

"Jeff, stop by the side." Niall slightly slapped on the boy's hand multiple times.

"Hmm, this place?" He asked confused because that side of the beach was quiet popular and hundreds of people visit that side every day.

"Why?" Niall asked as he pulled out some of the essentials while Jeff yawned and stretched himself.

"This is a busy area. How can some magical portal exist in such an open place?" 

"It is mid night and tonight, no one would come here. I was spreading the mist on our way here so no mortals would be able to get through it." 

"You are so cool." Jeff was amazed at how good the boy was at planning because Lia and Noah never does anything.

"Are we just going to close it like a door?" Lia asked as she stepped out of the car because she only knows to use spells which may not work in human world.

'Maybe." Niall chuckled as he took in the fresh breeze which kind of was salty.