

She was sixteen when her mother suddenly passed away after an accident at work. Later, she is sent to live with her father and two older brothers; all of whom she'd last met when she was only five. In an unfamiliar environment living with people who seemed like they'd rather not have her around, she keeps to herself, keeps her head down, and stays in the background. However, would things stay the same forever? _____ Disclaimer: The cover picture is AI-generated. Warning: I'm writing this to improve my writing skills though I don't think it's helping. However, do give it a chance if you have nothing else to read. I'd like to hear any comments, reviews, or criticisms in order to better my writing. Crossposted on Wattpad and Scribblehub.

honeyseeto_02 · Adolescente
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19 Chs

Chapter 2

The plane ride over was nothing special. By some miracle, I had three entire seats to myself since the passengers who were supposed to sit next to me suddenly cancelled their tickets. Even then, the flight itself was not entirely full and I could spot a couple more empty seats in the two other isles. 

The plane ride was a total of 2 hours. It wasn't long at all so I stayed awake the whole time while watching random movies. Other than that, I would get lost in thought and snap out of it after a few minutes. The flight attendants were very nice and kept checking up on me every now and again to make sure I was comfortable. They could tell it was my first time flying and given my young age, they were probably asked to keep an eye on me. 

The plane landed a little after 3 in the afternoon. 

I got out of the plane and followed the rest of the passengers through the tube and through security before picking up my suitcase from the circling platform rack. 

Once I had everything, I walked over to where my pick-up was supposedly waiting and looked around for a sign of some sort. 

That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder and I flinched in surprise before turning around to see a middle-aged man wearing a neat suit standing behind me. He had a kind face and a bright smile which lessened my guard a bit.

"Are you Miss Lynette Parker?" he asked.

I hesitantly nodded, "I am. You are..."

"George Ken. I'm a driver employed by your father who was sent to pick you up and bring you to the house."

"Can I see some proof?" I asked as politely as possible. Kidnappings were a thing and though he seemed like a nice enough man, one could never be too certain. 

Mr. Ken didn't seem offended at all by the request and pulled out his ID along with his phone to which she showed a message exchange between him and my father whose username I recognized from what Ms. Evans had shown me the time she had been messaging him. Seeing the familiar username and the legitimate-looking ID, I relaxed and said, "Thanks and sorry about that. Just thought I should be careful since I don't know anyone here."

"That is perfectly reasonable and acceptable," Mr. Ken replied with a smile. "In fact, it would be good if more teenagers had your common sense. My daughter should learn from you."

I felt embarrassed at the sudden praise and barely managed a smile in return, "Thanks."

"Then, shall we? I'm parked very close to the entrance so it's not a long walk," he said picking up my suitcase without a second thought. Assuming it was probably part of what he did as an employed driver, I didn't say anything and just followed along. 

Outside, I was stunned to find myself standing in front of a rather fancy-looking vehicle that looked incredibly expensive. I knew nothing about cars so I didn't know what it was other than the brand which was definitely a Bentley. I mean, knowing that my dad actually employed a driver should've lit the bulb but seeing the expensive car in front of me, it only just registered in my head that perhaps my dad was wealthier than I initially thought. 

"Please get in," Mr Ken, amidst my shocked daze, had already put my luggage in the boot and was now holding the door open for me. 

"Oh, right. Thank you," I said and quickly got in. He closed the door behind me and walked around to the driver's seat where he climbed in and started up the engine. 

He waited until I put on my seatbelt before driving and exiting the airport's car park. 


I stared out the window for most of the drive, simply examining and admiring the different scenery. The city my father lived in was known for its natural beauty and its incorporation of nature into the main towns and city designs. 

That's partly the reason this city was known as the 'Green District' even though it wasn't really a district. 

That's based on the information I gathered from online. After finding out the details of where my father lived, I had made it a point to research the place and learn more about it. Partly out of curiosity but mostly to gain a bit of familiarity before I moved there so I didn't seem like a total idiot. 

I was able to learn about the main streets, the different shopping centres, the local police stations, and the main transportation means. I also tried learning about the different subway routes and bus routes in case things were not within walking distance. However, if Mr. Ken drives me everywhere, I may not need to take the subway.

That is only if.

I don't know how my father operated things so perhaps it was good to keep learning about the subway and bus systems in case this is not a regular thing. 

"We are here Miss Lynette."

Speaking of...

Mr. Ken's sudden voice brought me out of my thoughts and looked through the windshield of the car.

In silence, my mouth dropped open in shock. 

That is where my father lives? He owns that?!

There was a large gate in front of the car but beyond that, there stood an amazing modern mansion with dark brown walls, and a lengthy, wide driveway. I'm no architecture student nor am I familiar with housing designs so I could think that it just looked huge and amazing. That was nothing like what I had imagined. 

And then it hit me. 

I would be living here from now on.

Holy smokes!

"Um...what does my father do for a living?" I blurted out without thinking. 

Mr. Ken spoke as he pulled up the driveway, "You don't know? Miss, your father is the CEO of Motion Industries. He is the wealthiest person in the city."

"...Huh?" I could only stupidly ask. In shock, I slumped against the back of the seat and tried to process this crazy information. 

My father is not just a rich man but the richest man. In the city at least but still!

Did Ms. Evans forget to mention this piece of information to me? Or did she not know? No, I'm pretty certain she would've learned it along the way so perhaps she just forgot to tell me. Or maybe she did tell me and I forgot? I doubt I could forget something as big as this though...

My mind swirled with questions. On Ms Evans' part, I believe it was probably an honest mistake or a misunderstanding so I don't blame her. However, that didn't mean I wasn't puzzled as to how I only just found out about this.

Then I thought, 'My mom was once married to him. I might've once lived here but I don't remember anything. Just what happened between them that she refused to speak of him for eleven years?'

Before my mind could wander any further, the car stopped moving as it parked at the main entrance. Mr Ken got out of the front seat and I followed after without waiting for him to open my door. When I stepped out of the car, I stared up in amazement at the building in front of me and a feeling of anxiousness overcame me. 

'This...is a little scary.'

Once my admiration for the mansion had subsided, what was left was the realization of how totally unprepared I was to be the daughter of some CEO. Unbeknownst to Mr. Ken, I had a mini-freakout in my head but kept a calm face. Well, 'attempted' to keep a calm face.

'Shit! I was not ready for this!'

In the midst of my inner crisis, a middle-aged woman wearing an apron came out of the house, noticed me, and headed towards me with a smile. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

honeyseeto_02creators' thoughts