her" Nirmalya sir said.

"Ya you should talk to her, right now" Eve said.

"Ok" I said.I slowly went to the kitchen, Jeny was caressing aunt's shoulder and aunt was sobbing and crying.I was very nervous.

"Auntie" I said.

She looked at me, her face was full of tears.I went to her and wiped her tears.

"You are welcome to accompany me in my house,I need a family" I said.

"But I can't leave this house, there are many memories of me and Jonas attached to it" she said while crying.

"Give your other son a chance to make you happy when one of your son has harmed your feelings"I said.

Jeny accidentally touched my hands softly but I withdraw my hand as soon as possible.

" We should leave auntie "I said.

" Is it possible for me to see it one last time"She said.

"Yes we can" I said softly.

We walked around the house, looked at every room like we will never see it again, jeny was behind us too.When we were coming out of the house, my aunt held my hand as if a mother was holding her child's hand.Nirmalya sir, Eve and Tushar were standing outside.Alan was also coming with us.

We got into the car.Alan and Mr. Tushar was on the back seat. Just then Jeny came near aunt's window and said "Take care Auntie, I'll try to see you as soon as possible"

Aunt just nodded, she was unable to say anything,I started the car...