
Chapter 5: Let me go

"Would you believe me if I tell you who sent me and why to retrieve you?" She asked staring right into Alicia's eyes. Thinking for a bit while keeping the gaze between the both, she decided on her answer "Tell me Ziva. Why were you sent to retrieve me?"

Taking off her black mask to reveal her face she says "We need peace back in the kingdom, we need the princess back and your presence is required." Alicia became confused, she didn't know what to say, she just stood right in front of Ziva.

"Princess..?" She asked quietly. "Yes the princess. We need her back and we need you for it."

"Why me?" Alicia asked, looking to find answers but she only got one answer from the fox,"I'm not sure." saying a white lie and with that, she took Alicia's wrist and started walking wrist in hand. Alicia started to struggle herself free from the fox's grasp. "Let me go!" She pleads, "I don-"

"I never asked you to come with me, I told you I need to retrieve you for the peace" Ziva said sharply cutting off Alicia from speaking making her go quiet, to obey the fox.

Breaking the silence Ziva spoke "What happened to your parents?"

"I'm not sure but I'm not telling you anything." She replied back instantly with coldness in her tone. Ziva noticing it "Calm down, sorry for being rude earlier but things happen and its out of our control. The reasons of why will come later, lets just focus on getting the the kingdom."

Walking back to the village, Alicia notices more about the fox in front of her, whom is holding her hand now, Ziva was quite fragile but non the less, she was still magnificent.

Back in the village, Alicia and Ziva approached a carriage that heads to from here, Salem to the kingdom, Atresiral. Ziva told Alicia to wait while she spoke to the coachman "To Atresiral please." and gave some coins to pay for the ride.

Getting in the carriage, Alicia spoke to learn more about Atresiral "What's it like? At the kingdom I mean.". Ziva took a small glance at her before answering "It's nature, we all get along well.. but recently people aren't obeying the rules of the King and Queen."

Intrigued as she was, she asked another question. In return before answering another question of hers, she sighed "Princess needs to marry to please the people." while looking out of the window, she can see the reactions passing through Alicia's face. From surprised to confused and lastly realisation. "Am I meant to help her agree?" She asked, but Ziva gave her the look 'something like that', "What do you mean?" but she didn't get an answer as Ziva went back to looking out of the carriage's window.

While travelling to Atresiral, Alicia who was just staring out of the window, who wasn't paying attention now was, she saw how the scenery had turned greener and healthier and the weather was brighter. The weather seems better she thought to herself with a small smile on her lips.

She saw a lake in the distance behind the trees and flowers, it was a nice blue with a hint of green with flowers surrounding the lake in some parts.

Arriving in the kingdom half an hour later, Alicia was filled with awe as she hasn't been to the kingdom before. It was massive and there were lively people everywhere, most minding their own business and going on with their lives, while others spoke to people they knew.

It was strange for her, she had never been around this much people before and when she tried, her parents wouldn't let her go and she felt nervous, she came frigidity.

Getting closer to the palace, the more they delve deeper into the kingdom, the more she became nervous. Ziva noticed her fidgeting "You don't need to be nervous about this Alicia." she said calmly while looking at her. "Why shouldn't I be? First my parents vanish on me, I met this strange guy and now I'm with a talking fox which who has came to 'get' me and go back to Atresiral to basically help out. Why shouldn't I be nervous?" Alicia retorted a bit sharply at the end, out of nervousness she was talking fast which she usually did.