
LYRA: The rise of the rookies

In a world where the Warriors protect peace and balance, Lyra, a young rookie in the guild, embarks on exciting adventures with her friends Ik, Touko and Shori. As they face challenges and dangers, they discover their own Zen powers and learn about the mysterious Keiyaku. From combat missions to political intrigue and confrontations with powerful enemies, Lyra and her friends explore a world full of magic, danger and hidden secrets. With each challenge, they grow in skill and confidence, forging strong bonds and facing their destiny as Zen warriors. Along their journey, they will find friendship, love, and discover the true meaning of courage and determination.

Angel_Monzter · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

The tournament begins.

After a three-hour flight and fifteen minutes in a taxi from the airport to the city center, the kids arrived at the majestic "Soto Coliseum," where the youth tournament was held twice a year.

The Soto Coliseum stood imposingly before them, standing out as one of the most impressive monuments in the city. With its impressive structure, it was easy to understand why it was considered the fourth largest stadium in the world. The mega-complex boasted an arena of eighty square meters, not counting the space of the stands and boxes, with the capacity to accommodate fifty thousand spectators eager to witness the exciting battles. In addition to the arena, the complex also housed a large shopping center and a four-star hotel, offering a complete experience for participants and spectators alike.

Mado led the team members to the entrance of the hotel where they needed to check-in.

"Welcome, how can I assist you?" greeted the hotel receptionist warmly.

"Hi, we'd like to check-in. We're a team participating in the tournament," replied Criss confidently as he placed the papers on the desk.

"In that case, please, follow my colleague to the left," indicated the young receptionist. Crissalid nodded and headed towards the counter as instructed, repeating their request.

"Of course, just let me see your admission documents and I'll give you your rooms," responded the receptionist with a professional smile, getting ready to assist them with the check-in process.

Crissalid handed over the folder with all the documents, and the receptionist girl started typing efficiently on her computer.

"Here's Team 'Chrysalid.' Coach: Crissalid Star, fighters: Ik Orochi, Lyra Yoto, Touko Fujimori, Licka Bennet, and Shori... oh no, it's updated now, Demian Satoru, is that correct?" listed the receptionist, looking up at Criss to confirm the information.

"That's correct, miss," replied Criss with an affirmative gesture, watching as the woman returned her focus to her monitor and typed a couple more times.

"The tournament provides you with two luxury rooms with a capacity for three people per team. Here are the keys to rooms twelve and thirteen," explained the receptionist, handing over a pair of keys with a friendly gesture. "The event staff will deliver the mail with tournament instructions to you there."

Crissalid took the keys and approached the reception lounge, where the newcomers were chatting animatedly.

"The tournament assigns us only two rooms, so I'll organize the accommodations. Lyra, Touko, and Licka will sleep in room twelve. I'll register in a separate room, so Ik and Demian will share room thirteen," announced Criss, distributing the corresponding keys.

"Stay tuned for room service; they'll send you the mail with event information there," he added before leaving, leaving the newcomers to settle into their assigned rooms.

The kids headed to the hotel elevator, each with their key in hand, ready to settle into their respective rooms.

"Why did you press the top floor? Our rooms are on the lower floors," Licka asked confusedly as she saw Touko select the button to go to the highest floor of the building.

"I've been here before. The rooms are inverted. The common rooms are on the lower floors, starting from the eighth, and on the top floor are the twenty most luxurious rooms, with the first ten being the most exclusive," explained Touko with a smile as the elevator ascended slowly.

Once they reached the highest level of the colossal building, everyone headed to their respective rooms.

"Look at this! There's a letter on the beds!" exclaimed Lyra, surprised as she entered the luxurious room, where three spacious beds seemed to embrace the space with their softness. The room was elegantly decorated with a breakfast bar built into one of the walls, three high chairs arranged in front of it, a modern TV facing the beds, a ceiling fan complementing the air conditioning, and a spacious bathroom equipped with a shower, toilet, and dressing area, all in a style of discreet yet cozy luxury.

Touko picked up the letter from her bed and began to read aloud:

"Welcome to the International Tournament of Strategic Combat Force and Zen Management of the Ming state. Before participating, you should know that there is a probability of major injuries, although we have over ten doctors on our staff with full permission to use the stadium's medical facilities. The tournament will last approximately five days. Regards, Ming State Government and Sports Secretariat."

"Mine says the same thing too. But look behind, there's another letter," said Licka after checking her mail as well. Lyra looked and opened her second letter:

"Participants, please be informed that there will be a small gathering for the fighters tonight in the hotel's event hall. Two hours before the meeting, you will be sent a black suit that you must wear to the party. The event is mandatory. If any team member is absent, the entire team will be disqualified."

Just as the letter indicated, a couple of hours later, room service from both rooms knocked on the door to deliver the five black formal suits.

"Wow, it looks elegant!" exclaimed Lyra as she admired the suit in her hands, appreciating the soft texture and impeccable drape of the fabric.

"Yes, but I think they're all the same size. I hope Same doesn't have any issues with his," mentioned Licka as she tried on the jacket in front of the mirror.

"You're right, he's much bigger than us. I hope they can get him a suit that fits well," added Touko, with a worried expression.

The three girls finished getting ready for the meeting and stepped out into the hallway, where Ik was already waiting, leaning against the wall.

"What happened with Same?"

"He went to ask for a larger suit. The one they gave him didn't fit. But he told me he'd meet us in the event hall," replied Ik before starting to walk toward the meeting location. The girls followed him to the elevator, where Touko pressed the button to go to the first floor, where the hotel's event hall was located.

Upon entering, they observed the room filled with young people their age, all dressed in the same black suit, creating a uniform but slightly somber atmosphere. Within the room, a few participants stood out due to their extravagant appearance. In one corner, apart from the others, was a group of three boys, one of whom drew attention for having his face completely bandaged, like a figure shrouded in mystery, with only his left eye exposed.

Closer to the center of the room, a girl surrounded by several participants fascinated by her conversation captured everyone's attention. The most peculiar thing about her was that, like the solitary boy in the corner, her face was partially covered by an iron mask with sculpted feminine features, giving her an enigmatic air. The mask exposed a portion of her face, allowing only one of her eyes to be visible.

Additionally, a small boy who did not appear to be older than ten stood out in the room, enjoying a glass of soda with his companions in a secluded corner while the older participants conversed.

The kids simply stuck to one wall and stayed together, observing with curiosity and commenting quietly about the appearance and behavior of the other participants. It was then that Same arrived, scanning the room for them from the entrance until Lyra raised her hand to catch his attention.

"Wow, Same! That suit looks great on you; you look slimmer," commented Lyra, amazed.

"Not at all, it's just the illusion black clothing gives," Same replied with modest laughter, a smile lighting up his face. The three friends headed together to the snack table, ready to enjoy a bite before the meeting started. However, their attention was diverted when the room's speakers came to life and the ceiling projector began illuminating a wall with bright letters.

"Participants, please form an orderly line by teams in front of the door to your right. Thank you," announced a voice through the speakers, catching everyone's attention and generating a murmur of anticipation.

The participants obediently organized themselves into lines, forming groups according to their teams. Criss's team, following Touko's suggestion, positioned themselves in the middle of the line, prepared for what was to come next. Once all the contestants were in place, the speaker activated again to give the next instructions.

"First participant, please enter the room," the voice resonated in the hall, indicating the start of the selection process.

Lyra, being the first of her team to line up, waited expectantly behind the last member of another team, her nerves surfacing at what was to come.

"Hey, we're getting close, aren't you nervous?" Lyra asked in a friendly manner, touching the shoulder of the boy in front of her with a reassuring smile, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.

"No," responded a voice with a tone of pleasure, almost like a sensual whisper, as the blonde boy in front of her turned with a provocative smile over his shoulder. Lyra felt a chill run down her spine and stepped back until she bumped into Ik, who was watching with an intimidating expression at the stranger.

"Is Arlek bothering you?" asked a short girl with large eyes that reflected an innocence contrasting with the atmosphere surrounding the angelic-looking blonde boy. It was evident she was a close companion of Arlek.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I've been told I tend to do that," commented Arlek, bowing with a seductive and somewhat feminine tone resonating in the air, drawing the attention of the other members of both groups. As he spoke, he bit his index finger with a playful gesture, adding an even more unsettling touch to his presence.

After that awkward situation, the kids kept their distance from Arlek's group, maintaining a prudent distance until it was Lyra's turn. With a determined step, Lyra entered the room, where a woman was speaking through the loudspeaker, sitting at a luxurious wooden desk, backlit by a screen that projected her silhouette in the dim light.

"Please, take a seat," said the organizer kindly, inviting Lyra to sit in one of the two armchairs in front of her with a courteous gesture.

"Among all the participants, tell me one person you wouldn't want to fight and one person you would like to fight," the woman asked seriously, as she took control of the screen to show an interface with the faces and names of all the contestants, except for hers and her team's, whose images were darkened. Lyra carefully observed the screen, evaluating her options before responding.

"I wouldn't like to fight against Lewa Kobayashi, and I want to fight against… Jacob Thomas is fine," Lyra responded, pointing to the photos of the boy with the bandaged face and the first participant who had entered the room, respectively. The woman took note of Lyra's answers in a notebook with a professional expression, then looked back at the young girl with a slight formal smile.

"You can return to the hall, thank you."

After all the team members went through their interviews, the woman on the loudspeaker instructed them that they could return to their rooms. The kids gathered in the girls' room to share their experiences and discuss the interviews.

"That Arlek guy seemed like a total weirdo, so I asked to fight him," commented Ik, a bit annoyed, crossing his arms over his chest with a displeased expression.

"Actually, I asked not to face him. He seems weak, but something about him gives me a bad feeling," Licka responded with a grimace, frowning as she recalled Arlek's unsettling demeanor.

"I asked to fight the little boy. There's something about him that intrigues me," said Touko, who was lying down with her head resting on Lyra's legs, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Hey, has anyone seen Same?" Lyra asked, noticing the absence of their teammate. Everyone in the room began looking around, exchanging worried glances.

"That's strange. I remember seeing him enter with us. Where could he have gone?"

Meanwhile, Same was walking down a long, dark hallway in the hotel. The doors had no numbers, only steel plates shaped like the heads of cats and dogs, adding a surreal touch to the environment. Reaching the last door in the hallway, Same opened it and entered the small room, where two men dressed in suits similar to his and with their faces covered by latex masks were waiting. The mask of the man pouring himself a glass of whiskey resembled the realistic head of a cat, while the mask of the person sitting opposite the door was black, smooth, and without any visible openings.

"Why are you doing this?" the faceless man asked in an aggressive tone, his voice reverberating under the mask, as he stared at Same with a penetrating and challenging gaze. Same simply remained silent, feeling the tension in the air before taking a seat.

"Do you think this is a game? You left all the work to Gaby just to come here and mess around," insisted the faceless man, his words laden with reproach and disapproval.

"Don't be so hard on Yezauh. If the boy left Gabriella in charge, don't you think it must be for a reason? Same trusts her and knows she can handle it on her own," intervened the man with the cat mask, his tone calmer and more conciliatory as he sipped his drink, his relaxed posture in stark contrast to the tension in the room.

"This kind of attitude is what led to what happened with Guss," said the man in the black mask in a cold tone, his voice echoing in the room, making Same rise from his seat to stand in front of him with a notable expression of anger, his face reddened with frustration.

"Have you considered that he might have come to gather information? After all, you know who the team's coach is," argued the cat-masked man, his tone reflective and his words filled with meaning as he looked intently at Same, seeking to understand his motivations.

"You're just making excuses for him, Bes. He decided to come even before knowing who the coach was. If he's so upset about what I said, it's only because he knows it's true," Yezauh retorted, his challenging tone resonating in the room as he approached Same with a defiant look, his stance reflecting his determination.

Same couldn't take it anymore and shoved Yezauh forcefully, causing him to fall along with the chair he was sitting on, the impact echoing in the room. Without hesitation, Same climbed onto his chest and began to pummel him with ferocity, his fists raining blows on Yezauh's face, the sound of the impacts resonating in the room. The black mask of Yezauh started to come off, revealing a red and bloody mass, fragments of bone and flesh splattering the floor with each hit.

When he finished, Same stood up and walked towards Bes, whose impassive expression didn't change a bit, as if the violence that had just occurred before his eyes was completely normal. While Same washed his hands in the sink, Bes calmly raised his glass of whiskey, as if he were enjoying a casual conversation.

"Was he right?" Bes asked, his calm voice contrasting with the tense atmosphere and the violent event he had just witnessed, his gaze fixed on Same as he avoided the question and left the room after drying his hands.

The next morning, the faint rays of sunlight filtering through the blinds gently caressed Lyra's face, calling her to wake with their warm glow.

"Finally, you're awake, Lyra. We're going to the mall for breakfast," announced Licka, already ready and waiting for her friend as she put on her boots, her voice filled with energy and enthusiasm.

Lyra stretched lazily in bed, still feeling sleepy and reluctant to get up. However, the plan to have breakfast out sounded tempting, so she got up with a sigh and started getting ready to leave.

"Turn on the TV, it's almost noon. They told us they'd be broadcasting tournament instructions around this time," Touko reminded them from the bathroom, her voice echoing through the door as she got ready for the day.

Lyra grabbed the TV remote from the bedside table and turned it on, ready to receive the day's news.

"Look, Ik, it's the match schedule," Same exclaimed from the other room, where Ik was finishing buttoning his shirt.

The match schedule appeared on the screen, displaying the upcoming fights for the tournament. Lyra watched attentively as the fights were announced one after another:

At sixteen hundred hours, Lewa Kobayashi vs. Toju Ria; at seventeen hundred hours, Lyra Yoto vs. Kano Shifasu; at eighteen hundred hours, Joji Ono vs. Jacob Thomas; at nineteen hundred hours, Touko Fujimori vs. Sombra Key; at twenty hundred hours, Ik Orochi vs. Akino Riot; at twenty-one hundred hours, Urale Mirai vs. Jirano Mint; at twenty-two hundred hours, Demian Satoru vs. Victor Miselay; at twenty-three hundred hours, Rokuro Mu vs. Arlekin Zanni; and to conclude the day, at twelve midnight, Ekaterina Petya vs. Domon Stan.

The Ming Tournament has been an institution for over a decade, evolving over time to remain relevant and exciting for spectators. One of the main requirements to participate in this prestigious event is to demonstrate complete mastery of the three basic principles of zen, a discipline that transcends mere physical ability and delves into the minds and spirits of competitors.

To prevent fatal injuries and ensure the safety of participants, the "EVO Chip" was implemented. This device, which adheres to the body through an electrode similar to that of an electrocardiogram, monitors the fighter's heart rate and provides organizers with an estimate of the damage suffered during the fight. This information is displayed as a percentage on the stadium screens, staff monitors, and commentators, as well as in live television broadcasts.

In the Ming Tournament, the narrators not only entertain the audience with their commentary but also serve as referees. This peculiarity means that the commentators have the authority to decide when to end a fight, as damage chips do not work the same way for all participants due to their different levels of pain tolerance. There are several ways to end a fight: the fighter can surrender, the narrators can make that decision, a fighter can be absent, or, if a participant's damage percentage exceeds one hundred percent, the commentators can determine if the fighter can still continue.

The rookies settled into the girls' room, eager to witness the first fight of the tournament. The atmosphere was charged with excitement as they surrounded themselves with snacks and sodas they had gotten on their visit to the mall. Lyra took the remote control and turned on the TV, automatically tuning it to the stadium channel where the battles would take place.

Before the start of the first match, the commentators began discussing their expectations for the tournament, adding an extra layer of anticipation to the already emotionally charged atmosphere. As they spoke, they displayed aerial shots provided by a spherical camera known as "the journalist's eye," which floated in the air thanks to four propellers. This innovative device was used to broadcast sports events, live reports, and other happenings, providing viewers with a unique and immersive perspective of the action about to unfold.

"Welcome to the twelfth edition of the Ming Tournament! Here we are once again, on this thrilling day, accompanied by the incomparable Osvaldo Bermúdez, and making his debut in commentary, the talented Manolo Cañizares," Osvaldo announced enthusiastically, kicking off the broadcast.

"Exactly, Osvaldo. I'm here in the booth, eager to witness the exciting fights of this year. Do you have any particular expectations, Osvaldo?" Manolo asked, eager to join the conversation.

"Of course, Manolo. I hope to see thrilling and prolonged fights, perhaps some impressive Jibun, and if we're lucky, even a Keiyaku," Osvaldo responded, conveying his excitement and anticipation for what was to come.

The commentary abruptly stopped as they heard the music announcing the fighters' entrance into the arena, capturing everyone's attention.

"Attention, attention, folks! We're gearing up for the first fight of the day: Toju Ria versus Lewa Kobayashi!" Osvaldo exclaimed as the camera focused on the fighters in the center of the coliseum. Toju frowned as he observed his opponent, wondering why he wore the peculiarly bandaged face.

The stadium vibrated with four bursts of fireworks that illuminated the arena, signaling the start of the fight and immersing everyone in an atmosphere charged with anticipation and adrenaline.

"¡The fight begins!" Manolo shouted, unleashing the excited roars of the crowd filling the stands, eager to witness the impending action.

In the center of the arena, Lewa and Toju moved cautiously, watching each other with penetrating and focused gazes.

"We're seeing a classic stare-down here, folks. Any slip-up could be instantly capitalized on by one of these skilled fighters," Osvaldo explained, providing the audience with a detailed insight into the strategy at play.

Lewa glanced skyward with a self-assured expression, momentarily tipping the situation in Toju's favor, who, irritated, lunged forward with determination, stirring the water of the artificial stream surrounding the arena with a vigorous gesture. Lewa, on the other hand, remained calm, assessing the situation. "He's a water elemental... could he have some Jibun?" he questioned while preparing his next move.

"Toju takes the initiative, unleashing a couple of water whips, but Lewa gracefully dodges them, keeping his distance. Could it be that the young man with the masked face is starting to feel the pressure?"

"I'd say Lewa is underestimating his opponent, or perhaps he's weaving a cunning strategy to turn the situation around," Osvaldo opined, assessing the situation astutely.

Toju's movements became increasingly desperate and aggressive, albeit more predictable and easier for Lewa to evade.

"Water Wave!" Toju shouted, forming several water rings around his outstretched arm as he advanced towards Lewa with determination. However, the skilled fighter with the masked face moved deftly around his opponent, maintaining a safe distance.

"It's good to see that the tournament participants continue the tradition of loudly announcing the names of their Jibun and Keiyaku to keep the audience informed," Osvaldo added, highlighting the importance of transparency in combat.

As Lewa attempted to dodge the attack, he received a powerful blow to his right shoulder, causing his arm to dislocate. On the screens broadcasting the fight, a large pop-up message appeared: "14% damage."

"Darn it! It looks like Lewa Kobayashi will have to visit the infirmary after this match," exclaimed Osvaldo, noting the evident pain on the fighter's face.

Lewa grimaced in pain before a gust of wind began to swirl around his body, slowly concentrating in the palm of his uninjured hand.

"It seems that Lewa Kobayashi also has a Jibun!" exclaimed Manolo, surprised by the revelation.

Meanwhile, Toju showed signs of fatigue due to the strenuous use of his zen, leaving him exhausted after several attacks.

"¡hellish whirlwind!" Lewa scream, unleashing a powerful gust of wind directly towards his opponent, who tried to withstand the strong winds firmly. However, he soon began to feel how the wind caused him small superficial wounds. On the screens, the damage percentages increased rapidly: 12%, 23%, 36%, 58%, 63%.

"This technique seems too powerful to be just a Jibun, don't you think, Osvaldo?" asked Manolo, puzzled by the intensity of the attack.

"That's right. I'm almost certain that this Infernal Whirlwind is a Keiyaku," Osvaldo replied, excited by the spectacle unfolding in the arena.

Toju's blood splattered the area due to the fierce gusts of wind that caused cuts, staining the spectators who were in that direction.

"Damn it, I surrender! Please, stop it already!" Toju screamed in desperation, but Lewa showed no signs of relenting, gradually increasing the damage counter until it reached 91%.

"Young Kobayashi, your opponent has already surrendered. If you don't stop your attack immediately, you will be disqualified from the tournament for unsportsmanlike conduct," Osvaldo warned sternly as Lewa abruptly cut off his Keiyaku technique and withdrew from the stage, leaving Toju writhing in pain. On the screen, a message in large letters, similar to the one showing the damage percentages, declared Lewa as the winner of the match.

"A rather unpleasant ending," commented Manolo, visibly uncomfortable with the situation.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, we will gather again in half an hour for the next match," announced Osvaldo, ending the broadcast as the crowd in the stadium still absorbed what had happened.

After the fight, the boys hurried to secure their seats for Lyra's match, while she stayed in her room with her teammates as she prepared for the encounter.

"Thank you for your patience, dear audience. We hope you had time to use the restroom and buy snacks. Remember that if you couldn't go to the mall, you can purchase food from the vendors walking through the stands," announced Osvaldo with his characteristic deep voice, sitting in the commentator's booth.

"The opening fight was very interesting; it'll be tough to top. Let's hope the upcoming matches live up to it," added Manolo enthusiastically before the entrance music began to play, announcing Lyra and her opponent's entrance from the dressing rooms to the arena with grace and determination. Lyra wore her outfit chosen specifically for the occasion, while Kano displayed his bare chest, dressed only in boxing shorts, characteristic sports shoes, and wrapped fists.

"Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the second showdown of the day! Lyra Yoto against Kano Shifasu!" exclaimed Osvaldo with excitement as the screens focused on the faces of the youths, whose damage percentages still marked 0%.

Just like in the previous match, fireworks shot out from the corners of the arena before Osvaldo exclaimed:

"Three, two, one, let the fight begin!"

The two boys jumped back to create some distance. Kano stood, watching Lyra, offering her the first attack. However, Lyra hesitated to approach her opponent's territory, so Kano attempted to feint her, causing Lyra to immediately retreat, showing signs of nervousness.

"No, if she does that, she's showing weakness to the enemy," Touko murmured from the stands, catching Ik's attention as he sat beside her, turning to look with concern. It was then he noticed there was an empty seat between the blonde and Licka.

Kano approached Lyra quickly and aggressively, causing her to start running backward while keeping her eyes on the attacker. She immediately activated the Dark Armor, which served her well as Kano began to assault her with a flurry of punches, against which Lyra could barely defend herself by covering with her arms bathed in Repartir, while on the screens, the percentages were gradually increasing: 8%, 15%, 23%, 32%, 44%.

"Alright, she's using what we learned, but she has to counterattack," thought Ik, who had his arms crossed and was tapping his foot nervously. Touko glanced at Ik and let out a slight smile, realizing the boy was worried about his friend.

When the damage counter reached 60%, Lyra realized that Kano wasn't going to stop, so as soon as she noticed an opening in her opponent's attack, she struck him in the ribs before stepping back a couple of meters to catch her breath. Kano's counter rose to 18%, as the Dark Armor boosted Lyra's attacks three times. The girl in the arena paused for a moment to see how her arms had turned red after receiving so many blows from the boxer, who had already recovered from the blow Lyra had landed and was now preparing to attack again.

"I think he wants to win by the commentators' decision; he hasn't activated any Jibun, Keiyaku, or even his nature," Touko told her teammates, with a worried look as she watched the screen.

"Maybe he can't do it," Licka commented as she took sips from her icy drink, her voice filled with doubt.

"Remember that mastering the three basic principles of zen is a requirement to enter the tournament," Touko replied, emphasizing the importance of zen fundamentals in the competition.

"He could be using Conceal," Ik added to the conversation, offering a possibility that could explain Kano's strategy.

"No, focus, you can feel his presence, in fact, it's heavier than Lyra's," the blonde responded, urging her teammates to stay alert as they tried to discern their opponent's movements. The three of them concentrated to sense Kano's presence, who quickly began to run towards Lyra. However, becoming overconfident, the girl was able to avoid it simply by moving to the side and taking advantage to land a strong blow to his face, powered by her own speed. The counter showed that Lyra's percentage was slowly increasing due to the damage she received on her arms, while Kano reached the Zen City girl in percentage, as the monitors displayed the significant sum of 31% on the boxer.

Kano was on the ground, covering his face in pain, while Lyra seized the opportunity to charge her right fist with the energy of her Dark Armor. With a small leap, she delivered a powerful blow to Kano's stomach, concentrating all her weight and strength into the attack. The score immediately shot up to 74%, causing the crowd to erupt in excited cheers. Although some supported Kano, the majority cheered for Lyra, who, encouraged by the crowd's support, prepared to launch another devastating blow.

However, before she could execute her next move, Kano quickly rose to his feet, and an intense flame ignited around him. With a swift counterattack, he struck Lyra with double the force, sending her flying through the air. The young fighter soared half a meter from the impact and crashed to the ground, her damage percentage reaching 83%, causing concern among her teammates.

With difficulty, Lyra stood up, her entire body aching. Meanwhile, Kano approached slowly, also feeling the effects of the fight. Strange markings, similar to those of a tiger, began to appear on Lyra's skin as she struggled to remain upright. Despite noticing this, Kano continued to advance towards her.

Both adversaries focused all their energy into their fists, Lyra channeling the power of her Dark Armor with Distribute. When they were face to face, neither of them hesitated. They exchanged blows to the face with all their might, being thrown several meters in opposite directions upon impact.

Everyone in the audience watched attentively at the screens, eager to know the outcome of the intense battle. First, the camera focused on Lyra, and the percentage marker began to increase at an alarming rate until reaching a staggering 132%. A murmur of disappointment ran through those who supported the young fighter. However, their hopes were revived when the focus shifted to Kano's face, and the damage meter began to rise at the same speed. However, it did not stop until displaying an impressive figure of 188%.

"Medical staff, we need two stretchers in the arena immediately!" exclaimed Osvaldo, visibly alarmed by the high percentages of the rookie combatants.

The tiger-shaped marks that had appeared on Lyra's skin faded away, leaving deep scratches in their place. The young fighter appeared exhausted, as if she had paid a considerable price for the sudden increase in energy and power, much higher than what she would have expected when using her eurenia.

Less than a minute after Osvaldo's urgent request, a team of six nurses stormed into the arena with two stretchers to take Lyra and Kano to the medical area. Touko and Ik descended to the combat area in a leap, defying the attempts of the security personnel to stop them. However, the nurses allowed them to accompany their injured teammate.

"The winner of this bout is Lyra Yoto!" announced Manolo with enthusiasm, unleashing a wave of applause and cheers from the stands.

Same felt uncomfortable in the same room where he had committed the crime, but something had brought him back there.

"What did you come for, did you finally realize that I was right?" asked Yezauh, whose mysterious and sinister presence loomed imposingly behind the boy.

Bes, on the other hand, maintained his usual calmness as he sat in front of Same, crossing his legs with elegance.

"Same is lost, he doesn't know what to do for several years," commented Bes with unbreakable coldness, while observing Same with a penetrating gaze.

Yezauh began to walk slowly around the room, his words resonating in the tense air. Same remained in absolute silence, hoping for some gesture of support from Bes, but this time the cat remained silent, offering no words of comfort or advice.

Meanwhile, in the locker room, Touko was overwhelmed by nerves before her match. Although she was excited for the opportunity to showcase her skills in the arena, she couldn't help but worry about her friend Lyra, who lay unconscious in the infirmary. The duality of emotions kept her head down as she waited for her turn.

A knock on the locker room door signaled that it was time to go out. Touko took a deep breath and prepared to face the challenge ahead.

—While we may not have seen a Keiyaku or even a Jibun in the previous match, I think I speak for everyone when I say it was a memorable bout, to say the least," commented Osvaldo, acknowledging the impact of the previous face-off as he introduced the next match.

The entrance music filled the air once again, signaling the beginning of the showdown between Touko and her opponent. Touko was dressed in sportswear, ready for action, while her opponent sported a more casual attire.

"Thank you for waiting, get ready for the third bout of the day: Sombra Kei versus Touko Fujimori!" announced Manolo with contagious enthusiasm.

"Sombra Kei is the youngest participant we've had in the tournament," observed Osvaldo.

"Exactly, according to the participant's profile, the kid is only eleven years old," added Manolo, surprised by the contender's youth.

Fireworks burst in the sky, marking the start of the match as excitement filled the air.

As soon as the green light signaled the start of the match, Sombra Kei dashed towards Touko with surprising speed, catching the blonde off guard in an instant defensive position. Before she could fully react, Sombra managed to pierce her guard with a swift attack to the torso, followed by a flurry of blows that seemed endless. Touko struggled to stand her ground against the furious onslaught, but the boy's speed made it difficult for her to defend herself adequately. In a moment of opportunity, Touko managed to land a strong kick that pushed Sombra back, albeit causing only 6% damage, while Touko's marker showed a concerning 21%.

"It seems Sombra is motivated, immediately taking the lead by landing many blows on Touko Fujimori," commented Osvaldo, observing the rapid succession of attacks.

"Sombra had surpassed Touko without the need to resort to his zen energy, leaving the blonde in a challenging situation. Aware of this, Touko decided to resort to her botanical zen, despite her aversion to using it. From her arms emerged a pair of dry branches that gradually turned into tough bark wrapping around her fists.

"Touko, the Plant Mistress," that was the nickname Master Petra had given the young rookie, and now it was time to show why.

When Sombra charged again, he could barely land a couple of blows on Touko's defense, as the scaly and dry bark of her fists caused painful wounds on his knuckles, rapidly increasing his damage counter. On the other hand, Touko's counter was not static either, as she suffered passive damage due to the holes left by the branches sprouting from her skin. "I made a mistake, now I'm forced to attack, while he can simply keep his distance until my percentage exceeds one hundred percent," Touko reflected, feeling her arms tremble with pain."

"Touko Fujimori looks tired, let's hope she can keep up with the little Sombra," commented Osvaldo, attentively observing the situation.

"Osvaldo, don't you think we should stop the fight? The girl could bleed out," Manolo asked, visibly concerned about Touko's condition.

"No, she can still go on. The roots in her arms stop the bleeding," Osvaldo replied, remaining calm.


"If the girl didn't want to continue, she would surrender, Manolo. Fighters hate when a referee stops their fights, even more so when they could turn a match around."

Determined to change the course of the fight, Touko launched an attack against Sombra. However, instead of backing off to maintain distance and secure his victory, the young boy stood his ground, defiant. "Why is he doing that? Is he mocking me?" thought the blonde furiously. From the wooden gauntlets covering her fists, a pair of solid branches sprouted, ready to pierce Sombra's body if Touko managed to land a blow."

Sombra took advantage of the moment to run towards Touko, who could barely react when the young boy used her thigh as a step to propel himself and land a strong kick to her head. Touko was thrown several meters until she collided with the arena wall, where she sat down, her percentage marker rapidly rising, showing 59%.

The wooden gauntlets disintegrated along with the roots that connected them to Touko's interior, causing the young girl's blood to begin slowly flowing, running down her arms to the arena floor. The characteristic metallic smell of blood alerted Touko, who quickly attempted to stand up. However, another stronger smell began to fill the area: the smell of damp earth, followed by the appearance of small droplets that soon turned into a heavy drizzle.

Sombra, with his face soaked, glanced at the sky for a moment before staying in that position, completely absorbed in his thoughts. His face betrayed deep sadness and concern, as if he were trapped in an internal struggle.

"There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, this is the first rain of the tournament. It usually rains at least once during the tournament due to the timing," explained Osvaldo, as large tarps were spread over the stands to protect the audience from the rain.

Sombra slowly turned his gaze towards Touko, who was trying to get up a few meters away. Determined to deliver the final blow, the boy began to advance towards her. However, as he attempted to take a step, Sombra felt his legs unresponsive, as if they were stuck to the ground. Lowering his gaze, he discovered long roots that had sprouted beneath his feet and were slowly creeping up his legs. Sombra's damage meter began to rise as the vines ensnared him, leaving his damage percentage at 13%.

"What a surprise, Manolo! Touko Fujimori has truly shown her cunning by taking advantage of Sombra's distraction to send the vines underneath the ground," exclaimed Osvaldo, admiring the young girl's strategic ability.

"Indeed, Osvaldo, this girl never ceases to amaze us with her tactical skills," responded Manolo, impressed by Touko's audacity.

Sombra writhed desperately, trying to free himself from the vines, but his efforts seemed futile. Each movement only seemed to tighten the tendrils around his body. Determined not to give up, Sombra filled himself with willpower and resistance, refusing to accept defeat.

"It's incredible! Sombra seems to be channeling the strength of the wind to free himself from the vines!" announced Osvaldo, surprised by the young fighter's unexpected ability.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind erupted from every pore of Sombra's body, breaking the roots that held him prisoner and lifting him several meters into the air. Sombra felt triumphant for a moment, convinced he could turn the tide of the battle in his favor. However, a sudden burning sensation in his shoulder abruptly snapped him out of his euphoria, reminding him he was not out of danger yet.

"Come here!" exclaimed the blonde.

"Touko has just slammed Sombra to the ground with force, driving a vine into his shoulder!" shouted Manolo, his voice full of excitement as Sombra's damage meter skyrocketed to 47%.

Sombra fell to his knees in front of Touko, who aimed a large, sharp branch towards his face, looking at him with desperation as he tried to contain the tears clouding his eyes. Puddles of water splashed on the ground every time a tear fell from his cheeks.

"It can't end like this! I have to win! I must win the tournament!" Sombra cried out, his voice filled with desperation and determination.

Touko watched the boy with compassion as the sharp branch disintegrated in her hand. In its place, a new root emerged, forming a circular mace. With a swift motion, she struck Sombra on the head, rendering him unconscious on the ground.

The stadium fell silent, only interrupted by Touko's heavy breathing as the medics quickly entered the arena.

"Miss Fujimori..." Manolo said, surprised by the young woman's determination.

The floating camera zoomed in on Touko, activating her microphone and capturing the sound of her heavy breaths.

"I just knocked him out. He'll be fine if they take him to the infirmary," Touko responded calmly as the medics tended to Sombra.

"In that case, fighter Touko Fujimori is the winner of this match," Osvaldo decreed, confirming the young woman's victory as she advanced to the next round of the tournament.

"Tough fools like him never give up... reminds me a lot of Shori," Touko reflected to herself as she walked away from the arena.