
Chapter 8: Babysitting

Y/n's POIt was Friday and I'm so excited! My mom got to go to a busy trip and she won't be back until Saturday evening, my little brother is staying at a relative's house, and Luna is going to a concert tonight. Which mean that I'm having a Friday night to myself! Once the bell ring for dismissal, I went to my locker, grab my backpack, and start headed to the gas station to get some snacks for tonight. After paying for the snacks, I went home. After getting home, I see my mom in the living room on the phone and Greg on the floor playing with his cars.Mom: What do you mean that you can't come tonight! I have to leave in an hour and you're cancelling at the last minute! *Sigh* It's fine, I'll find someone else, bye.She hung up and turn around and notice me.Mom: Y/N, I didn't see you there.Y/n: I just came home a few minutes ago.Mom: OhY/n: Who was you talking to?Mom:I was talking to your cousin, and she told me that she can't babysit b/c her boyfriend is taking her out tonight.Y/n:OhMom:Now I don't have anyone to take care of Greg.....UnlessShe turned towards me with a creepy looking smile Mom:Y/n, will you be a dear and babysit Greg for me?Y/n: NoMom:Why not?Y/n: Mom, Greg is a demonMom: No he isn't. Greg is the sweetest boy ever.Y/n: He poked me in the eye 'accidentally'Mom: He was 3 at the time.Y/n: I'm not babysittingMom:Please She was giving me the puppy eyes. She and Luna are the only one that can do that to me to make me sayY/n: Fine,I'll do it Mom started to light up like a child on Christmas Day.Mom:Thanks, Love.  *Timeskip to an hour later *After putting in the last stunt case in the trunk, my mom came towards me with something.Mom: Now here's the numbers if you need to call me and can't reach me. And some money. Now make sure Greg get in bed by 10:00 and that's he's fed. You can invite Luna or some of your friends over, but no freaky shit got it?Y/n: Yes mom I got it.Mom:Good, I trust you * kiss your cheek* . And be good for your sister.Greg: Yea ma'amMom: Love y'all. And be safe.And just like that, she was gone. We went back in and watch tv for a while.20 minute later, Greg started talking.Greg: Sis, I'm hungry.Y/n: What do you want?Greg: PB and J sandwich!Y/n: Alright then.I got up from the couch and when to the kitchen to make the sandwich. A few minutes later, it was finish and I gave it to Greg.Y/n: Here your sandwich.Greg: I don't want it.Y/n: What do you mean?Greg: I don't want the sandwich anymore. I want Burpin Burger!My eye begin to twitch Y/n: BOI, if you don't this sandwich Imma hurt you you.Greg: But I don't want it!Y/n: You'll get Burpin Burger in 2 hours.Greg: I WANT IT NOW!And just like that, he threw a tantrum. I didn't do nothing. I let the twerp throw a fit and went back to the living room , got on some headphones , and listen to (fav songs). I begin to get sleepy, so I shut my eyes for a few minutes.I open my eyes and took off my headphones. I looked at the clock and saw it was 5:30. I looked inside the kitchen to see Greg on the table sleeping.Y/n: He must've been crying for a while and gotten tired.I picked him up and put him on the couch to rest. All of a sudden the door bell rings. I opened the door to see my brown-haired girl.Y/n: Luna?! What are you doing here?Luna: Well, it turns out that the concert was at Missouri not Michigan. After finding out, I decided 'Why not chill with my girlfriend on a Friday night'.Y/n: Oh. Anyway come in and be quiet.Luna: Why?Y/n: My mom left me to take care of Greg and he's sleeping.Luna: Oh okay. After a few minutes of chilling, Greg woken up from his nap.Greg: Where am I?Luna: At home, little dude.Greg: Why are you here. Mommy said you can't have no company.Y/n: Mom said I can, as long as they don't cause trouble.Greg: Whatever, can we go to Burpin Burger now.Y/n: Not for another 20 minutes.Greg: PLEASE!Y/n: I said not yet, okay. You'll eat in 20 minutes. Greg started to cry again and ran up to his room.Y/n: I swear that boy would be the death of me.Luna: Don't say that, let me talk to him.Y/n: Go ahead. Be my guest. Luna got up and went to Greg's Room.Luna's POVI knocked on Greg's door.Luna: Greg, can I come in?Greg: NO!! GO AWAY!I knocked again and find out that the door is unlocked, so I let myself in.Luna: Hey buddy, how are you?Greg: I'm mad.Luna: And why's that?Greg:Because Y/n is being a meanie and won't let me go to Burpin Burger.Luna: Well that's not a good reason to be mad about.Greg: But she always bossing me around and telling me what to do and I don't like that.Luna: That's because she knows what's best for you and your safety. Yes every now and then she'll play with you, but at the end of the day she loves you and wants the best for you.Greg: You really think so?I nodded my head yes and before I knew it Greg got out of his room, ran to the living, and practically tackle Y/n.Greg: I'M SORRY BIG SIS I'LL BE ON MY BEST BEHAVIOR FOR NOW ON!!Y/n didn't know what to do but just hug him.Y/n: It's okay Greg, I ......love....... you?Greg: I LOVE YOU TOO!!Luna: Um guys. I could hear Burpin Burger calling our names.Y/n:Okay Luna, let's get going.Y/n's POVI didn't know what happened in Greg's room, but whatever happened made Greg act right. We had a blast at Burpin Burger and Luna told Greg about the time we got kicked out of there for a month. Afterward, we headed back to the house and watch a movie. I mostly slept during the whole movie and so did Greg. By the time I woke up, I saw that the movie was over and Greg knocked out.I picked him up , took him to his room, and put him on his bed to rest. Shortly after, I went back to my room to see Luna is my (favorite band) t-shirt and gyms short.Y/n: Why you wearing my clothes?Luna: Because they comfy and I'm your girlfriend!Y/n: That don't mean shit, I'll let it go tonight b/c I'm tired and want to go to sleep.I went to my dresser and got a f/c XXL t-shirt and some gyms shorts. I begin taking off my shirt and was only in my bra and (pants/shirts). I turned around to see a blushing Luna.Y/n: Like what you see?Luna: U-u-um m-m-mayb-b-be?I chuckle a little and started to put on my pj. Finished, I lay on the bed beside Luna. Right before I was going to sleep, Luna pinned me down and kissed me and started a make-out session.This continue until Luna started kissing on my neck, causing me to moan. I stopped her right there for two reasons:1. My brother is sleeping and I'm scared that he'll come in on us2. I don't know if I'm ready for this yet.Y/n: Let's stop there for tonight, I'm tired.Luna: Me too, good night baeY/n: Good night, sweetie.And just like that, we were off to sleep.--------------------------------------------------------------FINALLY FINISHED!!!!!!I am so sorry for publishing this late, life is hell for me and I couldn't think of something until this. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and comment down below and tell me some ideas for the next chapter.I'm thinking of a lemon, but Idk.Until next time❤️