
Chapter one:Her

(Y/N)'s POV

After dropping off my bratty little brother, I began to walk to school. Once I got to school, I went to my locker and start to get ready for school. As I'm at my locker I see my best friend of 11 years coming towards me, Luna.

Luna: Hey bro, how was your morning?

(Y/N): Oh it's been alright, you?

Luna:Same, anyway I'm going to a concert this Friday. Wanna come?

Every weekend, Luna always go to concerts and sometimes I would come with her if I'm not busy.

(Y/N): Sure why not.


Soo the bell rings and was time for Math.

Luna: There's the bell, gotta go bye.

(Y/N): Bye.

Once I got to class, I can't stop thinking about Luna. I have  a big crush on her since 6th grade and I'm too much of a chicken to ask her if she likes girls. I'm (Gay/Bi/Pan) and haven't told nobody because I'm scared that they won't accept me.

Teacher: (Y/N) would you like to tell us the answer to number 4?

Shit I wasn't paying attention 

(Y/N): Um,35?

Teacher: That's correct, for number 5.It's actually 20. Pay attention.

Once the teacher started talking again , I payed attention to her for I won't be in trouble.

When the bells rings, I went to my locker to get ready for History, but this time Luna will be in my class so we walk together. Once we reach it, I sat down at my sit and started talking to Luna.

Luna: So I'll pick you up at 5:30 so you better be ready.

(Y/N): I'll be ready don't worry.

Luna: Alright bro.

*Time skip to after school brought to you by Bon bon*

On my way home, I saw Luna talking to James. James is one of the coolest kids in school and all the girls wants him. When I saw James and Luna talking, I got a little bit jealous and start to walk over to them.

(Y/N): Hey Luna, hey James what what you two talking about?

James: Oh we was talking about the concert this Friday.

(Y/N): Oh so you going too?

Luna: Actually, he'll be joining us. If that's okay with you.

I was mad. I wanted to to be me and Luna. Not me, Luna, and James. I wanted to say no but I didn't want to be suspicious so I said,

(Y/N): Sure the more the merrier!

Luna: Awesome, so my sister will pick you up around 5:30 okay?

James: That's sounds good see you guys later.

Luna and (Y/N): Bye

(Y/N): I have to go I see you okay

Luna: Cool, see you later bro.

Once Luna left, started to walk home again, I started asking questions. Why would he come with us? Does he have friends? I mean don't get me wrong, Luna and I was pretty cool but not on his level of cool. I started thinking why until I arrived home and started to do my homework

2 hours later 

After finishing my homework, I started to fall asleep about Luna and James being together and Luna forgetting about me, I woke up and check to see what time it is and it's said 7:30 so I began getting ready for bed, while thinking about her