
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · Ciudad
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22 Chs

Chapter 6

After a few hours of running through the hell to the coliseum, only five made it to the coliseum. They were Raven, Envy, Malphas, and two other demons from Satan city. Upset and disappointed, Satania scolded her generals about letting their citizens becoming so weak, failing to realize that she made the test tougher than usual by asking her family for help. But, truthfully, she knew exactly why it was like that. She planned this from the start. However, that didn't change the fact that she needed contestants. Luckily, she had two, sitting right beside her.

"What! What do you mean we have to continue competing in the exam? We resigned!" Lucie and Kasai complained simultaneously.

"It's exactly like I said. Since we don't have enough people to do a proper magic battle, we need seven people to do a magical performance. All you need to do is show your best spell, and you will be done." Satania said.

Lucie and Kasai sighed and agreed to participate. They, then, left and made their way to the waiting room, where every other contestant was waiting. Once they got there, they saw Raven and Malphas ready to start a fight, while Envy tried to stop them. Then, the two demons from Satan city walked up on Lucie and Kasai.

"Heelloo, ladies! Come to see the winners before the competition is finished."

"Of course, they have, bro! They've totally got the hots for us, bro."

"I guess that means we should introduce ourselves. My name is Arcumus."

" I'm Dormus."

"And we're... Bro from different Bros." They said simultaneously.

"They must be idiots! Complete idiots." Lucia and Kasai thought.

"Sorry guys, we're not here for you," Kasai said.

"Yeah! The queen asked us to participate in the final stretch of the exam." Lucia said.

"Oh really, you two are fighters. Never would've guessed it." Arcumus said, arrogantly.

"Yeah, two beautiful girls like yourselves shouldn't fight. You should be doing your nails or something like those dumb humans females we trick into giving themselves to us all those centuries ago. Or, better, how about you go to the mess hall and make me an evening dinner, and I'll be over later tonight." Dormus said.

Lucie, aggravated, clenched her fist, and tried to calm down. Kasai saw this and held Lucie's hand.

"Oh, check it out, bro. We have ourselves a pair of licky-licky ladies." Dormus said.

Immediately, Lucie punched Dormus in the face, knocking him into the back wall.

"Don't you dare call us that incompetent term! We're the wives of the king of Jan-gu. Anything besides that would be disrespectful to the Lucrada clan." Lucie said.

"The Lucrada clan? Who are they?" Arcumus asked.

"Lucrada clan? Wait, you don't mean the legendary army of untold beings. It's said that each one of them had the power of all the demon generals. But, they're only a myth. A dead legend." Dormus said as he held his face.

Lucie and Kasai laughed slightly.


"Uh, excuse me. Is this the waiting room for the tournament contestants?" A girl said as she walked into the room.

Everyone looked at her with confusion. It was a little girl, not much older than Rias.

"Yes, but are you supposed to be here? Where are your parents?" Raven asked.

"Yes, this is exactly where I need to be. And, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't treat me as a child. I'm a senior at Mammon High School, and the next in line for the title of demon general." the girl said.

"Well, that means you should be strong enough to keep me entertained," Raven said while smiling with immense demonic pressure.

"That's enough of that, Raven. Don't scare the girl too much." Satania said while walking into the room with Azazel and Scarlet.

Raven immediately calmed down after hearing her mother's voice.

"Your majesty, pardon me, but your daughter will never intimidate me, especially with that small amount of demonic energy." the girl said.

Azazel and Scarlet slightly laughed.

"Alright, it's time to start the tournament. The rules are simple. You'll be fighting battle royale style. The last one to survive will win the right to marry my daughter, Raven." Satania said, happily.

"So, it was you who made that...

Raven and the other contestants disappeared instantly and reappeared in a dark forest separated from each other. Quick to fight, Malphas, Arcumus, Dormus, and the girl rushed to find opponents, while the others sat in one spot waiting for them.

"Wow, I can't believe lady Raven just sat down. Since, when did she become so tamed? And, to think, I thought I could

"Boy, don't you dare finish that thought," Satania said calmly while slightly releasing her demonic energy.

Scared, Azazel immediately went silent.

"That reminds me. You had some plans to betray our family, right. Before I kill you, who's the mastermind behind your ridiculous idea?"

Azazel, then, smiled maliciously. "So, the queen of demon kind figured out the treachery in her servants," he said.

"So, you're also betraying us, Scarlet."

"No, your majesty. I'm always loyal to the crown and the Lucrada clan." Scarlet said, worriedly.

"Good, you'll be rewarded with anything you wish."

"Thank you, milady."

"As for you, I'll give a single chance. Run away or tell me what I want to know. Just so you know, the others won't do a single thing. I, alone, will issue your punishment."

Immediately, Azazel ran away as fast as he could. However, Satania didn't move. Satania only sat still, watching the tournament. Confused, Scarlet turned around and transformed. Her body was covered in black marks.

"Calm down, Scarlet. Everything has already been going according to my plan."


Then, Scarlet noticed Satania's arm. It was also covered in black marks. These black marks signify a demon as a high-class devil. High-class devils are a class of demons that possess outstanding strength and magical power; they call demonic energy. Some can even manipulate the black marks on their bodies to fit their needs. And, Satania has complete control over her black marks. She is even capable of leaving a piece of her mark on others.

Meanwhile, Dormus and Arcumus encountered Lucie, who was meditating and focusing on her ki. She didn't want to fight this tournament using her celestial powers, so she decided to focus on the basics she learned from Mia.

"So, are you alone, Yuri?" Arcumus said.

Lucie lost focus and released a large amount of power, clearing a large portion of the forest. Shocked, Dormus and Arcumus stood paralyzed. However, They noticed her eyes were closed. Slowly, they backed away in an attempt to get away without her noticing.

"Where do you two think you're going?" Lucie said as she got up.

Immediately, they ran away, fearing her. Unfortunately, Lucie was a lot faster than either of them. She appeared in front of them and punched them in the stomach, causing them to fall to their knees.

"Is this all the power you have? To think I took you two seriously, I feel foolish." Lucie said as she walked away. Suddenly, Reo and Anko appeared in front of her. Immediately, she hugged them.

"Reo, Anko,"

Meanwhile, Arcumus and Dormus got up, but something was different. Their demonic energy grew to a level that rivals any of the Demon Generals.

"LUCIE!" Satania yelled out. Sadly, it was too late. Arcumus and Dormus attacked Lucie from behind.

"Hey, Bro, it seems she lost to us. Do you think we should take a prize?" Arcumus said with lust in his eyes.

"Well, of course, Bro. It only right that we take a prize for our hard work" Dormus said with the same look in his eyes.

Furious by the situation, Satania, Celestia, Sol, and Kaiser got up and made their way to Lucie's rescue. However, they were stopped by mindless soldiers.

"Your Majesty, I suggest you sit back down before you and your guest get killed," Damacus said as he and his youngest daughter appeared behind the mindless soldiers.

"So, you're the person behind the treason. No, you can't be. You're too much of an arrogant idiot to persuade Azazel. But, if not you, then who?" She said as she looked around. Then, she realized that Selha was missing.

"Kaiser, where's Selha?" She asked.

"She and her two children went back to the Youkai dimension. Apparently, they couldn't accept the fact that Kasai surpassed her limits and became their legendary fox goddess. Why?" Kaiser said.


A sudden explosion from the northern and southern gates of Hell. The northern gates led to Demoria, which is currently filled with unprotected, innocent demons. The southern gates led to the purgatory, the home of the worst beings, second only to the inhabitant to Tartaros. They were the demons who refused to be ruled by Satania when the universe was split by Ira. They believed that they were superior to her because she was a half-breed, even though the other half was Jan-gu DNA. However, they didn't know this until it was too late. Satania, in an attempt to avoid a civil war, banished and sealed them in a world she created, Purgatory. A world where they were to be driven insane while reflecting on what they did to deserve this.

"Kaiser, Sol, Get everyone out of here and get them to Demoria. Celestia, you get to the contestants and inform them about the situation. I will delay the escapees as long as I can." Satania said.

"Did you forget about us, your majesty?" Damacus asked.

"On your knees, when you address a member of the Lucrada Clan, you Traitorous scum!" Someone yelled from behind them.

Suddenly, Damacus and his youngest daughter were forced to their knees as if gravity increased. Satania looked at the person behind them and saw Laracia with her three daughters; Maria, Yuko, and Aria.

"Well, you sure took your precious time. Who are they?"

"Right, you haven't met them. These three are my daughters: Maria, Aria, and Yuko." Laracia said.

"What! You mean these three are your daughter you thought died in Wallachia."

"Yeah, they are my precious little girls."

"Please don't call me that," Yuko said, creating a quiet mood amongst them.

"So, I see she shares your great personality," Satania said, sarcastically.

"Not funny," Laracia said.

"Anyway, what going on?" Maria asked.

"Nothing too big, just hunting down some traitors and saving my people from the savage demons of purgatory. Laracia, you and I are going to hold off the demons. The triplets should go find their ladies before the worst happens." Satania said.

"Right," They all said before disappearing.

Meanwhile, Arcumus and Dormus were ripping Lucie's clothes off, but they were regenerating as quickly. As time went by, they were getting frustrated.

"F**k this," Arcumus said as he summoned fireballs in his hands. Dormus stopped him and pulled him away.

"Bro, stop. We don't want to kill her yet. We want to-

Suddenly, Dormus felt a chilling feel run down his back. Then, he turned around and saw a woman picking up Lucie's body. And, before he could react, the woman sliced him and Arcumus into tiny pieces, killing them.

Located on the opposite side of the forest, Kasai is fighting against her mother, brother, and sister. Strangely, she wasn't using her strength to her fullest. It was like her power was being sucked out by something. She was almost weak as a newborn Kitsune pup. Fortunate for Selha and her other children, Kasai was close to falling unconscious from her power being sucked out. As time wore down Kasai's strength, Selha took advantage, and attacked a kitsune's weak spot, the little spot between the shoulder blades. Attacking this spot allows a person to easily separate a Kitsune's power from their body, causing them to fall unconscious.

"Alright, take her back to the castle, and help her prepare for her wedding," Selha said.


"Yes, Garuda has been waiting for centuries for his wife. And, he can't wait any longer." Selha said.

Shusui and Sui picked up Kasai and carried her off into a portal, Selha opened with her Lucrada clan ring. Then, she closed the portal hoping that she could get away with the betrayal she committed towards the Lucrada clan.

Meanwhile, Satania and Laracia land in front of a huge horde of black creatures with sharp claws and teeth. Their shrieks were similar to babies crying for help. And, each one's shriek was loud enough to spread throughout Hell.

"Woah, what did you do to them?" Laracia asked.

"I didn't do a single thing to them. Purgatory transforms beings into this by amplifying the negative emotions in their soul. And, for demons, those negative emotions are potent." Satania said.

Suddenly, three of the Purgatory escapees stabbed Satania through the heart with their sharp claws. Then, one of them slashes at Laracia with an ax, created from its hand. However, Laracia was able to dodge it at the last moment. Then, she punched the same escapee, sending it back into the horde.

"Hey sis, stop playing with the fools and finish them off." She said.

Satania sighed and said "You make it seem like I wasn't just stabbed in the heart. You know that hurts. Hell, some vampires even die from getting stabbed through the heart, right."

"Okay, you have a point, but you could've easily dodged those slow movements," Laracia said as she kicked in front of her, causing a shockwave that destroyed many of the escapees.

"Seriously, I would've thought my twin sister would understand the reasons to play with the opponents while fighting," Satania said as she knocks one of the escapees off.

Laracia, then, starts to laugh. "You sound just like Vladimir. I guess he rubbed off on you."

Immediately, Satania stops fighting. "What?" She says as she releases a shockwave that destroyed the majority of the purgatory escapees, while the other ran back into through the gate back to purgatory.

"How could say something so cruel to me? What kind of sister are you? Comparing me to our older brother, who can't take anything seriously,"

"Well, I would say he doesn't take anything seriously. But, He does care about his family."

"Yeah, but that doesn't give him an excuse to do the things he has done."

"Are you still mad about the massacre of those humans? They attacked us first and killed our niece. That village of humans betrayed both our kindness and our trust. Not to mention, I've lost my daughters for thousands of years. Do you really believe that our actions were uncaused for?"

"Of course not. If anything, you should've invited me. What upsets me is that he gave me the responsibility of the most stubborn, idiotic, and destructive beings! Do you know what kind of stress these people gave me? They attacked and raped...ENVY!" Satania yelled as she took off into the skies.

Meanwhile, Envy is running away from the demons from Mammon City. They both were carrying scythes that radiated demon energy, which sharpened its blade to the point where it would cut the trees as they ran by them. Struggling, Envy looked at her surroundings for a place to hide. Then, she suddenly fell down a hole, which lead to a icy cavern. Inside, she seen many statues of demons.

"Who are you?" A voice said.