

Penny, now healed up well enough to sit at the breakfast table with her siblings, sat in between Emma and Ray, glancing down at her plate with her hands clasped as Isabella said their morning blessing. "Good morning to you, my darling children. Now, let us appreciate that all thirty eight of you are able to live happy lives under this roof. Thank you for the food."

"Thank you for the food!"

After breakfast, while Emma helped Penny walk back to the infirmary, Emma jerked suddenly and turned around.

"Emma?" Penny whispered.

Emma lowered her head and nodded at Phil playing with one of his brothers.

Penny sighed sadly.

That afternoon during free time, Penny sat numbly under the tree next to Emma. She said nothing through the whole time, thinking constantly about Norman and how he was gone. She glanced at Emma, who was watching the passing birds wordlessly, looking empty.

"Emma looks sad again." Phil, who stood next to Don and Gilda as they did laundry, muttered as he watched Emma from a distance. "I never seen her look like that..."

"Yeah..." Gilda sighed.

"Me neither." Don muttered in agreement.

"And it's not just Emma!" Lannion said as he walked over with Thoma, who nodded his head. "Ray, too."

Gilda glanced down sadly. "I checked on Penny yesterday in the infirmary, and she just wasn't her smiling self anymore. She just had this downcast expression, just staring into nothing."

"They seem so depressed..." Lannion sighed.

"They're lonely without Norman..." Phil said.

"Well, the four of them were really good friends."

"So?" Ray asked as he numbly took a seat in one of the dining hall chairs.

"We should start deciding on what we're gonna do." Don began. "I mean, for our sake..."


"Ray?" Penny squeaked, glancing sadly at the raven haired boy as he slumped. His black hair wasn't smooth...it was messy. His eyes looked dull, as if he wasn't getting enough sleep since Norman's... Penny cringed and closed her eyes. She didn't want to think of what happened anymore.

"Who cares." Ray continued numbly. "Let's just die here. The cliffs make it impossible to escape. And the only bridge is attached to Headquarters." he leaned forward in his seat. "Plus I'm tired. Really tired."

"Ray..." Penny mumbled again. She felt someone brush against her, and the ten year old looked up to see Emma walk over to him, holding the device in her hand out to him. "Here, it's yours."

"Keep it." Ray numbly responded. "I don't need it. If you wanna escape, then do it." He glanced up at her. "Sorry, Emma. I'm out."

Emma's eyes widened, and the girl turned heal and ran out the door.

"Emma..." Gilda whispered.

Penny just stared at Ray in shock. "Ray, please...we still need you..."

"Didn't you just hear me?!" Ray yelled at her, causing her to flinch back. "I'm out! Just drop it already!"

Tears started falling down Penny's cheeks, and the ten year old hobbled out the door towards the infirmary. For once, Ray didn't call her to come back or apologize. When she left, Don narrowed his eyes and turned to Ray angrily. "Ray! C'mon!"

"Sorry..." Ray mumbled. "Gilda...Don...sorry."

When she made it to the infirmary, Penny clutched her pillow and burst into tears. She couldn't believe Ray out of all people just yelled at her. How dare he, when she was only trying to help him feel better?! Her shoulders shook as she sobbed, not wanting to believe what just happened.

Hearing soft feet walking up to her, Penny gasped in horror to see Isabella standing over the girl. "I did knock, you know. Didn't you hear it?"

Penny shook her head as she numbly sat up. She didn't move as Isabella wrapped her arms around the ten year old. "Oh, you poor thing. I can tell you're in pain and suffering. Norman is dead. Emma and Ray both lost hope, not to mention the fact that Ray has betrayed you. And you can't do any of this on your own. You must be so despaired, knowing you'll never be able to escape."

Penny shuddered as more tears threatened to fall.

"You should've listened to me." Isabella continued. "The best way for you to end all of your suffering is to give up. I've told this to Emma already, and she seemed to agree to it."

Penny's eyes widened. Emma...how could she?!

"So stop resisting." Isabella continued. "It's easy. You'll feel better. I promise."

Penny continued to not say anything, her sobs overtaking her words. She didn't move as Isabella sat down next to her. "Hear me out, Penny, please." She wrapped an arm around the ten year old and pulled her close. "I've been thinking about it, and already asked Emma about it. But being the stubborn one she turned the offer down. I decided to ask you about it and I decided to go to you to hear your thoughts."

"What is it?" Penny whispered.

"When your time comes, I'd like to recommend you as the next Mom candidate for this farm."

"A mom candidate?" Penny repeated softly. "I'm only ten years old..."

"That's right." Isabella smiled as she continued. "When you're old enough, if you become an adult and give birth, then prove your abilities, you can return to this house and watch over it as a mom or sister. You have the right to that option. So if you are interested, I would love to recommend you."

Penny gritted her teeth. If Emma said no, then she would be brave and stand up to Isabella herself. She pushed herself away.

"I'm sure you're thinking who would accept that offer." Isabella continued. She put both hands on Penny's face. "But. What else can you do to stop this? It's over. You have nothing. Death awaits you. You'll continue suffering. Live and when you're old enough, strive to become a mom. Accept despair and free yourself of pain!"

Penny slowly shook her head, squeezing her eyes tight. "No...I don't want to...I refuse...please don't make me..."

Isabella let go of Penny's face with a disappointed frown as she stood up. "Fine, then. You can rive in agony as you await your end. You'll never be able to escape. You'll come to realize it sooner or later."

Overcome by her sadness, Penny fell onto her covers and sobbed. Isabella glanced softly at her and closed the door behind her. A second later, the door opened again, and Emma glanced sadly at the ten year old. The ginger walked up and sat next to her, pulling Penny tenderly in her arms.

"Penny..." Emma mumbled, hugging her tightly. "You did great..."

Penny said nothing.

The next day, Emma sat underneath Ray's tree wordlessly as leaves fell on her.

"Emma..." Phil whimpered as he gave her a hug.

Inside the library, Ray glanced tiredly at the photo in his hands. He slumped and let his hand dangle over the edge of the floor of the library.

As for Penny, the ten year old just laid there on her bed in the infirmary, staring numbly at the ceiling as sleep took over her.