
Sweet Dreams [R-18+]

Isadora opened her eyes again, a maid burst in and said, "Lady Isadora! It is time to get up!"

Looking around, her bedroom was suddenly much larger than what she remembered and was ornately decorated. Her small double bed was now a fluffy king sized bed with a canopy top and the maid looked at her with respect as if she was nobility.

Lady Isadora tried to say something but once again she couldn't speak, but the maid continued and helped Isadora out of bed. She brought her in front of the wardrobe and had her examine a dress that was hung up on a mannequin. This was a wedding dress!

Isadora tried to ask the maid who or what it was for, but no words came out. The maid seemed to understand though and instead said "You're getting married to Count... no, I mean King Agist!"

Isadora's face blushed and she had to consider how long was she asleep for if Count Agist became King Agist!

Lillica and Lorraina burst into her room and started doting over her, they helped her put on the dress and were telling her how beautiful she looked. The image she saw of herself in that mirror made her look and feel more attractive than Lillica even.

"Lady Isadora, please allow us to humbly escort you to King Agist's castle for the wedding ceremony!" A gallant knight with shiny plate armor and a white cape with King Agist's seal on the back strutted in.

In her mind, Isadora yelled out "Dion! You've become a royal knight!"

"Our father should be coming to the wedding too, who knew that our lord would take it upon himself to find the man!"

Isadora started to panic remembering what happened when Dion's father last saw her as she was burning alive, but then a gentle middle-aged man walked in to her room as well and said, "Now now, you know I would have been there for my daughter for everything had I known her mother was pregnant."

He looked very similar to Isadora with tanned skin, thick black hair, and the same dark eyes. This was her father, her real father!

Isadora was so happy that she started to bawl her eyes out, when she finally looked up again, she was standing in front of a massive congregation, a white veil over her head and a bouquet of flowers in her hands. A bunch of the nobility were standing at the side of a long red carpet, to her right was her father who looked at her and smiled warmly "My daughter, I couldn't think of a better man to give you too."

Isadora looked down the red carpet and saw Count Agist, no, King Agist, standing tall and proud with a big smile on his face. On his side Dion stood also proud, and it looks like he had been crying a little even, the big softie.

On the other side of King Agist, Lorraina was standing their excitedly, when they met eyes Lorraina gave her a big smile and friendly wave.

Isadora felt her father take her arm in his as a wedding chorus started to play and they walked arm in arm down the carpet.


Lorraina was holding Isadora tightly again as she slept, but this time Lorraina was sweating profusely. She had used up a lot of magic today and was almost out. Happiness and pleasure were different, she couldn't feed off of happiness, but she didn't want to, she wanted to give her friend a happy dream.

"Lorraina! Stop! You must feed soon!" Lorraina felt Lillica behind her, but she couldn't respond as she was using her last bit of strength to help Isadora.

"She is my friend!" Lorraina managed to whisper to Lillica.

Lillica froze, then smiled sweetly. Was this the same Lorraina as before?

"I understand love, then at least let me help" Lillica then stood over Lorraina and kissed her sweetly, she slipped her tongue between Lorraina's lips and Lorraina started to suck on it gently, taking some of Lillica's magic for herself while Lillica was softly moaning for her.

Lillica pulled back suddenly as Lorraina was starting to take too much of her magic, "Ok, don't overdo it love, come to bed before she wakes."

Lorraina nodded as she stopped trembling with exhaustion and instead focused on Isadora's dream.


Isadora noticed that the world around her became hazy for a second, but next she saw that she was standing next to King Agist and a bishop was asking them to recite their vows. Isadora's mind went blank as everything turned into a mumble, but for some reason it seemed to work out as the next thing that happened was Isadora remembers seeing King Agist lift off her veil, then lean in.

Was this going to be her first kiss with King Agist?

King Agist put his hands around her waist and pulled her in gently, then their lips met, softly at first, he tasted slightly sweet and the way his hands held her waist made her feel comfortable and protected.

In the front row she saw her mother crying and her father was consoling her mother while also appearing to be fighting back tears. She was so happy that she felt she was going to burst.

Her hand was then taken by King Agist as he looked out at the crowd and waved to everyone then yell out with a loud clear voice "Please welcome your new Queen, Queen Isadora!"

The entire congregation got down on one knee with their heads down and chanted "Long live Queen Isadora! Long live King Agist!"

Isadora turned to look at King Agist who was beaming back at her, then she turned to look at Lorraina who was also kneeling while smiling at her.

Lorraina winked at her then whispered "Have lots of children for us to spoil!"

Isadora blushed because she had never willingly engaged in any sexual activities aside from the occasional kiss.

She remembers turning to look for Dion again, but instead she found herself with King Agist in a large bedroom decorated with large paintings, a coat of arms, and a painting of King Agist wearing a crown standing next to Isadora that was also wearing a crown. In middle of the room was a very large bed on a tall frame, the red canopy cover draped over the entire bed and goosefeather pillows were stacked neatly on the head of the mattress.

"Shall we go to bed my Queen?" King Agist looked down at Isadora and then picked her up like a princess and carried her over to the bed.

Isadora's heart was thumping wildly, while she had never really fallen in love with Agist, she knew he was still a good man and did have a crush on him from the way that Dion had always talked about him. She wasn't ready for what was about to happen, but she also wanted to be good to King Agist for always being good to her and her family.

King Agist laid Isadora down gently in bed, wedding dress and all, then kissed her gently on the lips again while his hands started to undo the buttons on the back of her dress. Isadora managed to sit up and put her finger on King Agist's lips to get him to stop. She wanted this dress to not get ruined so she stood up, sat King Agist on the bed, then turned to face away from him and took the dress off herself.

She draped it over the open door of the wardrobe and was now wearing nothing but white lacy stockings, white silk panties, and a white corset with straps reaching down her body holding the stockings up. She doesn't remember putting these on, doesn't remember ever having something like them, but didn't care. Isadora wanted to look sexy for him, not just him as King Agist, but the man "Agist", and she felt sexy right now, it was empowering.

Isadora walked up slowly to Agist who was staring at her, looking as if he would devour her any second. She suddenly felt the same, was this lust?

Isadora straddled Agist's legs, then sat down, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. Willingly kissing a man like this was new to her, she felt her whole body get warm even just from this kiss.

Agist's hands found their way up her body and were clawing gently at her bare skin and the back of the corset, wanting to tear it off of her. She felt a bulge in his lap and realized it was Agist's cock becoming aroused. She stopped kissing Agist to rub the bulge that was poking her a moment ago.

Looking back at Agist, they looked into each others eyes and she heard Agist say, "I love you Isadora". Isadora replied with "I love you too Agist", but no words still came out of her mouth, although it seemed like Agist still heard her as he smiled back at her the warmest smile she had ever seen Agist give.

Isadora stood up and removed the corset, then her panties, she went for the stockings, but Agist stopped her. "Leave those on, I can't resist you in them."

Isadora nodded and then watched as Agist took his own shirt off and tossed it aside, she then got on her knees in front of him and started to undo his belt. She remembered how a noble had forced her to do this once then grabbed her head and forced her to take his tiny hard cock in her mouth and thus was expecting Agist to grab her head.

Instead he caressed her face softly and smiled down at her. Agist's pants fell down to the floor and his thick veiny cock swung up in front of her after she removed his underwear. She stayed on her knees in front of Agist and waited again for him to grab her head nervously since she didn't want to disappoint him.

"What's the matter my love, you don't have to do anything you don't want to." Agist said softly to her.

Isadora nodded and felt relief wash over her, she looked at Agist's cock again and instead of disgust she started to feel her confidence in her looks grow even more. She caused his cock to turn in to this, she felt her pussy start to become warm and wet. Reaching down between her own thighs, she felt herself up and it felt like an electric current went through her as she touched her own clit.

She had never masturbated before even, she remembers having such an aversion to it that suddenly touching herself was almost too much for her to handle. A small moan escaped her lips and this surprised her since she wasn't able to speak, but it seems moans worked. She wanted to moan consciously but then no sound came out... did it only work with instinctive moans?

Isadora didn't think much more about it as a Agist's cock was starting to twitch in front of her after her heard her moan. She reached up and touched it with her finger tips, it was hot... extremely hot... like it would melt her inside if it went inside of her. She then gripped the entire shaft of Agist's cock and while it was still hot, it was actually a good heat. She started to stroke it slowly, worried that her gripping it without any lubrication would hurt it.

The warmth of Agist's cock felt good in her hands, and when she looked up at him, he was moaning slightly while she was stroking his cock. She wanted to feel this warmth on her body and didn't know what came over her, but she found herself getting as close to Agist's cock as she could then pressing the shaft between her breasts and squeezing her breasts around his cock.

She may not have been as well endowed as Lillica and Lorraina, but she was still confident in her breasts. Still, they were only large enough to engulf half of Agist's thick cock. She knew this might not be pleasurable to Agist, but the feeling of his throbbing cock against her chest warmed her to the core. She started to rub herself against it and would watch the tip pop in and out of her breasts.

Agist moaned more and started running his fingers through her hair, she was expecting him to grab her head and tensed up slightly. Agist never grabbed her head and only continued to stroke her hair.

Isadora relaxed and wanted to see how warm Agist's cock would feel inside of her. She pulled back slightly from Agist, then started rubbing his cock with her hands again while staring at it determinedly. Making up her mind, she opened her mouth wide and engulfed as much of his cock as she could, gagging slightly on it after barely swallowing half of it.

Her saliva started to drip down Agist's shaft and she used it to lubricate her hand and stroke the parts of his shaft she couldn't fit in her mouth. Her pussy started to feel warmer and wetter than before so her other hand instinctively went down and started rubbing her own clit. Several moans escaped her and traveled through Agist's cock, he moaned with her as she started to move her head back and forth on his cock.

She was clumsy at first as it was her first ever blowjob, she first sucked on just the tip and stroked the shaft up and down with one hand. Agist would moan more and she felt his legs tense up when she stroked him faster. She used her lips to move up and down the tip with her hand and Agist started to moan even more and his legs started to shake slightly. Her free hand was now rubbing her own pussy aggressively causing her to moan continuously as well.

Isadora didn't stop sucking his cock, but she stopped focusing on Agist's cock and instead focused on the sensation coming from her pussy. Something was coming, something she never felt before, the more she rubbed the better it felt. Her body started to take over as her hand started to rub in circles on her clit, her body started to stiffen and mind went blank, whatever was coming was here!

"OOHHHMMMMMM" Isadora released a loud primal moan, the volume of which would've surprised her had she been able to hear it, but she was to busy losing herself to the pleasure of cumming for the first time, he mind hand gone white and her hand was now soaked with her own juices as she rubbed her pussy even more aggressively than before.

Isadora's body shook and became unsteady after she came, her whole mind was a mess as she had never experienced this sort of feeling before. Her natural instincts came out and she wanted Agist's cock, she wanted him to feel the same thing.

Isadora took the hand she had used to rub her pussy and started to stroke Agist's cock with it, mixing her saliva and pussy juices making his cock nice and wet. She saw Agist start to buck his hips uncontrollably and knew that he was going to cum soon as well.

She wrapped both hands around his thick shaft and started stroking his cock with long fast strokes, she knew what would happen when a man came, but she was ready. Her whole being would be his, she wanted to give him as much pleasure as she could.

"Isa- Isadora, I'm about to..." Agist barely managed to get out.

He was about to cum, she knew it, and she wanted it. She nodded at Agist and started to twist her hands slightly around his thick cock while still stroking him.

Agist let out a bestial roar and his cock throbbed in Isadora's hands, what felt like gallons of white hot cum burst forth from the tip of his cock. Isadora pressed it into her breasts and face, she wanted to be covered in his cum, wanted to give all of herself to him. Agist moaned one last time and his cock finally finished spraying her with cum.

She sat there, covered in his cum, it was in her hair, on her face, on her breasts, and even dripping down onto her thighs from her breasts. Isadora was dazed as her hands started to feel the cum that was covering her, she rubbed it in to her breasts, her face, and even licked it off of her fingers. She had never felt closer to her beloved and wanted to feel even closer.

Agist then helped her up and kissed her passionately, she was worried about getting his cum on him but he didn't seem to notice or care, he laid her down on the bed again, this time naked except for her stockings.

Agist stared at her hungrily as she laid there. Isadora's mind was still thinking about her first orgasm and her hands once again started to wander towards her pussy. Her clit was now hard and throbbing, touching it directly was almost too much for her as she moaned every time she just touched it. Exploring more, she reached down a little further and felt the source of her wetness, she felt like it was aching to be filled with something...

Isadora then slipped two fingers inside where it was aching to be filled and let out a moan of pleasure and relief. She pushed her fingers in as deep as she could and pulled them out over and over. She needed something larger... something hotter...

She looked up to see Agist watching her and realized what she needed, she pulled her fingers out of her pussy, then gave them a good long suck before grabbing one of Agist's hands and pulling him on top of her.

Agist didn't seem new to this at all fortunately... his cock was already hard again from watching her finger fuck herself and was probing her pussy entrance. Finally he pushed a little harder and the tip of his cock entered her pussy causing Isadora to release a noise that was a combination scream and moan. It both hurt and felt good at the same time. She wasn't a virgin, but she had only been penetrated once before so feeling Agist's significantly larger cock slip inside of her was too much for her to handle.

Agist seemed to know it was hurting her so he just left the tip in and said sweetly "Don't worry my love, we'll take it as slow as you need."

Isadora nodded and then bit on her own finger while Agist started to slowly move back and forth, slowly filling her up with more of his cock. As the pain started to subside, it was replaced with pleasure, she felt her insides start to relax and her hips started to move with his some.

"I'm going to push all of it in now..." Agist said softly.

Isadora nodded and bit her finger again in anticipation of the pain, she felt Agist then press his body against hers and her vagina swelled as she felt like his cock even reached her womb. This feeling of being completely stuffed didn't hurt as she expected but did make her mind go blank as her whole body started to get weak.

"Are you ok my love?" Agist said as he held his cock completely inside of her.

Isadora nodded again, she could even feel his balls pressing against her. Agist started to move back and forth inside of her, she loved to feel every single inch of his thick cock slide in and out of her completely. The pleasure was turning in to too much as her eyes rolled back and she felt like she was about to cum again, her whole body tensed up and hips started to move on their own. She wanted to cum on this thick cock and when Agist noticed her trying to move faster, he started to thrust harder into her.

Isadora's mouth opened and she let out deep moan, almost a roar, as her pussy clamped down on Agist's cock while she came. Her hips started to push into Agist, wanting to feel his cock all the way inside of her. When she finally finished cumming, her mouth hanged open and tongue stuck out as if she was drunk...

She recovered herself and then covered her face with her hands in embarrassment, she had shown Agist such a lewd expression and was embarrassed.

"Don't be ashamed my love, you are just enjoying yourself, and you deserve it."

Agist pulled her hands away from her face then kissed her softly on the lips.

Agist started to thrust into her again and she let her body relax and be filled up by his massive cock. After a few thrusts, Agist started to grunt and his thrusts became more forceful.

"Fill me up Agist!" she heard her mouth say, but she never said that. She didn't care because it truly was what she wanted. She lost herself to the pleasure again as Agist started to fuck her harder and faster than before.

"He-here it comes!" Agist roared and she felt the same warmth that covered her before flood her pussy, the sensation was enough to make her come again as well and made Agist feel even better when her pussy squeezed his cock while it was spewing cum inside of her.

Her mind started to go blank again, she remembers rolling on to her side after Agist pulled himself out of her, then him holding her from behind and falling asleep peacefully with her.

Isadora opened her eyes and muttered "Agist..." then rolled over to see Lorraina holding her close while sleeping. She realized it must have all been a dream, but it was such as vivid dream... She reached down her own body and her pussy felt a little moist.

Looking at Lorraina again, her skin and hair seemed to be different than what she remembered, but it was dark and she figured it was just the shadows. She snuggled into Lorraina's embrace and fell back asleep.

This chapter is more than twice as long as my normal chapters... You're welcome.

LordSputnikcreators' thoughts