
Luminescent Swordsman

A world plagued by a haunting voice that spreads like an illness. Those who hear it experience vivid hallucinations and whispers until they plunge into an unnatural state. Nox recently got infected and is trying to survive in a world full of dangerous daemons

CrushedByBooks · Fantasía
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8 Chs


Nox stood in awe as he gazed up at the towering gate of the Academy. Its grandeur was beyond anything he had ever seen before. The iron structure stretched high into the sky, imposing and majestic. The intricate designs etched onto its surface told tales of valor and strength, serving as a constant reminder of the purpose and history of the Academy.

Amanda stood by his side, observing his fascination with a knowing smile. She had guided him to the front gate, ensuring he reached his destination safely.

"It's quite impressive, isn't it?" she remarked, her voice filled with pride. "The Academy is not only a place of learning but also a symbol of hope and resilience for all awakened individuals."

Nox nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from the gate. He felt a surge of determination and anticipation course through him. This was where he would hone his abilities and become the leader he was destined to be.

Amanda gently placed a hand on Nox's shoulder, drawing his attention away from the gate.

"Come, Nox. The auditorium awaits. That's where you'll receive further instructions and be introduced to the Academy's rules and regulations," she said, her voice carrying a hint of authority.

Nox tore his gaze away from the gate, his excitement now shifting to the next chapter of his journey. With Amanda leading the way, he followed her through the entrance and into the sprawling campus of the Academy.

The academy grounds were bustling with activity. Awakened students clad in their uniforms hurried to their classes or training sessions. The air crackled with energy, a tangible sense of purpose permeating the atmosphere.

As they walked, Amanda shared words of advice with Nox, her voice filled with wisdom.

"Remember, Nox, power is everything within the Academy," she said, her tone serious. "While it's important to embrace and develop your abilities, it's equally crucial to keep them to yourself, at least in the beginning. The Academy is a competitive environment, and revealing your full potential prematurely may attract unwanted attention or make you a target."

Nox listened intently, understanding the weight of Amanda's words. He knew he possessed immense power, but he realized the importance of caution and restraint.

"I understand, Amanda," Nox replied.

Amanda nodded, pleased with his response.

"That's the right mindset, Nox," she affirmed. "Remember, the Academy is not just about honing your physical abilities but also about developing your character and leadership qualities. Strive to strike a balance between strength and humility."

They reached a massive auditorium, its doors flung open wide. Inside, the seats were already occupied by eager students, their faces filled with a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

Amanda glanced at the bustling auditorium and then back at Nox, her expression tinged with a hint of regret.

"Unfortunately, Nox, duty calls," she said, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I have other government work to attend to, so I must take my leave."

Nox's eyebrows furrowed in slight disappointment, but he understood the demands of her role. He nodded understandingly.

"I appreciate all your guidance, Amanda," he said gratefully. "Thank you for everything you've done for me."

Amanda smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting a sense of pride and fondness.

"It's been a pleasure, Nox," she replied. "Remember to just survive."

With those parting words, Amanda turned to leave, her steps purposeful and determined. As she walked away, Nox couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude and a tinge of nostalgia for the brief but impactful time they had spent together.

Taking a deep breath, Nox looked around the auditorium, scanning the room for an empty seat. The students' eyes were fixed on the stage, where instructors and officials were preparing to address the eager crowd.

He made his way through the rows, the buzz of anticipation filling his ears. Finally, he spotted an unoccupied seat near the middle of the auditorium and quickly made his way towards it.

Settling into his seat, Nox glanced around at his fellow students, their diverse appearances and determined expressions creating a sense of camaraderie.

As the murmurs in the auditorium began to die down, a hush fell over the room. The stage lights dimmed, and a spotlight illuminated a figure stepping forward to address the assembled students.

Nox recognized the person standing on the stage.


The room fell silent as Master Elden entered the stage, his gaze sweeping across the assembled students. Nox leaned forward, eager to hear what the old man had to say.

Master Elden, the aged figure standing before the assembly, bore the weight of a tumultuous past.

Two decades ago, during the emergence of the Calling, he stood as one of the first few to survive the trial of the calling. In the dark ages that ensued, when daemons threatened to engulf the world, Elden became a beacon of hope and resilience.

In countless webtoons and stories, Nox had read about the legendary exploits of Master Elden, who had guided humanity through those perilous times, forging a path of survival amidst the encroaching chaos.

"I am pleased to inform you that all of you have successfully survived the first trial," Master Elden announced, a hint of pride in his voice. "Your resilience, resourcefulness, and determination have brought you here, and for that, you should be commended."

Nox felt a twinge of satisfaction at his own survival but quickly pushed it aside. His primary focus was on his own well-being, regardless of the cost to others. The fate of the world was of little concern to him as long as he could secure his own survival.

"However," Master Elden continued, his expression growing grave, "we stand at a critical juncture. The veil between our world and the realms beyond is thinning. The Calling, a mysterious force that manifests in times of great upheaval, has been spreading. It opens gates, allowing daemons to slip into our realm."

Nox's eyes narrowed, his concern deepening. The idea of daemons slipping into their world filled him with unease, but not for the reasons one might expect. It wasn't the potential destruction or chaos they could cause that bothered him; it was the threat they posed to his own survival.

"The Academy is not only a place of education but also a bastion against the encroachment of daemonic forces," Master Elden explained. "It is crucial that you understand how to harness your abilities, control your strength, and master the disciplines you choose to pursue. Now, more than ever, it is essential that you prepare yourselves."

Nox listened intently, but his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of personal survival. The idea of controlling his abilities and mastering the disciplines held little appeal for him, except insofar as they could be used to ensure his own safety.

"You have been chosen to receive the knowledge and training required to face these challenges head-on," Master Elden emphasized, his voice filled with conviction. "The path ahead will be arduous, and the trials you will face will test every fiber of your being. But fear not, for you are not alone. The Academy stands united with you, offering guidance, support, and the wisdom of generations."

Nox's expression remained guarded, his focus fixed on the practical aspects of survival rather than any sense of unity or camaraderie. The idea of relying on others or forging bonds with fellow students held little appeal to him. He preferred to rely on his own skills and instincts, unencumbered by the distractions of others.

"Embrace the calling that brought you here," Master Elden concluded, his voice echoing with determination. "Channel your powers, hone your skills, and forge bonds with your fellow students. Together, we shall face the darkness that encroaches upon us. Welcome to the Academy, where heroes are forged, and destinies are shaped."

Nox nodded subtly, giving the appearance of acceptance. But deep down, his resolve was focused solely on his own survival, no matter the methods or sacrifices it would require. The fate of others mattered little to him in comparison to his own existence.

'Survival... That's all that matters. Who can afford to care about others?'