

"What makes you think, he is a human? You think that a human can teleport with another human and that too from my place?" 

"So what are you trying to prove?" 

"I am not. I should be really generous to have you here alive even after knowing what you did." 

Lia was totally bewildered as the conversation picked up to another dimension because she never in her million dreams would think that the boy was a super natural creature. He was always scared and silent, like a lost puppy but now it sounds like he is much more powerful than all of them. Lia had closely observed the boy during the training days but he showed no much changes but to think of it she doubted him from the beginning.

"Yuta, you need to return before you unleash the evilness in here. If Zeha has powers, there would be a lot of humans like him and we surely don't want to mess around with all."