
LYRA: The rise of the rookies

In a world where the Warriors protect peace and balance, Lyra, a young rookie in the guild, embarks on exciting adventures with her friends Ik, Touko and Shori. As they face challenges and dangers, they discover their own Zen powers and learn about the mysterious Keiyaku. From combat missions to political intrigue and confrontations with powerful enemies, Lyra and her friends explore a world full of magic, danger and hidden secrets. With each challenge, they grow in skill and confidence, forging strong bonds and facing their destiny as Zen warriors. Along their journey, they will find friendship, love, and discover the true meaning of courage and determination.

Angel_Monzter · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Basic Zen training.

The next day, sunlight softly filtered through the windows of the hall, illuminating the dusty wooden floor. Lyra, Ik, and Shori were sitting on the floor, forming a small circle in the center of the room, attentively watching Master Mado, who entered with a serene step.

"Good morning, kids. I hope you practiced your Ora yesterday," Mado greeted calmly before taking a seat in the only available chair. The three novices nodded seriously, demonstrating their commitment to learning.

"The Ora has three basic principles that anyone familiar with Zen should know. The first of these is Armor; Armor can be said to be the most basic state of Ora, which in turn is the most basic state of Zen," the master explained with a serene and authoritative voice, capturing his students' attention. "Initially, Armor is the aura around the user's body, composed of Zen. Essentially, if Ora has never been trained, it will be very weak and thin. When Armor is trained, it can become so strong and heavy that it moves into the physical plane, becoming completely visible and tangible. Armor, as its name suggests, covers the entire body and serves to cushion received damage and enhance generated damage."

"So what we manifested yesterday was Armor?" Lyra asked curiously, seeking a better understanding of the concept.

"Yes, Ora is the general concept of Zen energy used by humans, but in technical terms, it should be called 'Armor,' 'Distribute,' and 'Conceal,' depending on what the person is doing," the master clarified before continuing his explanation. "Distribute is the evolution of Armor and involves distributing or gathering Armor in one or more specific parts. This serves to enhance physical attacks or defend more strongly in a specific area. The smaller the area in which Distribute is concentrated, the stronger the effect, as all the manifested Ora will be directed to that point," he illustrated his explanation by manifesting his Ora in the physical plane and using Distribute in his index finger, thus demonstrating the principle he had just explained.

The kids were amazed to see Ora for the first time in their lives. It was a kind of vapor held by a light resembling a white laser that surrounded the master's body a few centimeters away. Then, this energy diminished throughout the master's body until it concentrated in his index finger, where the energy grew exponentially, showcasing his skill and control over his Ora.

"Conceal involves hiding Ora for both stealth and practical purposes. For example, a novice-level warrior is always emanating their Ora, so to hide from users skilled enough to detect Ora, they can temporarily conceal it. But this not only hides it from view; it completely conceals it, preventing them from using Zen and also from using their natures or Jibun," Mado explained before using Conceal to make his Zen energy disappear, demonstrating the practice of the last basic principle of Ora.

"What are natures?" Shori asked, showing his interest in the topic.

"And what are Jibun?" Ik added, sharing the same curiosity.

"For now, you will focus on training Ora. Once you have mastered that completely, we will begin training in natures," the master responded calmly, showing his focus on his students' learning process. "Today, we will continue practicing the Armor that we started yesterday, but for that, it will be better to go to the backyard."

The three novices nodded in understanding and followed the master to the backyard in a line, showing their willingness to learn and improve. As they descended the stairs and passed through the foyer, Lyra noticed Criss smiling at her from the other side of the space. She returned the smile kindly before continuing on her way, feeling encouraged by his support.

Upon reaching the backyard, Master Mado sat down under a tree and invited his students to do the same, seeking a peaceful and secluded environment for their practice. The soft murmur of the nearby stream created a relaxing atmosphere, ideal for meditation.

"Here we are far enough from the main building, with no noise except for the stream behind this tree. I want you to stay here meditating without opening your eyes until I instruct you to do so. While you meditate, I want you to raise your hands like yesterday and visualize an Ora at least a centimeter away from your body. Right now, your aura is so weak that it looks like simple sweat evaporating around you," Mado instructed before withdrawing, leaving his students immersed in the task.

Lyra, Ik, and Shori began to meditate in complete peace, surrendering to the serenity of the moment and visualizing the aura layer around them. However, the tranquility was interrupted when Shori, unable to contain his boredom, made a fake flatulence sound, causing the small group to burst into laughter.

"Please, be quiet," Ik requested in a low voice, annoyed by the interruption.

"Nina! Gross," Shori whispered between laughs, unable to contain himself.

"Shori, shut up and start meditating!" Lyra reprimanded, feeling embarrassed by her friend's behavior.

"It wasn't me; maybe it was the stream," Shori joked, provoking more laughter from himself.

Ik's patience ran out, and he stood up, challenging Shori with a gesture. Lyra opened her eyes, worried about the potential conflict that was brewing but also intrigued to see her companions' skills in a confrontation.

Shori threw the first punch in anger, but Ik dodged it with impressive agility. However, the blond boy did not give up and continued his attack, launching a series of punches with both hands in a desperate attempt to hit his opponent. Ik remained impassive, dodging each blow with ease, showing no signs of effort.

"How did you pass the physical exam? You can't land a single hit," Ik mocked, further exacerbating Shori's fury, who redoubled his efforts with even more determination.

Blinded by rage, Shori continued throwing punches ferociously, but this time in a more disorganized and less precise manner. In his uncontrolled assault, he left an opening that Ik instantly exploited, landing a precise blow to Shori's stomach that left him breathless and writhing on the ground.

Concerned about the situation, Lyra intervened immediately, helping Shori to his feet and putting an end to the confrontation before it escalated further.

"That's enough," Lyra said firmly, looking at Ik, urging him to stop.

Ik, without losing his composure, sat down again to meditate, ignoring Shori's attempts to provoke him again. Lyra sighed, frustrated by her friend's attitude, and whispered some words of reprimand as she helped him up. Shori, silently, stood up and sat down again, reflecting on what had happened.

Just as Lyra was about to resume her meditation, she saw Shori attempting to launch a surprise attack on Ik from behind. Alarmed, she shouted his name, stopping the assault. Shori halted abruptly, abandoning the attack under Ik's disapproving gaze.

The hours passed with moments of concentration frequently interrupted by Shori's insults towards Ik, who remained unperturbed, ignoring the provocations each time Lyra intervened to calm the situation.

"Let's see how much you've progressed," Mado said, approaching the tree while biting into a juicy apple, initiating the evaluation.

The kids kept their eyes closed as the master walked around them, assessing their progress. After some observation, Mado shared his assessment, noting that although he had hoped for a bit more advancement, at least he no longer needed to use Distribute in his eyes to see their Armor.

"Shori, Ik, I can see your Ora!" Lyra exclaimed excitedly, opening her eyes and observing the aura around her companions.

"Nina, I can see your Ora too!" Shori responded, surprised by the revelation.

Mado confirmed that although their Armor was not yet a centimeter away from their bodies, it was visible without the need to use Distribute. He explained that almost anyone has the potential to use Zen in Ora, and that they had developed an Armor strong enough to manifest in the physical plane.

Lyra felt powerful, as if she could topple a mountain, experiencing the power of Armor for the first time. Mado instructed them that starting the next day, they would come directly to the backyard to meditate, with the goal of increasing their Ora until it was at least a centimeter away from their bodies. The novices nodded with determination before leaving the guild, eager to continue their training.

The truck that Touko used had been hers since she was eleven years old, a gift from her parents who, immersed in their occupations, did not have enough time to accompany her to certain places. Thus, they gave her the keys to the vehicle and assigned her personal butler, "Finley," the additional task of being her chauffeur.

Touko and Shori came from a wealthy family. Their father, Mr. Fujimori, owned the renowned Fujimori Farms, suppliers of meat to various food chains across the continent. On the other hand, their mother was a prominent figure in the fashion world as a renowned designer, also owning a share of the prestigious haute couture brand "Virnan."

Thus, each day at the guild followed the same routine: upon arrival, Lyra, Ik, and Shori headed straight to the backyard by the stream to meditate and strengthen their Armor. As the days passed, the sporadic verbal disputes between Ik and Shori gradually faded, transforming into a rivalry that drove them to surpass each other in mastering Ora.

"One centimeter, almost one centimeter, and one centimeter," announced Mado, pointing successively at Ik, Shori, and Lyra.

"Please, Master, measure correctly. I'm sure I have a centimeter just like them," Shori protested indignantly. Lyra and Ik looked at him, surprised by his audacity, but Mado simply sighed and stepped between Ik and Shori, pushing them by the shoulder. Ik felt a great pressure but managed to stop within a few centimeters with effort. In contrast, Shori was sent flying several meters until he fell into the stream.

"I understand... sorry, Master," Shori apologized, defeated and completely soaked.

"A single millimeter of Armor can make the difference between a scratch and a fatal blow," Mado explained, helping Shori to his feet. After that incident, the three young students left the guild, satisfied with the results of their training.

The next day, Lyra woke up knowing she had no classes at the guild, so she decided to spend the morning meditating to continue practicing with her Ora. However, her concentration was constantly interrupted by her fanaticism for the animated series "Jinx"; the desire not to miss a single episode distracted her repeatedly.

"Lyra, please go to the supermarket for groceries!" Luna shouted from downstairs. Lyra frowned and went down to the kitchen to respond.

"Luna, it's my day off, can't you go?" the young woman complained lazily.

"Unlike you, I don't have days off. I can go shopping, but then you'll be in charge of cooking, doing the laundry, ironing, and folding it," Luna replied while cutting a pork chop.

"Sorry, Luna... Okay, I'll go. Give me the shopping list," Lyra answered, feeling a bit embarrassed. "She handles her blindness so well that I sometimes forget she has it," Lyra thought, disappointed in herself.

At the supermarket, as she walked down the snacks aisle after completing all her shopping list, Lyra decided to treat herself with something she would buy with her own money. It was then she spotted Ik in the next aisle, picking out cleaning products. Remembering his offer of friendship on the first day, she decided to overcome her shyness and approach her fellow guild member.

"Hi, how are you?" Lyra greeted with a nervous smile.

"Hey, Nina. Just here to grab some stuff for my bathroom," Ik replied as he added a package of soap bars to his basket.

"My name's Lyra, that's just a silly nickname Shori gave me when we were kids," Lyra hurriedly corrected herself, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Oh, sorry. I never dared to ask your name and stuck with what Shori called you," Ik apologized, grabbing a bottle of shampoo.

"Don't worry, it's understandable," Lyra replied, trying to hide her nervousness.

"Maybe you should only buy half of that," Lyra joked, referring to Ik's distinctive hairstyle. He just chuckled sarcastically, ending in a smile, indicating he didn't mind the remark.

"Sorry, it's a joke," Lyra quickly added, giving him a gentle shoulder bump out of nerves.

Lyra accompanied Ik in the supermarket while he did his shopping, and he returned the favor by accompanying her to the bus stop. However, just as they crossed the parking lot, it started to rain. What initially seemed like a passing drizzle gradually turned into a downpour.

"My house is nearby, we can take shelter there until the rain stops. But if you prefer, I can accompany you here at the bus stop," Ik suggested, seeking a solution to the unexpected storm.

"Okay, let's go. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry," Lyra replied with a smile, intrigued to see her new friend's home. Besides, she preferred to take shelter in a comfortable place rather than wait in the rain at a bus stop.

Together, they left the shelter and started running towards Ik's apartment, carrying the bags between them. They soon reached the building, which conveniently was close to the supermarket. Ik opened the door of his apartment with his keys and let Lyra enter first. Once inside, he asked her to wait in the entrance while he went to his room to change clothes and get some towels to dry off a bit.

"Would you like me to lend you a shirt while I put your blouse in the dryer?" Ik asked, somewhat embarrassed, as he held up a black shirt with a metal band print.

"Yes, thank you," Lyra replied, smiling as she accepted the garment.

"The bathroom is the door next to my room," Ik pointed out as he prepared a couple of cups of coffee.

"Here's my blouse, I squeezed it a bit in the shower," Lyra said, offering him her wet garment. Ik took it and put it in the dryer along with his clothes, while Lyra sat on the couch before reaching out to grab a photo frame that was next to a lamp on a bedside table located in the space between their two sofas arranged in an "L" shape.

"Is this your dog?" Lyra asked, looking at the photo of a beagle in the frame.

"The photo came with the frame," Ik explained, approaching the couch with a couple of cups of coffee.

"Do you know that the photos that come with the frame are usually replaced with yours?" Lyra replied sarcastically.

"I bought an instant camera, but I felt egocentric having pictures of myself around the house... I didn't know how you'd take it so I made it black and brought you a couple of cream capsules," Ik responded, trying to change the subject to the coffee.

"I know you said you didn't have friends, but you can put pictures of your family," Lyra commented without thinking too much, before taking a cream capsule to pour into her coffee.

"Since I moved to the city a couple of years ago, I've been living alone," Ik confessed with a subdued and uncomfortable tone. Lyra realized she had put her foot in it and decided to take a sip of her coffee while she thought about how to remedy the situation.

"Is that the camera you told me about?" Lyra asked, pointing to the instant camera on the TV stand in front of them.

Ik nodded, and Lyra got up to grab the instant camera.

"Let's take a picture for your frame," Lyra suggested, hugging Ik to fit both of them into the camera's frame before trying a couple of funny faces for the photo, although in the end, she just smiled. Ik seemed a bit nervous about the situation, but he felt quite happy to finally have a friend. After taking the photo, Ik removed the picture of the dog from the frame and replaced it with the photo they had just taken.

As Lyra's blouse still had a few minutes left to dry, they decided to watch a movie while they waited.

"Can I borrow your phone? I need to let my sister know I'm okay so she won't worry," Lyra explained, to which Ik agreed. Luna allowed Lyra to stay for a while with the condition of talking to Ik on the phone.

"Are you thinking dirty thoughts about my little sister?" Luna asked seriously.

"No, ma'am, Lyra is just my friend," Ik replied with some fear. Lyra could deduce the kind of things Luna was asking, so she preferred to go to the bathroom to avoid the moment of discomfort.

"Tell Lyra I want her to come home when the movie is over," Luna said after a brief silence before hanging up.

Ik went to sit on the couch at the same time Lyra came out of the bathroom and approached the TV.

"What kind of movies do you have?" the girl asked as she looked through several DVDs arranged in the TV stand.

"Mostly crime and neo-noir," Ik replied as he turned on the TV.

"I've never seen any like that, which one do you recommend?" Lyra said, still browsing through the movie boxes.

"'Drive' is considered a cult classic," Ik replied as he got up from the couch to grab the movie case.

"Put that one on. Can I use a plate for the chips?" the girl asked before heading to the kitchen, to which Ik simply nodded as he inserted the movie into the player.

Both watched the movie quite entertained, and when it ended, Lyra changed her blouse and returned home as she had told Luna.

Upon arriving home, everything was quiet, so Lyra decided to investigate on the first floor, taking the opportunity to leave the groceries in the kitchen.

"Did you have fun?" Luna asked, who was sitting at the dining table.

"In fact, it was quite enjoyable," Lyra replied a little annoyed.

"When are you going to invite your boyfriend to dinner?" Luna asked again, as she got up to serve dinner for her little sister.

"I told you he's a friend. I just met him at the guild and you embarrassed me with those questions," Lyra commented, already irritated by her sister's attitude. Luna finished serving the plates and gave Lyra a kiss on the cheek.

"Forgive me, little sister, it's just that I don't want anyone taking advantage of you," Luna whispered in her sister's ear before hugging her.

Lyra accepted the apology and sat down to dinner with her sister, while they watched their favorite series as they did every night.