
Luminescent Swordsman

A world plagued by a haunting voice that spreads like an illness. Those who hear it experience vivid hallucinations and whispers until they plunge into an unnatural state. Nox recently got infected and is trying to survive in a world full of dangerous daemons

CrushedByBooks · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Government Mandate

Nox's eyes fluttered open, greeted by a blinding white light that enveloped the room. As his vision adjusted, he realized he was met with an array of monitors and the cold, sterile surroundings of a room he didn't recognize.

He felt a strange weight on his body, as if he was restrained in some kind of device. As he looked down, he noticed that he was wearing a straight jacket, a garment typically used for mental patients. But it wasn't just that; numerous other restraints were cuffed tightly around him, securing him in place.

Confusion washed over him as he tried to make sense of his surroundings.

Nox yawned and attempted to stretch, before clearing his throat

"Uh... hi?" he greeted, his voice echoing in the room.

To his surprise, numerous turrets emerged, their menacing barrels swiveling and aiming directly at him. A surge of panic coursed through Nox's veins as he instinctively braced himself for the worst.

But just as quickly as they appeared, the turrets deactivated, retreating back into the bunker ceiling with a mechanical whir. Nox blinked in disbelief, unable to comprehend what had just transpired.

The room returned to its previous state of eerie calm

"Don't mind them. It's just a precaution. Can't be too careful these days."

A woman Nox did not notice before sat right infront of him in a plastic chair.

Nox looked at her. Her short, white hair framed red eyes, and her flawless, pale skin stood in stark contrast to his own. Nox had rarely encountered someone as striking as her, and her presence captivated him.

The woman looked to be in her early 20's, clad in a dark green uniform with silver epaulets and black leather boots. She stretched her arms above her head with a yawn, betraying her boredom. Nox's attention was diverted to the katana cradled between her breasts.

Not wanting to be called a pervert, he glanced up to the ceiling and replied to the women.

"Precaution against what?"

The woman dismissed the katana she cradled, the weapon turned into sparks before it completely vanished.

'That must be a fragment.' Nox thought.

Her tired expression turned serious, her eyes narrowing as she fixed her gaze upon Nox.

"Against you," she replied with a hint of solemnity.

"Well, to be precise, the dead you. You see, Nox, if you were to die during the Trial, your body would turn into a daemon."

Nox listened intently, his mind reeling with the weight of this newfound knowledge.

Her serious expression turned into a humorous grin, and the woman stretched her hands behind her back and added

"Anway welcome back Awakened Nox."

The women let out a small yawn before continuing to talk.

"My name is Amanda and I was sent here by the government to watch your body."

Amanda rose from the plastic chair, her movements fluid and graceful. As she approached Nox, her every step seemed to carry an air of intrigue and confidence. Inch by inch, she closed the distance between them, her presence becoming more pronounced with each passing moment

Nox's heart quickened as Amanda drew nearer, his eyes fixated on her every move. The ambient lighting of the room cast gentle shadows upon her raven-black hair, accentuating its glossy sheen. Her fire red eyes shimmered with a mix of curiosity and amusement, captivating him like an intricate puzzle waiting to be unraveled.

Nox's breath hitched as Amanda leaned in, her face mere millimeters away from his. Her warm breath gently brushed against his ear, sending a delicate shiver down his spine.

"You're kinda handsome."

Her words echoed in the stillness of the room, resonating within Nox's mind. The intensity of the moment was palpable, and time seemed to slow as he absorbed the weight of her words. A faint blush crept onto his cheeks, a mixture of surprise and flattery washing over him.

"Thank you... I think," Nox replied, slightly flustered by her comment about his appearance.

Amanda chuckled softly, her breath tickling his ear. She pulled away slightly, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"You're welcome," she said with a playful smirk. "I always appreciate a handsome face in the midst of all this chaos."

Nox couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and confusion. He was still trying to process the situation he found himself in, the restraints, the turrets, and now this enigmatic woman who seemed to possess a magnetic charm.

"But, uh, why would you call me awakened?" Nox asked, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Amanda let out a small chuckle, amused by his question.

"After the trial ends, the caller's body goes through a transformation. Their physical abilities become much greater than an ordinary human. On top of that, they receive their Facet," she explained, using the term Nox hadn't heard before.

"Basically, once you start experiencing the calling, you become known as the called, however dumb that sounds. And once you undergo the trial and survive, you become awakened."

Nox nodded, processing the information. The pieces were starting to come together, and he was beginning to understand his new identity.

"Well, that makes sense... What comes next?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Amanda's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she continued to enlighten him.

"Now that you've awakened, Nox, your next step is to undergo training at the Academy," she explained. "The government can't simply allow newly awakened individuals to roam freely without understanding and controlling their Facet. The Academy is designed to guide and educate you on harnessing your abilities, ensuring your safety and the safety of those around you."

Nox scratched the back of his head, absorbing the weight of his newfound responsibilities.

"Alright," he replied, determination seeping into his voice. He knew he had a long journey ahead, but he was ready to embrace it.

Amanda nodded, her expression conveying confidence in his decision.

"The Academy will provide you with specialized training, both in honing your power and understanding the responsibilities that come with them," she explained. "You'll learn from experienced instructors who have faced similar challenges and can guide you on this journey of self-discovery."

As Amanda spoke, Nox's mind buzzed with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The prospect of learning about his powers and connecting with others who shared similar experiences intrigued him. Yet, beneath the surface, a flicker of uncertainty remained.

"What about my friends?" Nox asked, his voice tinged with concern. Although he only had one true friend, Celeste, he didn't want to sound like a social outcast so he used friend in the plural form.

"Will I be able to see them?"

Amanda's gaze softened, understanding the weight of his worries. She had seen this concern in the eyes of many others before him.

"During your time at the Academy, your contact with the outside world may be limited, at least in the beginning," she explained gently. "The primary focus will be on your training and development. However, the government understands the importance of maintaining connections, and they'll strive to facilitate communication between you and your loved ones, albeit with certain restrictions for security reasons."

Nox nodded, accepting the necessary sacrifices that came with his new path. The safety of both the awakened individuals and the general population was of utmost importance.

After a moment of contemplation, Nox took a deep breath and made his decision.

"Alright, I'll go," he declared, determination resolute in his voice.

Amanda chuckled softly, her amusement evident.

"Well, you don't really have a choice," she replied with a playful smirk, emphasizing the undeniable truth. Nox couldn't help but crack a smile in response.

"could you... perhaps remove these restraints? I appreciate the precautions, but they feel rather uncomfortable."

Amanda's eyes widened in realization, a flicker of embarrassment crossing her face. She quickly stood up from the chair, rushing towards a control panel on the wall.

"Oh, right! I completely forgot about those. My apologies, Nox," she exclaimed, her voice laced with genuine regret.

Nox watched as Amanda swiftly pressed a series of buttons, and the restraints around his body began to loosen. With a soft hiss, they released him from their grasp, allowing him to stretch his limbs freely. He rubbed his wrists, feeling the blood flow returning to his extremities.

"There you go, all free now," Amanda said, her tone apologetic. "I can be a bit absent-minded at times. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"No worries, Amanda. It happens," Nox replied, giving her a reassuring smile. "Thank you for setting me free."

Amanda nodded appreciatively, a small smile playing on her lips. She moved back to her chair, crossing her legs once again.

"Now that you're free, I suggest you take some time to prepare yourself," she advised

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