
LYRA: The rise of the rookies

In a world where the Warriors protect peace and balance, Lyra, a young rookie in the guild, embarks on exciting adventures with her friends Ik, Touko and Shori. As they face challenges and dangers, they discover their own Zen powers and learn about the mysterious Keiyaku. From combat missions to political intrigue and confrontations with powerful enemies, Lyra and her friends explore a world full of magic, danger and hidden secrets. With each challenge, they grow in skill and confidence, forging strong bonds and facing their destiny as Zen warriors. Along their journey, they will find friendship, love, and discover the true meaning of courage and determination.

Angel_Monzter · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

The first mission.

Upon entering the room, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. Shori, Ik, and Lyra settled into their seats as they awaited Mado's words. The teacher, with his usual serious expression, announced the exciting news that their team would undertake a mission.

"Finally! I thought we'd be stuck here training forever," exclaimed Shori, stretching in his seat with enthusiasm.

Mado explained that they still needed one more week of basic training from home before they were ready for the mission. He then handed them permission slips for their guardians to sign. These slips made it clear that, although the teacher was responsible for them, there was still a risk of death, as with any official guild mission.

Ik took the permission slip and signed it immediately. As a "young independent," a term used in the city for refugee or orphaned teenagers considered capable of taking care of themselves and receiving weekly government support, he didn't need a guardian's signature. It was a tangible reminder of his independence and the responsibility he had assumed.

Upon leaving the guild, Shori, Ik, and Lyra faced the inevitable question of how to spend their time until Touko left the guild.

"We can take the bus back," Lyra suggested.

"Or we could hang out at the park," Shori suggested with a mischievous smile.

"I've got nothing to do, so that's fine with me," Ik replied.

With the idea of the park in mind, they headed there, which was a few blocks to the north. Once they arrived, they sat on a bench and began chatting and joking around.

After a while, they noticed three small children, around eight to ten years old, timidly approaching them.

"Are you warriors?" one of the kids asked, a bit nervous.

"Yes, we're novices," Lyra replied with a kind smile.

"You look really strong! We want to be warriors too when we're as big as you," another of the kids exclaimed excitedly.

"Do you come here to skate?" Ik asked, pointing to the cruiser skateboard one of the kids was carrying.

"Yes, sir! Do you skate too?" responded the only girl in the group, who was wearing a pair of pink and white roller skates.

"I have a longboard at home, but if any of you have a skateboard, I can show you some moves," Ik said enthusiastically. One of the kids offered him his skateboard, which the young novice gladly accepted.

The sun began to bid farewell on the horizon, painting the sky with golden and pink hues as the park clock indicated it was twenty minutes to seven in the evening. With just enough time, the three novices started their way back to the guild to wait for Touko to come out. Ik said goodbye to them at the entrance, heading towards his home, while Shori and Lyra stayed waiting at the entrance of the building. Shortly after, Finley's van stopped in front of the guild, and Touko hurried out to join them on the way back home.

As soon as they arrived, Lyra handed the permission slip to her sister, explaining the content and the risks involved with sincerity. Despite this, Luna understood how important it was for her sister to become a warrior, so she signed the document without hesitation.

The following days passed just as Mado had indicated: the kids trained their abilities at home, though Shori spent much of his time playing with his friends. Finally, Wednesday arrived, and the three novices showed up at the guild with their signed permission slips, ready to embark on their first mission.

Together with their teacher, Lyra, Ik, and Shori headed to the airport to board a commercial flight to the remote village of "Darmeno." This place, hidden among the majestic mountains of a mountain range, was a unique and secluded destination, far from the bustling life of the more populated states. The "Volador," which flew to this destination once a week, would be their transport to this new adventure.

The "Voladores," the pinnacle of modern commercial air transportation, stood as a majestic fusion of technology and functionality. Their imposing presence dominated the urban landscape, projecting a robust and futuristic silhouette that soared towards the sky. The spacious cabin, reminiscent of a bus but three times larger, promised a comfortable journey for the one hundred and thirty passengers it could accommodate. Supported by a gigantic hot air balloon and flanked by a pair of wings cradling propeller engines on their underside, the aircraft seemed to defy the laws of gravity with its innovative design.

According to the mission report, the peaceful village of Darmeno had been overshadowed by intrigue and danger. The invasion of a group of deserter ex-warriors had plunged the community into palpable uncertainty. The purpose of the incursion remained shrouded in mystery, but suspicions pointed towards dark dealings related to drug trafficking. Rumors had it that the renegades planned to establish clandestine methamphetamine laboratories, sowing the fertile ground of corruption and crime.

"Alright kids, we'll prepare for the infiltration through the mountains, but that presents a small inconvenience. The airport is on the other side of the mountains," Mado explained in a calm yet determined tone as he stood up.

"Does that mean we have to leave the flight before we get there?" asked Lyra, visibly confused by the situation. Mado, however, dispelled any uncertainty by pulling out three backpacks from under his seat and handing them to his pupils, signaling for them to stand up as well.

"Dear passengers, by order of the Warrior guild, we request that you fasten your seatbelts and use the air masks that have just been deployed. We also recommend storing your luggage and valuables in the compartments under your seats," announced a flight attendant through the loudspeakers, urging action. In a frenzy of movement, the passengers hurried to follow the safety instructions, preparing for the unexpected. Suddenly, the emergency door next to Lyra and her companions' seats opened abruptly, launching them into the void.

"Damn sicko!" Lyra exclaimed furiously as she fell, hurling an insult at her teacher.

"Lyra, open your parachute!" yelled Ik, who was beside her. Both grabbed the straps of the backpacks Mado had given them and activated their parachutes just in time.

The improvised landing zone stretched out in a clearing on the side of one of the mountains. A natural spectacle unfolded before them: a majestic waterfall cascaded from the heights, feeding a serene lake that flowed into a ravine. Lyra, Ik, and Shori fell awkwardly into the water, soaking their uniforms, while Mado descended gracefully, landing elegantly on the grass of the clearing.

"Follow that trail up the mountain and walk a few meters to the east. There you will find an inn where you can dry off and spend the night. I will head to the deserters' base to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance," Mado ordered before disappearing into the mountains, leaping agilely from rock to rock.

The novices climbed out of the water, drenched and annoyed by the unexpected fall, and followed the path Mado had indicated towards the inn.

"Good afternoon, novices. Your teacher has reserved three rooms for you on the second floor. Please, go up," the receptionist greeted them kindly as they entered the place. The three exchanged glances before hurrying to take the keys to their rooms, where they would spend the night.

The next morning, the receptionist brought breakfast to their rooms and informed them that Mado was waiting for them at the reception. After finishing their breakfast, the novices went down to meet their teacher.

"From now on, the mission truly begins. Follow me," Mado said as he saw them descending the stairs. The teacher exited the inn, followed by his students, and once he ensured they were following, he began to run. The novices took a moment to react but soon started to follow him closely.

"There are five deserters and about a dozen workers. Most seem to be outside the base. I'll handle the exterior surveillance," Mado instructed without slowing his pace as they ran.

"So, we'll go another way?" Ik asked, running beside him.

"Exactly. You'll infiltrate through a cave that connects to the base along this path. I've sensed only four presences inside. None seem strong enough to cause you much trouble. When you arrive, I'll take care of the entrance guard. The problem is this: inside the cave, there are three different paths. You'll need to split up to cover more ground. I trust I've trained you well enough to manage on your own. In any case, when you reach the end of your path, check one of the others in case anyone needs help," the teacher explained, giving clear instructions before they divided for the mission.

Mado swiftly knocked out the guard with a single blow, as he had promised his students, thus initiating the mission.

"The presences inside are very similar to the guard's, but remember, novices, you're not allowed to kill. I'm counting on you," Mado warned before leaping away along the mountain exterior.

"Yes!" the three novices exclaimed in unison. Then, they entered the cave, each venturing down a different path, following their teacher's instructions.

Lyra walked down a dark corridor, contemplating what she might encounter ahead.

"I hope I don't come across any of the deserters. I don't think I'm ready to face someone like that. On the other hand, if I encounter a villager, I should be able to pass without any problems," she reflected.

Shori, with his characteristic immaturity, thought about testing his strength against a worthy opponent.

"I hope none of them have any issues," Ik thought as he approached a door at the end of the hallway he traversed.

Lyra entered a dark room that seemed like an empty warehouse. She decided to continue, but suddenly, a man sitting at a table hidden in the shadows spoke to her.

"Hey you, where do you think you're going?" he asked. Lyra tried to respond, but she was paralyzed with fear. She could sense malice in the man; he was one of the deserters.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? You're a novice, aren't you? Does the guild underestimate us so much as to send us mere novices?" the man interrogated as he slowly stood up. Lyra tried to articulate a response, but she was interrupted by a punch that sent her flying backward, leaving her on the ground, dazed and in pain.

"What's wrong with you? You're not even defending yourself against my blows," the assailant asked after delivering a couple of kicks while she was down. Lyra struggled to her feet amidst groans and small spasms of pain as the man gave her a brief respite.

"Come on, if you don't put in some effort, I'll feel bad after killing you," the man said mockingly. Lyra could barely wipe away the tears of pain falling from her eyes.

Meanwhile, not far from there, Shori was also enduring a beating. The man with a pirate-like appearance he was fighting was much taller and stronger than him, hurling him against the cave rocks repeatedly.

"This zen thing the bosses taught us is very useful! Now I can throw brats like you harder and farther!" the guy taunted Shori, who struggled to activate his nature to regain the upper hand.

On the day they discovered their zen natures, Lyra and Ik stayed by the stream to meditate and develop their new Dark Armor. Meanwhile, Shori trained with Mado and Crissalid in his fire nature, one of the most challenging to master.

"Not like that, brat! Remember, you're not just bringing your right hand to your chest; you have to place it on your heart; that's where the heat of your body comes from. You have to feel it and channel it throughout your entire body," scolded Crissalid, correcting Shori's posture. Despite his efforts, Shori couldn't channel the heat he felt in the palm of his hand throughout his body.

A kick to the jaw snapped Shori out of his thoughts as he desperately sought to activate his nature.

"A moment ago you babbled something about body heat, does that have to do with zen?" his opponent asked as he held him by the collar of his shirt.

"I'd tell you, but a dirty peasant like you doesn't have the brain to understand it," Shori retorted before spitting in his opponent's face, earning himself a punch that broke his nose.

Ik, on the other hand, had lost one of his shoes, and his pants were full of burn holes. Unlike his companions, Ik was applying what he had learned from Mado. He had activated his Dark Armor with the ability Spread on his exposed arms and legs, allowing him better protection from his opponent's fire. Still, he focused on evading the waves of fire his rival launched at the ground.

"You're becoming quite elusive," the man said, sounding irritated.

"If you keep using the same stupid attack, it's only natural that it becomes easier for me to predict," Ik retorted defiantly.

"You little idiot! If I'm holding back, it's to avoid burning you to the bone!" the man exclaimed as the flames around him intensified. He decided to kick Ik in the head, who narrowly dodged it, only to be met with a fiery punch that he couldn't avoid. The only thing the novice could do was to transfer all his Armor to his chest with Spread to avoid a fatal blow.

Thirty minutes had passed since the operation began, and the novices were already exhausted; the future didn't look promising for them. Lyra had never hit anyone in her life and was now paralyzed with fear, receiving blows without zen that could kill her if she didn't react soon. Shori had forgotten how to activate his zen nature, taking the training time Mado gave them before the mission as a vacation. Meanwhile, Ik was facing a fire nature master who had grown tired of playing with him. Meanwhile, Mado was ascending the exterior of the mountain, neutralizing the peasants the renegades used as pawns.

A vague memory surfaced in Lyra's mind as she lay on the ground, writhing in pain and struggling to catch her breath. She felt like she was witnessing her life flash before her before dying.

A young Lyra of three years old stared intently at a ladybug perched on one of the leaves of the rosebush in her garden, when suddenly the insect spread its wings to fly towards her. Scared, Lyra ran into the arms of her sister, who was sitting on the grass petting a stray cat that visited her every afternoon.

"Sister, the ladybug wanted to sting me!" Lyra exclaimed through tears and sobs as she hugged her older sister.

"Don't be afraid, little sister. I'm sure the ladybug didn't mean to scare you. You're with me now, I'll protect you always," Luna said, stroking Lyra's hair to comfort her.

"Sister, aren't you afraid of anything?" Lyra asked, looking up.

"I'm afraid of many things, Lyra, but when I feel like fear is overcoming me, I remember what Mom taught me when I was your age," Luna replied with a warm smile.

"What did she teach you?"

"She always said that 'being brave doesn't mean not being afraid of anything, being brave is being afraid and still overcoming it.' My goal will always be to protect you, little sister, so when Mom died and Dad abandoned us, I overcame all my fears to give you the best life I could," Luna answered, as a couple of tears fell from her cheek.

Lyra snapped out of her memories as she felt the cold floor of the room where she was experiencing one of the worst pains she had ever felt. "Even though you're not here, you still protect me, don't you, Luna?" Lyra thought, struggling to her feet. "I have to overcome this fear, Mado already told me, I can defeat this guy, my presence is stronger than his."

"Ready for round six? I think you make a good punching bag despite all your complaining," the man said, mocking the girl who could barely stand.

The desert warrior approached Lyra running, so she took advantage to kick him in the face. The man dodged it, but still, Lyra's foot ended up on his shoulder, and before the man could react, Lyra hurried to place her other foot on his shoulders to lock him in a hold that brought her opponent down.

Once on the ground and before getting up, Lyra activated her Armor with Spread on her fists to strike the man in the head without giving him a chance to recover.

The dark aura coating on Lyra's fists made her punches three times stronger; the man who had been beating her lay on the ground, thrashing and trying to grab her, stretching his hands behind his head. Finally, the man managed to land an elbow to Lyra's chest, making her step back to recover.

As soon as she saw the man getting up, Lyra decided to push aside the strand of hair covering her eurenia. A flash of determination gleamed in her eyes as she prepared for the next attack. Adrenaline surged through her, momentarily numbing the pain of her wounds and giving her the energy she needed to face her opponent.

With swift and precise movements, Lyra began to unleash an unrelenting series of blows on her opponent. Twenty consecutive strikes without him being able to do much more than protect his head, which had already suffered significant damage from the girl's initial assault. The force of Lyra's blows was impressive, fueled by her determination and the dark energy of her eurenia.

Finally, the man fell to the ground, incapacitated. Lyra breathed heavily, feeling the weight of the exertion in every muscle of her body.

Al cubrir su eurenia con el mechón de pelo, cerrando el acceso a la energía zen emanada de su ojo, Lyra también se privó del efecto estimulante de la eurenia, y sintió de golpe todo el dolor de la batalla.

Shori received a strong kick to the stomach that made him step back a couple of steps, struggling to regain the air lost from the impact. As his legs trembled with pain, a familiar sound began to resonate in his head: "Tick-Tack." Shori struggled to recall the meaning of that sound, and suddenly, the memory came back like a lightning bolt.

"Tick tack, tick tack, mark the rhythm of your heart with this sound, novice. I'm going to give you this little clock that hasn't told the right time in a while, but something it will always do is sound every time the old gears of the second hand move. You just have to pay attention to the tick tack," Mado said in the young blonde's memories.

"That's it!" exclaimed Shori, feeling a spark of hope. He pulled the small clock from his pocket with a determined smile. "Good thing I haven't washed these pants!" he exclaimed as he held the clock to his ear.

Shori's opponent, intrigued by the novice's sudden confidence, remained on guard, watching cautiously. Shori turned and crouched, placing one hand over his heart and holding the clock to his ear with the other.

"Tick tack, tick tack… tick tack!" recited Shori, letting the sound of the clock flood his mind and his being.

Suddenly, the young blonde felt enveloped in a blazing aura of power. An intense flame began to dance around him, crackling with strength and determination.

"What is this?" his opponent asked, eyes wide open at the spectacle.

"I'll show you!" roared Shori, advancing toward his opponent with fire burning in his eyes, ready to return every blow received with uncontrollable fury.

For some strange reason, a ring of fire danced around Ik's feet, following him with every step he took. Each movement was like a dangerous dance, causing him several superficial burns as the flames licked his skin. With every fiery lick, Ik was forced to deploy his Repartir technique, causing the dark aura to sprout from his feet and legs, forming a protective barrier against the flames. It was a constant struggle, a battle between his resilience and the ferocity of the fire surrounding him, but Ik was determined not to yield to the intensity of the fight.

"You've held up very well. I must admit, despite being a novice, you have a lot of potential... Wouldn't you like to join us?" the man he was fighting proposed, seeking to recruit him to his cause.

"No," Ik responded firmly, his voice resonating with determination as he gave him a mocking smile and raised his middle finger in defiance.

"Then die!" the man roared with fury, launching a punch charged with fire energy directly toward Ik. With sharp reflexes, Ik lunged to the side just in time, narrowly dodging the deadly attack.

The man's blow struck the cave wall with tremendous force, causing a part of the rock to crumble and a large hole to open towards the outside, flooding the cave with the bright sunlight.

From his position atop the mountain, Mado could perceive the distant explosion that echoed in the cave. Though his instinct urged him to return immediately to ensure his students' safety, he knew this was a crucial moment for their development as warriors.

"If I hadn't dodged that, not even the Dark Armor would have saved me," reflected Ik, feeling the sting of minor burns on his exposed chest. The fabric of his uniform was torn, with only one sleeve and a remnant around the neck remaining, silent witnesses to the fierce battle.

"What a waste of potential," murmured Ik's opponent, preparing to launch another devastating attack. But Ik was ready too. Drawing on a technique he had discovered during his training at home, he began to charge up an attack of his own.

Using distribute at the tips of his fingers, Ik channeled his shadow aura, forming a sphere of dark energy between his hands. Although he could barely contain it due to its instability, he prepared for the attack. With his legs spread apart, muscles tense, he was ready to leap towards his opponent.

The man was distracted by Ik's imminent attack, causing his own attack to be canceled. Seizing the opportunity, Ik pounced on him, forcefully impacting the sphere of dark energy into his chest. The blow was decisive, leaving the man unconscious as he crashed against the cave wall.

"Why didn't Mado tell us this could be done with our nature?" murmured Ik to himself as he left the cave, leaving behind the chaos he had unleashed.

Ik and Shori, their uniforms torn and faces marked by effort, gathered in the chamber where Mado fought his own battle. Shori, with a proud smile, was the first to arrive, closely followed by Ik, who showed concern for his master.

"Do we help him?" inquired Ik, gesturing towards Mado, who was fiercely battling his agile opponent amidst the imposing chamber filled with rock formations.

Shori, in his guard position, shook his head.

"No, Mado ordered us not to intervene. He asked us to stay here and wait for the others to arrive," explained Shori, calmly sitting back on a large nearby rock.

Ik nodded, understanding the reason behind his master's command.

"Then I'll go check on Lyra," decided Ik, turning to head towards where he had left his companion.

But before he could move, Shori halted him with a statement.

"Mado said we shouldn't go. He felt that Lyra's opponent's presence calmed down, so she probably managed to take him out of the fight," informed Shori, conveying the confidence he had in his companion.

"If you say she's okay... I need a break, everything hurts," said Ik, dropping exhausted onto a nearby rock next to Shori.

"And... why aren't you wearing a shirt?" asked Shori, curious, as he observed his companion.

"I do have one, look," responded Ik with a mischievous grin, lifting the sleeve of his remaining uniform.

"So, you faced a fellow fire-brother," deduced Shori, generating a small flame in the palm of his hand to show his understanding.

"Put that out or you'll regret it, Shori," warned Ik playfully, settling back on the rock to rest. "Lyra's taking her time, I hope she's okay. I want to go check on her."

"I'm fine, thanks for caring," said Lyra, touching Shori's shoulder and gently ruffling Ik's hair.

"I'm glad you didn't have too much trouble, Lyra," commented Ik, feeling a blush rise to his cheeks as he realized he had spoken aloud and Lyra had heard him.

Meanwhile, amidst the intense physical struggle, Mado and his opponent continued their confrontation. However, the fight took a strange turn when the leader of the renegades ceased evading Mado's blows and suddenly closed in on him, wrapping him in an unexpected embrace.

—Bear Hug Curse! —roared the bearded man with a scar over his eye, his voice echoing in the cavern. His sudden act caught Mado off guard, but his swift training and sharp reflexes allowed him to skillfully free himself from the embrace. However, the leader of the renegades seemed undeterred; instead, he drew a dagger from his boot with determination, preparing to plunge it into his own neck in an act of suicide.

Mado, with remarkable acuity, noticed the movement and reacted instantaneously. Seven dark tendrils sprouted from his back, extending with agility to intercept the suicidal hand.

—This is my Shadow Jibun, "Aiuto dall'inferno" (Help from Hell), now it's your turn to tell me what your Keiyaku does —declared the master firmly, his voice resonating with authority in the cavern.

—Anyway, it doesn't matter, it's a post-mortem Keiyaku; once I die, the bear hug curse will drain your vitality until you're as shriveled as a raisin. I know you were just wearing me out and that I couldn't beat you in three lifetimes, —the man retorted with a defiant laugh, revealing his vile nature.

—So you were always a rat. A post-mortem Keiyaku is only good for doing harm, since you're basically giving up your life to ruin someone else's, —Mado pronounced with a calm but unyielding voice, as the dark tendrils tightened their grip, choking his opponent until his last breath, which was met with a malevolent smile on his pale lips.

Everyone settled into the flyer, breathing a sigh of relief after the confrontation. Mado, with a furrowed brow and a distant gaze, barely responded to his students' gestures of concern. The airport nurse, with skillful and gentle hands, treated the wounds of the novices while they chatted animatedly about the flight.

—Is everything okay, Master? —Lyra broke the silence, offering Mado a glass of juice she had taken from the flyer's minibar.

—Yes, don't worry, Lyra. It's just that I'll have to be in bed for several days while they treat me to exorcise that guy's Keiyaku, —Mado replied kindly, accepting the gesture with a slight smile of gratitude.

—What's a "Keiyaku"? —Ik joined the conversation, showing interest in the unfamiliar term.

—I didn't think it was necessary to teach you this yet, but I see that most users nowadays have both a Jibun and, or a Keiyaku. How can I explain it simply? —Mado murmured, thoughtful, before starting to explain to his students, immersing them in an impromptu lesson while the flyer soared through the skies towards home.

Mado explained the concept of Jibun to his students in detail, breaking down its characteristics and functionality. He taught them that a Jibun is a technique created by the user, closely related to their zen nature. He pointed out that when creating a Jibun, it must be in harmony with the user's nature, meaning that someone with an affinity for fire couldn't develop a Jibun related to water or earth.

Using clear examples, Mado illustrated that Jibun techniques are often extensions of the basic abilities that can be performed with zen natures in their base form. He emphasized that since Jibun techniques are influenced by the user's zen nature, it is common for two people with similar natures to develop very similar or even identical Jibun techniques.

In summary, Mado concluded that any ability a user develops beyond the expected capabilities of their base zen nature is considered a Jibun.

On the other hand, Keiyaku are entirely unique and are not restricted by the limitations of zen natures. The user has complete freedom to decide what they want to achieve with a Keiyaku, and no specific training is required to control it, as the user is the one who designed the technique in the first place. The only limit to a Keiyaku is the price that must be paid for using it. The strength and effectiveness of a Keiyaku are directly related to the cost of the contract. When signing a Keiyaku, the user must determine what type of contract they wish to adopt:

Time Contract: This is the most common option, as it offers a balance between cost and benefits. A time condition is established for using the Keiyaku. For example, a Keiyaku that can be used every ten minutes will be less powerful than one that can only be used every twenty-four hours.

Power Contract: This contract uses the user's future power to shape the Keiyaku. In other words, the user sacrifices part of their power to use the Keiyaku at that moment. For example, upon activating a Keiyaku, the user's next attack will have half its strength, regardless of when it is executed.

Condition Contract: This option is less common, as it requires a significantly high condition for the Keiyaku to be powerful. For example, the user might commit to performing an extraordinary or dangerous act to activate the Keiyaku.

Blood Contract: This type of contract is extremely rare and few people have adopted it in history. In a blood contract, the user must offer something significant, such as happiness, lifespan, health, blood, or even temporarily losing one of their senses, in exchange for the power of the Keiyaku.

The students absorbed the information, marveling at the complexity and implications of Keiyaku in the art of zen combat. Mado concluded the lesson, satisfied with having provided them with a deeper understanding of these powerful techniques.

Ik reflected for a moment, letting the information about Jibun and Keiyaku settle in his mind. Then, with determination, he quickly began to form the dark energy sphere using Repartir in his fingers before addressing his master with a question.

"So, does that mean I have a Jibun? During my fight, I used this thing I've been practicing in the past few days."

Mado nodded with a smile of satisfaction, seeing his student's progress.

"Use conceal," Mado ordered his student, who obeyed immediately, making the sphere disappear.

"Yes, you are the first in your group to develop a Jibun. Although you haven't mastered it completely yet, if you keep practicing, it will be very useful to you," confirmed Mado, acknowledging Ik's effort.

"That's amazing, Ik," said Lyra, excited and admiring her friend's advancements.

"You can also develop your own Jibun, but you need to think it through carefully, as a Jibun is a lifelong choice and cannot be changed," their master cautioned while the novices looked at him with determination, aware of the responsibility involved in developing their own techniques.

"How can I get one of those Keiyaku contracts?" Shori asked excitedly, showing a clear interest in exploring new possibilities.

Mado took a moment to consider the question before responding calmly.

"Currently, in some mountain villages, there are contract booths, but the safest place to find one is on Keiyaku Avenue in Central City... There are also many people with Keiyaku specifically created to offer services to others, at a high price," Mado explained, giving Shori a glimpse of the possibilities Keiyaku offered. "However, you are not yet ready for a Keiyaku. It is best to learn more about it once you become recruits. For now, it is advisable to focus on improving your natural skills and perhaps developing a good Jibun."

Mado's words left Shori thoughtful, absorbing the information and understanding the importance of progressing step by step in his journey as a warrior.