
LYRA: The rise of the rookies

In a world where the Warriors protect peace and balance, Lyra, a young rookie in the guild, embarks on exciting adventures with her friends Ik, Touko and Shori. As they face challenges and dangers, they discover their own Zen powers and learn about the mysterious Keiyaku. From combat missions to political intrigue and confrontations with powerful enemies, Lyra and her friends explore a world full of magic, danger and hidden secrets. With each challenge, they grow in skill and confidence, forging strong bonds and facing their destiny as Zen warriors. Along their journey, they will find friendship, love, and discover the true meaning of courage and determination.

Angel_Monzter · Fantasía
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14 Chs

The Zen Camp.

Lyra, Ik, and Shori decided to visit their teacher at the hospital, where he was being treated by a specialist in zen energy exorcism. The treatment had kept him bedridden for a couple of weeks. The atmosphere in the room was calm but laden with concern. Mado, though polite, did not seem entirely pleased with the visit. His desire to rest and sleep clashed with the courtesy he owed his students. While the kids chatted animatedly among themselves, Mado squirmed uncomfortably in the bed, trying to ignore their conversations and find a moment to fall asleep.

Just then, young Crissalid burst into the room, bringing with him a mix of worry and relief.

"Mado! I heard you were in the hospital because of your last mission and I was worried about you," exclaimed Crissalid, showing his genuine concern.

"Hello, Criss... It was a postmortem Keiyaku, but they have already started the treatment to exorcise the zen of the cowardly bastard who used it on me," Mado replied, adjusting uncomfortably in the hospital bed to talk to his friend.

"Mado, are you sure you forgot that I gave you my communication code? What's the use of having it if you never write to me?" asked Crissalid, a hint of anguish in his voice.

"Forgive me, Criss. I'll try to be more attentive to the communicator," Mado said, extending his hand to take Crissalid's. "I know you've helped me a lot with the kids at the guild, and they already know you. That's why I wanted to ask you to take charge of Team 'Thirty's' training until I fully recover."

Mado's young friend smiled and then turned his gaze towards the newcomers.

"Get permission from your parents, tomorrow we're going camping in the 'EverGreen' forest, south of the city. Uniforms are not necessary. I'll see you at the forest entrance at three in the afternoon," Crissalid instructed, his eyes shining with excitement.

The communicators were a new invention imported from the state of Pripyen in the High States. They were wallet-sized devices with a long screen occupying the upper half of the front and a comfortable QWERTY keyboard with letters and numbers below. Although they still lacked symbols and commas, which limited messages to being very simple, most people primarily used them to make calls.

The next day, Lyra had packed three changes of clothes in her backpack and was dressed in a short black pair of shorts with fabric details on the sides simulating a skirt, a slightly fitted dark violet tank top, and high-quality red beach sandals with black details that Touko had given her.

Her friend's truck parked outside her house to take her to EverGreen Forest. However, this time Touko wasn't there; only the driver Finley and Shori, who was wearing a T-shirt with an urban design and short khaki bermuda shorts, were present.

"Do you want us to pick up Ik?" the blond boy asked his friend with a friendly smile.

"I talked to him before leaving, and he told me he was already on his way to catch the bus, so I don't think he'll be home," Lyra replied, adjusting her seatbelt.

"Well, then we'll see him there. Let's go, Finley," Shori added enthusiastically as he settled into the back seat of the truck.

Once at the site, the kids found Crissalid, who seemed deeply engrossed in a conversation with Mado through the communicator, casually leaning against the gate marking the main entrance to the forest.

"Hey, we're here," Shori announced, getting out of the truck with his backpack packed to the brim.

"Hello, guys! Now we just have to wait for your companion, and we can head into the forest," Crissalid replied, looking at them with a welcoming smile. The three settled on the rustic log benches, joined by rocks that seemed to have been carefully placed to form the main trail.

A few minutes later, a bus stopped in front of them, and Ik got off. He was wearing a fitted gray T-shirt without a print, black jogger pants with multiple pockets, and sneakers that looked ready for any challenge.

"Hey, Ik, you look good," greeted Lyra, standing up to greet her friend.

"Thanks, Lyra. You look great too," replied Ik, showing a slight blush on his cheeks.

"And me? How do I look?" intervened Shori, bumping his fist against Ik's with complicity.

"Like a rich kid, but it suits you," Ik replied with a playful smile.

"Alright, guys, we're going to be camping in the forest for a week, where you'll be doing combat and survival training. If anyone brought water or food, it's better to hand it over to me now," announced Crissalid, extending his hand with an authoritative gesture.

Shori handed over a bag of potato chips, Lyra a bag of candies, and Ik a sports drink. Crissalid skillfully stored everything in his backpack and led them through the forest to a wide clearing near a serene lake. There, amidst the whispering breeze and the fresh scent of foliage, Crissalid set up the four tents where they would spend the next few nights.

Once settled, Crissalid sat on a rock at the edge of the clearing, watching proudly as the kids romped and played, infused with the excitement of the moment. The sun began to tint the horizon with warm hues, painting an idyllic picture of peace and camaraderie amidst the wild nature.

"Rookies, yesterday I placed ten ribbons like these on the branches of various trees. Whoever brings me the most ribbons will win all the food I confiscated from you, and the losers will have to take care of starting the campfire, fishing, and searching for fruits for dinner," announced Crissalid, displaying a white fabric ribbon with green patterns, gently waving in the evening breeze.

"But there's less than an hour until dark," objected Shori, with a look of concern on his face.

"Then you better hurry, like your teammates are doing," Criss replied, pointing to where Lyra and Ik had already forged ahead without him. With determination, Shori set off immediately to search for the ribbons in the forest, urgency palpable in every step he took.

"I hope they don't get lost, I didn't have them sign a risk waiver," Crissalid thought, somewhat worried, watching as the rookies dispersed into the density of the forest.

"Do you think it would be easier to find more ribbons if we split up?" Ik asked Lyra as they ran together, scanning the trees with sharp, eager eyes.

"You're the one following me. I'll keep searching this area," Lyra responded with determination. In response, Ik abruptly turned to the right, venturing among the trees to search on his own, determination reflected in his eyes.

"The forest is huge, it'll be a stroke of luck if I find a ribbon," Lyra thought as she climbed a tree to get a better view. "That over there looks white with green," she told herself, seeing something moving on a nearby branch. She quickly descended from the tree and hurried towards where she saw the ribbon move. However, upon reaching the base of the tree where the ribbon was, she noticed Shori approaching from the left, jumping through the tree branches with the same goal in mind.

"Stay back, Shori, this ribbon is mine!" Lyra shouted, her voice echoing through the trees as she clung to the trunk and began to climb with determination. But Shori didn't stop; instead, he quickened his pace with fierce determination, determined to reach the ribbon before his friend.

Meanwhile, Ik had already found two ribbons in the same area of the forest, his astute mind deducing the strategy behind the placement of the ribbons. "He placed them close together so we would compete for them," the young rookie reflected before continuing his exploration with determination.

Lyra and Shori were engaged in a kind of ridiculous chase, where each time one managed to snatch the ribbon from the other, they would run off, being chased in a frenzied game of pursuit and escape around the same ribbon. Night was slowly falling over the forest, enveloping the scene in a mysterious gloom, but Lyra continued to chase Shori with unwavering determination, clinging to the hope of catching her target.

"I told him they would be here," commented Ik, his calm voice resonating in the air as he watched astutely the contest between the blond and the redhead, who had been entangled in a dispute over the same ribbon for over an hour.

"Enough, rookies! You've been fighting over one ribbon while your teammate found the other nine," exclaimed Crissalid, his tone firm and authoritative echoing in the forest clearing, putting an end to the squabble between Lyra and Shori. Both finally reluctantly agreed to let go of the ribbon.

Everyone returned to the campsite and gathered around the campfire, where the crackling flames seemed to whisper ancestral stories. Crissalid, with her feminine yet imposing figure standing out among the dancing shadows of the fire, solemnly announced the sentence for the losers:

"Lyra and Shori, one of you will come fishing with me, and the other will go gather some fruits from the nearby trees for dinner," she declared, her voice resonating with authority in the stillness of the night.

"I'll go for the fruits!" exclaimed Lyra with determination, her determined gaze challenging the darkness that enveloped the clearing. Shori, on the other hand, observed her with an imperturbable expression, though inwardly, he regretted not having had the opportunity to voice his opinion or decide.

Crissalid led Shori to the lake, where the silver reflection of the moon glided over the calm waters. Beside them, a couple of handmade fishing rods waited patiently, silent witnesses to the stories that were about to be written on that night. Ik, determined to support his friend, joined her in the task, offering his assistance in gathering fruits for dinner.

Together, Lyra and Ik skillfully and swiftly gathered the fruits, working in harmony with the nature surrounding them. Time seemed to fade away as they immersed themselves in the task, and soon they completed their mission in half the expected time. Back at the campsite, the campfire cast golden flickers illuminating their smiling faces as they shared the feast they had prepared with such care.

After dinner, Ik shared the additional provisions he had obtained, adding a sweet touch to the end of the day. While the comforting warmth of the campfire embraced them, the group delved into lively conversations and laughter, sharing stories and creating bonds that would endure far beyond that night in the forest.

The next day, the dawn had yet to tint the sky with its golden hues when the three rookies were awakened by the shrill sound of Crissalid's whistle, echoing through the forest clearing.

"It's six in the morning!" Shori complained to his mentor with a sleepy voice, stretching lazily and letting out a deep yawn that broke the morning silence.

"Today, we'll have a friendly sparring session, everyone against everyone. The winner will be able to enjoy a well-deserved rest, while the losers will have the task of setting up four more tents," announced Crissalid, her firm and authoritative voice resonating in the crisp morning air.

"If it's everyone against everyone, how will you determine the winner? Will it be the last one standing?" Ik asked curiously, watching his mentor closely for answers.

"I'll use a new points system invented by me," Criss replied with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, revealing a hint of excitement for what was to come.

The boys moved away from the campsite, determination shining in their eyes as they mentally prepared for the challenge that awaited them. Careful not to trip over the tents, they took combat stances in the clearing, ready to face each other in a competition that would test not only their physical abilities but also their wit and strategy.

"Remember, it's a fight without zen, no Armor or natures," Criss warned, her voice resonating with authority before giving the signal to begin the combat.

At first, Ik hesitated to strike Lyra, but soon he realized that holding back would be an insult to her. Lyra was fighting with all her might against them, and restraining himself would be underestimating her strength and combat ability.

Amidst the flurry of punches and kicks, Lyra managed to land a strong blow to Shori's cheek, causing him to step back a few paces. However, seizing the opening exposed by Lyra, Ik delivered a precise punch to the side of his friend, sending her tumbling into the nearby lake with a splash.

"Shori, minus one point for the damage. Lyra, plus one point for the hit. Oh! Lyra, minus one point for Ik's hit. Ik, you receive one point for connecting, another for seizing the opening, and an extra one for making her fall into the water," Crissalid announced with meticulous seriousness as she took notes in her notebook, recording every move and outcome of the combat with millimetric precision. "Come on, Lyra, if you don't get out of there soon, I'll deduct another point in less than ten seconds. Ik, minus one point for missing three consecutive hits."

Under the water's surface, the world became blurry and distant for Lyra as she struggled to catch her breath and gather her strength. Meanwhile, on the surface, Ik delivered a forceful kick aimed at Shori's face. Just in time, Shori managed to block the attack with his arm, though not without effort. With a precise gesture, Crissalid noted a point in Shori's favor for his defensive skill.

"Come on, Shori, you have the chance to land a hit! Lyra, you're taking too long, minus one point!" exclaimed Criss with energy, her words resonating in the forest clearing as she continued meticulously jotting down points in her notebook, her sharp gaze following every move of the fighters.

Lyra emerged from the water with determination, expelling the liquid she had swallowed before launching herself at Ik with unleashed fury, completely determined to take control of the situation. While he was facing off against Shori, Lyra tackled her friend by surprise, her anger palpable in every movement she made. Once on the ground, Lyra unleashed a series of precise blows to Ik's face, who was momentarily disoriented, unable to adequately defend himself.

Crissalid watched attentively, her pen moving swiftly across the paper as she recorded every point gained and lost in the contest. Nine points were awarded to Lyra, one for each blow landed, plus an extra one for the surprising tackle that momentarily left Ik vulnerable.

After breaking free from Lyra's furious onslaught, Ik found himself caught in an uneven struggle, trying to defend himself as Lyra continued her relentless assault. Meanwhile, Shori remained on the sidelines, aware that intervening in the confrontation between his two friends would only further complicate things.

The training session came to an end with Crissalid's final tally: Shori with four points, Ik with twelve points, and Lyra with fifteen points.

"You can go change your clothes, young ones. I'll prepare breakfast," said Criss, her voice resonating calmly as she skillfully peeled some oranges, the citrusy aroma filling the fresh morning air.

The rookies nodded gratefully and headed to their tents to change clothes, their minds still buzzing with the excitement of the recently concluded training. Once ready, they returned to the campfire where Crissalid awaited them, her demeanor serene as she continued her culinary tasks.

"That training was awesome," Shori commented enthusiastically, his voice vibrating with contained excitement.

"Thank you, I knew you'd enjoy a bit of competition," Crissalid responded with a smile, her gaze reflecting the pride of a satisfied mentor.

"Where did you come up with such a scoring system?" Lyra asked, her curiosity palpable in her voice.

"I thought you'd already figured it out, it's a slightly modified version of the scoring system used in the Ming tournament," Criss replied honestly, her tone revealing a spark of nostalgia for memories of the past.

"And what's that tournament?" Ik inquired, his eyes shining with interest as he awaited the answer.

"You don't know about the Ming tournament?... Well, it's an international youth tournament held twice a year in the Ming state," Crissalid explained, her voice tinged with nostalgia as she recalled her own experiences in the event. "Many talent scouts and wealthy individuals attend, looking for fighters for their private agencies, either for protection or even for criminal organizations. It's a unique opportunity to showcase skills and open doors to a world of opportunities."

"I'd like to participate, how can I sign up?" asked Ik intrigued, his voice resonating with excitement and determination.

"To enter the tournament, you need to register a team of five fighters. Everyone must master at least the three basic principles of Zen, and there must be a warrior of recruit rank or higher as the team's coach to sign up. If you recruit a team by the end of the camp, I'll be your coach for the tournament myself, as a reward for enduring my training," Crissalid proposed, her words resonating with a promise of adventure and challenge that ignited the spark of ambition in the rookies' hearts.

The eyes of the young fighters gleamed with excitement and determination as they absorbed every word from Crissalid, visualizing the path ahead and the unique opportunity that lay before them.

"Now that you're all here, I have some news. The tents you're going to set up after lunch are for another team from your generation who will join your training," announced Crissalid, her tone revealing a hint of contained excitement.

"What team is joining us?" asked Lyra curiously, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.

"It's Team Twenty-Six. The master of that team is a friend of mine, and I invited her because she told me she ran out of ideas to train her rookies," explained Crissalid, her voice resonating with a mixture of excitement and complicity.

"That's my sister's team!" exclaimed Shori, his face lit up with a smile full of surprise and joy as he glanced at the girl with pink hair.

"Yes, Touko will be coming."

After a comforting breakfast, Ik and Shori got to work setting up the tents to welcome Touko's rookies. Meanwhile, Lyra enjoyed a well-deserved break, having won the practice exercise and thus securing some time to relax. However, after a while, boredom began to creep in, and she decided to join her friends in their task.

An hour later, the members of Team Thirty spotted the arrival of Team Twenty-Six in the distance. Touko Fujimori led the group, exuding confidence and determination. Dressed in a sleeveless blouse with yellow and white stripes, stylish sandals, and the short leggings of her field uniform, Touko stood out among her peers with natural elegance.

Following Touko was Licka Bennet, whose distinctive appearance drew the attention of everyone present. Sporting a haircut similar to Ik's, Licka wore a black patch with a skull drawn on the right side of her face, where her straight hair fell to the middle of her cheek. Her eyes were adorned with long false eyelashes and bold black eyeliner, accentuating her perpetually tired or bored expression. Licka wore an oversized black long-sleeved shirt, seemingly at least one size larger than it should be, emphasizing her slender figure. Underneath the shirt, she wore a sports bra that exposed her abdomen. Completing her ensemble, she sported very short but baggy black pants and eye-catching gothic leather boots that rose almost to her knee, adding a distinctive touch to her unique style.

Walking alongside Touko and Licka was Neutra Licone, completing the trio of new recruits for Team Twenty-Six. The only boy in Touko's team stood out for his extravagance, to say the least. His hairstyle was an imposing pompadour that caught the eye from afar. To cover his eye area, he wore a mask that shielded his right eye, adorned with a white detail that contrasted with his outfit. Dressed in the team's warm field uniform shirt and black sports pants, his unique style made him the center of attention.

Leading this team, guiding them confidently towards the clearing in the forest, was a woman in her thirties, of sturdy build and curly red hair. Like Crissalid, she also wore the respective guild uniform, her imposing presence reflecting the authority and experience she possessed as the leader of Team Twenty-Six. Together, the team advanced with determination, ready to join their new comrades in a day filled with challenges and camaraderie.

Touko ran excitedly to hug her friend as soon as she saw her, enveloping her in a warm embrace that reflected the joy of reunion. After the long hug, she turned to Ik and gave him a more formal hug, expressing her greeting with courtesy. To Shori, on the other hand, she gave a playful push on the forehead with her hand, a playful gesture that showed her familiarity with him.

"I see you already knew these guys," Touko's teacher commented with a smile, before greeting Crissalid with a kiss on the cheek, demonstrating the closeness between them.

"Yes, this is my younger brother, she's my best friend, and I met him a few days ago," Touko proudly replied, pointing to each member of Team Thirty with affection.

"It's better if you start getting to know each other to make this camp more fun," Crissalid commented jovially, offering her friend some of the fruit salad she had prepared for breakfast, her friendly gesture inviting camaraderie between the two teams.

"I'm Licka," declared the punk-looking girl, her voice firm and confident as she approached to greet each novice of Lyra's team, her vibrant and unique presence leaving a lasting impression on everyone.

"Greetings, lower-ranking team. My name is Neutra Licone," announced the masked youth, bowing gracefully, his tone of voice revealing great self-confidence.

"I'm Ik, she's Lyra, and he's Shori," Ik replied courteously, introducing his teammates with a friendly smile, ready to start a new friendship and collaboration with the newcomers.

"Well, guys, now we're going to have a cooking competition. The competition will be boys versus girls. Both teams will search for animals and fruits in the forest to create the best dish they can find," ordered Touko's teacher, her voice resonating with authority as a magical bag materialized in her hands. With a skillful gesture, Petra pulled out several kitchen utensils from the bag: two shiny grills, a bag of charcoal, a mini-fridge, and a power generator to keep the drinks cold in the cooler inside. "Dishes without meat will be automatically disqualified. While you're still novices and don't have permission to kill, at some point you'll have to do it, so start with animals for your dishes."

"Oh, Petra, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist a situation like this," commented Crissalid, bringing her hand to her face in a mix of surprise and amusement at the comforts Petra had brought with her using her Keiyaku ability.

"For these kinds of situations, I created my Keiyaku, honey," the teacher responded with a mischievous smile. "Besides, who said pleasure and work can't go hand in hand?" she added before pulling out a foldable lounger from the bag and gracefully reclining on it, enjoying the sunlight filtering through the treetops.

"The Infinite Bag" was the name of Petra's Keiyaku ability, an extraordinary skill that allowed her to summon a bag in which she could store an unlimited amount of inanimate objects regardless of their size. With a simple gesture, she could pull out of the bag anything she needed, simply by thinking about what she desired to obtain. It was a truly impressive ability that demonstrated Petra's versatility and ingenuity as a teacher.

The boys grouped together, hurrying towards the west of the forest with determination in their steps, while the girls chose to walk leisurely, taking the time to converse and strengthen their bonds as they advanced. As they ventured into the thick foliage of the forest, the boys came to a sudden stop upon spotting in the distance a majestic deer, their chosen prey for the cooking competition.

"Do you master your nature?" Ik inquired to Neutra, his voice laden with curiosity as he assessed the team's possibilities.

"Yes, I am of the earth nature," Neutra responded confidently, prepared to put his abilities into practice in the challenge ahead.

"And what can you do with it?" Ik asked, his mind scheming strategies as he considered each of his teammates' capabilities.

"I can deform the earth and rocks around me within a range of one meter in diameter," Neutra explained.

Meanwhile, the girls had already set their own hunting strategy in motion. Thanks to Touko's botanical ability, tree branches became allies, skillfully trapping birds as they flew unsuspectingly. With the efficiency of a well-coordinated team, the girls collected five medium-sized birds in no time, preparing for the next phase of their culinary plan. Drawing on the experience gained through their training with nature, Touko guided the group in the search for plants and spices, leveraging her knowledge of herbalism to find the perfect seasonings that would enhance the flavor of their culinary creation.

On the other hand, the boys faced challenges in their hunt for prey, becoming frustrated as they let five deer slip away into the thickets of the forest. Lack of organization and coordination hindered their efforts, and they only succeeded in scaring off the prey rather than catching it.

"I'm fed up! If that lady wants meat, I'm going to cut off my arm and serve it to her with poison," exclaimed Shori, his frustration palpable in his words as he contemplated the situation with despair.

"Come on, guys, don't lose heart. We can still catch something before the sun sets," encouraged Ik, trying to instill determination and hope in them amidst the adversity.

At that moment, Neutra emerged from the trees with renewed energy, announcing a surprising discovery.

"It's a miracle, Yavhe has shown us mercy!" exclaimed Neutra, his voice full of enthusiasm as he gestured for the others to follow him.

Intrigued, the boys followed Neutra to a small clearing in the forest, illuminated by a ray of light that seemed like a divine gift. In the center of the clearing, a cow grazed peacefully, completely unaware of the surprise its presence caused in that remote place.

"How did a cow get into the forest?" Ik wondered, confused by the strange situation. However, his companions chose not to inquire further and simply decided to seize the opportunity presented to them, carrying the cow's body back to the camp to begin preparing it.

Upon reaching the camp, they found that the girls had already placed two of the birds on the grill to offer to Petra, while Lyra and Touko worked diligently grinding spices to season the remaining three birds.

After a couple of hours, the sun gave way to the moon, which slowly ascended in the sky, marking the end of the day and the beginning of the evaluation of the dishes prepared by the novices.

"Oh, what a charming presentation, girls. I hope it tastes as good as it looks," commented Petra with a smile as she received the girls' dish, her sparkling gaze reflecting her enthusiasm to taste the result of their culinary effort. Crissalid, on the other hand, observed with interest, ready to assess the flavor of the dish.

"It tastes very good, congratulations," Criss expressed after savoring a bite of the dish, his words filled with genuine praise for the girls' work. However, the girls remained silent, anxiously awaiting Petra's final rating, who made some faces while chewing the meat.

"It's well seasoned, although I think it was missing something like a salad to complement it. But overall, it's quite good. You can go rest while we taste your teammates' dish," Petra explained, offering a balanced evaluation before allowing the boys to present their culinary creation.

"I hope it tastes better than it looks," commented Petra with a slightly disgusted expression as she observed the beef, some parts burnt and others still bloody, piquing her curiosity about its origin.

"Where did you get a cow in the forest?" asked Criss, perplexed by the unexpected appearance of the main ingredient in the boys' dish. Faced with the adults' questioning looks, the boys turned to each other, avoiding giving a clear answer.

"None of you have ever cooked before or what?" exclaimed Petra, setting aside her usual friendly tone to express her surprise and bewilderment at the situation.

As expected, the girls emerged victorious in the cooking competition, earning them a well-deserved break in the next stage of the competition.

Ik, concerned about the situation with Lyra, decided to address the issue with Touko before retiring to rest. With a determined gesture, he approached her, seeking answers and advice.

"Excuse me, I wanted to ask you something about Lyra. You're her best friend, right?" inquired Ik cautiously, hoping to gain some perspective on the situation.

Touko nodded with a compassionate expression, as if she had already anticipated the question.

"Let me guess, she stopped talking to you?" responded Touko with a tone of complicity, indicating that she was aware of the situation.

"Yes, during a training session I attacked her and accidentally threw her into the lake," confessed Ik, feeling guilty about what had happened and seeking a better understanding of Lyra's reaction.

Touko listened attentively before offering her thoughts on Lyra, revealing facets of her personality that were not always evident at first glance.

"She still doesn't trust you. While Lyra often presents herself as friendly and positive, she's actually resentful and a bit selfish. During the first few months I lived with her, I noticed it, although she never showed those behaviors towards me. She always fought with Shori. It's a matter of earning her trust over time. For now, it would be best to apologize to her, even if you're in the right," advised Touko, providing a sincere and wise perspective on the situation.

With Touko's words resonating in his mind, Ik nodded gratefully before retreating to his tent, determined to address the issue with Lyra and work on rebuilding trust.

The morning scene by the lake offered a tranquil and serene atmosphere, interrupted only by the gentle sound of water and the whisper of the breeze. As the girls were washing their faces, Touko noticed Ik approaching Lyra with a determined expression on his face. With a understanding gesture, she decided to withdraw with Licka to give them a moment of privacy.

"Hey Lyra, yesterday it seemed like maybe you were bothered by what happened in training," Ik expressed somewhat timidly as he approached the lake. Aware of the situation, Touko had already informed Lyra that Ik wanted to apologize, leading the fantasy-haired girl to simply smile before giving him a quick hug.

"Everything's okay, Ik. Let's go have breakfast," Lyra responded kindly, dissipating any tension that may have existed between them.

Meanwhile, in the camp, the morning routine continued with breakfast. However, the arrival of an elderly man with a peasant-like appearance caught everyone's attention. Crissalid, always attentive to his surroundings, stood up to attend to the newcomer.

"Can I help you with something, sir?" Criss asked politely, ready to offer his assistance.

"It's nothing important, young man. I just wanted to ask if you've seen Betsy," the old man replied calmly, his tone revealing a slightly contained concern.

"Is that your daughter or something?" Criss inquired, seeking to understand the situation.

"No, she's one of the cows from the ranch where I work. She's around here behind the forest. Turns out I left the corral door open last night, and the darn thing escaped," the old man explained.