
Lucky Hope of Fairy Tail.(Makoto Naegi x Fairy Tail)

What if Makoto Naegi dies and transports into the world of Fairy Tail. How will his life change and what kind of friends would he have in this new world? Kind and Nice Makoto. Makoto Naegi x Harem.

Jumbo_Ignir · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 17: S-rank Quest, the unplanned Journey!

Chapter 17: S-rank Quest, the unplanned Journey!

Makoto woke up with a soft feeling under his head. Opening his eyes and being blinded by the bright sun shining with its rays towards his own face Makoto saw sleeping Erza above his head. He had to admit it, she was really beautiful despite the rumors of her being the demonic woman tyrant.

Looking back to see what was the soft thing under his head he froze...he was literally laying on Erza's laps while unconscious. His eyes opened wide, from redness and shyness he wanted to jump up, away from Erza's laps but he was unable to do so.

"Please lay down." Erza firmly said making Makoto to blush even harder.

It seems she woke just recently noticing Makoto trying to stand up.

"E-Erza-san if I was unconscious does it mean that I lost?"

Erza wanted to nod but…

"I would call it a draw. You as inexperienced as a normal civilian managed to give me a decent battle. If not for my experience I would have most definitely lost to you, Makoto-kun."

This took Makoto by a complete surprise but he was sure that in the end of the day the winner was still Erza, experience or not he knew better than anyone else that she was half serious during the battle.

"But I must say that I am surprised...How did you copied Natsu's Dragon Slaying magic?"

Makoto scratched back of his head.

"It might sound crazy but…" scratching back of his head he gave her a sheepish smile. "I don't know."


He himself didn't knew how but, it was like a reflex as if his God Slayer Magic itself was directly linked to him copying Natsu's ability.

"Can you at least describe the feeling you experienced while copying Natsu's magic?"

"Well, the best I can describe the feeling is...Gamble."

It sounded crazy, too crazy even for Makoto who said that but Erza knew that magic can be strange sometimes so she needed more information out of him, the luckster understood her right-away.

"The simplest I can explain is that, it felt like I was spinning a roulette filled with names of various magic abilities and by spinning it I somehow gained Natsu's abilities, maybe I should ask Fortuna-san about that?"

"Hm? Fortuna, who is that?"

"Ah! N-No one just me talking to myself, haha!" Makoto covered his mouth he was about to spill the beans. He didn't mind telling everything to Erza but something in him told that no one would believe something as crazy as isekai.

"Well, regardless I have some speculations regarding your magic but they seem too crazy."

Makoto gulped at sudden change of Atmosphere and Erza's tone.

"Considering that you are Lucky God Slayer, what if this magic skill you used is also linked with your luck?"


"Maybe your magic allows you to copy ability which will fall in the roulette?"

Makoto gulped, it actually made a lot of sense.

"W-Wait than does that mean that I am able to copy magic which falls in the roulette? If that's the case than isn't it a bit broken kind of ability?"

Erza closed her eyes for a brief moment as looked back at Makoto again.

"As much as I would like to agree I suppose every magic has it's own drawbacks and besides, you can't be sure that Magic you pulled will be always useful...Actually why don't you try doing that again?"

"But I am not sure if I can do it…"

Erza sighed. She placed her hand over his shoulder as softly smiled.

"I know that you can do it Makoto-kun, just try to believe in yourself."

Makoto looked down as inhaled some air into his lungs. Erza had a point and Makoto knew that his self esteem became quite low.

He tried to believe in Erza's words and focused on his mana flow.

'Just like I did before…I should remember this feeling.'

Mana started to flow from his body while Erza started to observe him anticipating something marvelous.

The mana going in and out Makoto imagined the roulette in his mind.

A big roulette probably 3 meters long with golden stripes appeared before Makoto's eyes.

It materialized in thin air making itself visible to the world.

"So that what it is, huh?" Erza said touching the roulette.

"I did not expected it to become real…"

Erza smiled as looked closely towards the roulette. Thousands of names were written on each part of the said magical material.

Erza tried to spin it but it, as if glued didn't even bulge.

"Makoto, try spinning it yourself." Erza said quite fondly.

Luckster nodded as approached the roulette.

"I will give it a try than…"

With hand on the wheel Makoto spun it lightly as it started to spin like crazy. The immense magical power pouring from it, the pointer stopped on the certain name.

"Ice magic?" Erza said surprised to see Gray's magic.

While Erza was focused on the name Makoto felt a sharp pain pass through his head as information started to pour into his head like crazy.

"I-I think I understood something now…"

"Understood what?"

Makoto combining his hands mirroring Gray started to focus on his breath.

"Ice Bazooka!" As he said that a Bazooka made of ice appeared on his hands as he shoot out the ice weapon releasing a freezing impact.

Erza nodded seeing the impact and magic similar to Gray's.

"Seems my theory proved itself right hadn't it?"

Makoto nodded as finally noticed a small timer above his head which indicated one straight hour(60 minutes).

"Seems this timer indicates time of usage of the magic which I pulled from the wheel."

Erza shook her head the magic which allows one to use any kind of ancient magic is something unseen before but certainly it had a drawback as well it was not set in stone that Magic one might pull will be useful or the fact that Makoto might be able to use many abilities in a row.

"This magic is amazing…Maybe you can even pull another magic?"

"Huh? Wait I should try that out too!"

As if a little kid enjoying his new toy Makoto spun the wheel again as it surprisingly started to spin.

Nothing seemed bad but Makoto felt an immeasurable fatigue wash over his body as he knelled onto his knee gasping for air.

"Why..huff...do I feel so...huff...Exhausted??"

Erza ran towards Makoto almost immediately catching him from fall to the ground.

"It seems your body can handle one magic at a time as of now."

Erza was fuming with joy as she was anticipating to see how she will train the luckster in near future but that's for later as seemingly Makoto was too tired.




Fairy Tail guild still in shock of past events with long face were just trying to guess what Erza meant by living together.

Lucy on other hand was sad that Makoto will probably move out, something that Mira noticed quite immediately.

"Don't worry Lucy everything going to be fine."

Lucy happy that Mirajane tried to cheer her up looked upwards towards the beauty in question.

"Thanks for cheering me up, Mira...but I still want Makoto-kun to live with me~!!!" Like a little kid crying over toy Lucy was crying in a sad tone.

Mira sweat dropped seeing her fellow guild-mate in such a state.

While she was still crying over it, Erza and Makoto were finally back getting everyone's attention.

"Hey, Makoto!"

"So? Are you living together yet?"

People started to bombard Luckster and Titania with questions.

Erza was calm however Makoto wasn't the calm one as he was quite pressed by both male and female attention.

"So you and Erza are dating!??"

"I always knew you were the risky one, dude!"

Being practically showered in such a personal questions he was lucky that Erza's strict glare made them to scatter.

"I will report something to Master so you are free now, Makoto-kun."

"Okay, thanks again Erza-san!"

Makoto cheerfully said running towards the bar where Lucy, Gray and Natsu along with Mira were chatting.

"Hey guys!"

Makoto said proudly gaining a confused look from his friends.

"You seem lively did something happened, Makoto-kun?" Mira was first to note this.

"Come to think of it he really does."

Trying his best not to laugh from Joy, Makoto cheerfully rose his hands upwards.

"I finally figured how my magic actually works!"

Silence filled the area as they all looked at him confused.

"Wait, you didn't knew how your magic actually works until now!?" Lucy exclaimed confusedly.

Even Natsu seemed surprised by such a revelation.

"Wait than all this time you were using only Mana??"

Luckster nodded gaining another surprised looks from his friends.

"I learned how to use mana about two weeks ago as of now, so yes, I am quite happy to finally figure out my magic and go toe to toe with you guys!" His eyes sparkly his friends were sure that they will be blinded by the light coming from his joyful face.

"Aye…" Happy whined confused on what to say to this information.

"Wait what about living with Erza?" Lucy asked seemingly most concerned about this matter.

"Ah, there seemed to be some problems so…if you don't mind can we continue sharing the apartment?" He bowed his head pleadingly. "When I will gain some jewels I will be sure to rent myself my own apartment!" He was really low on money and the money he somehow made was spent on both food and half of the apartment fee.

A smile appeared on Lucy's face.

"Of course you can! I will be glad to have you in the apartment, Makoto-kun."

Makoto smiled innocently grabbing Lucy's hands.

"I am forever indebted to you Lucy!"

Lucy's cheeks reddened as she smiled brokenly.


Mira chuckled at Lucy's attitude while Natsu just burped from the food he just ate.

"Hey, if ya got stronger than why don't we duel again Makoto!?"

Natsu suddenly butted in with stars on his eyes.

Gray sighed.

"Isn't it clear that he is exhausted huh Fiery bitch?"

"The fuck? You got a problem, huh!?"

Both of them forehead bumping each-other made it clear that they wanted to fight with Makoto. Makoto of course wasn't the fan of duels or battles but he wanted to check his magic capabilities as well, but it was risky as his body was in sorry state after his fight with Erza.

While both mages of fire and ice were arguing Makarov joined in to the conversation.

"So you finally understood you Magic, eh, Makoto?"

"M-Master? Didn't see you coming…" Makoto commented surprised.

"Hohoho! No need to stiffen up like this, lad. As your master I feel great that you got stronger so be sure to show me this magic of yours anytime soon."

"I will surely do, Master!"

"What a polite lad...unlike those two numskulls over there!" Enlarging his hand Makarov slammed Natsu and Gray to the ground indicating for them to tone down.

Makoto stepped back seemingly scared at how quickly Makarov dealt with two mages with one hit.

The commotion and laughter would have continued if not for something strange happening.

Suddenly everyone in Fairy Tail started to feel drowsy as one by one started to fall asleep.

"M-Master? What is going on with everyone?"

Makoto asked surprised. Makarov however was surprised that luckster didn't fell asleep like everyone else.

"So you are really talented, huh? Well good for you."

"I…don't think I quite understand, Master."

Makarov just brushed his beard.

"Don't worry if everyone are falling asleep it can only mean that he is here." Fairy Tail guild master pointed his finger toward the door.

Makoto turned himself to see the man in black robe who was covering his face approach them.

"I see you have finally come for the mission, Mystogan-kun."

The mysterious man nodded as his gaze fall towards Makoto.

"U-Umm…" Seemingly uncomfortable with such a gaze Makoto tried to at least say anything but words failed his mouth as he was unable to say at least one thing.

Mystogan answered Makoto with silence and confusion as he getting out something similar to staff was about to hit Luckster only for Makarov to butt in.

"If you came to get the mission you should get it and scram, I wouldn't tolerate such a behavior towards the fellow guild-mate."

Mystogan closed his eyes recollecting his feelings.

"I am sorry. You just looked like my friend from the past…Unfortunately he is dead now." Mystogan stated before giving Makoto a last glance before saying something surprising. "Don't fall for despair friend, be an Ultimate Hope you are."

Makoto's eyes widened upon hearing the title of Ultimate Hope.

He wanted to ask the mysterious man from where he knows it but a strong wind blinded the luckster making him lose the Mystogan from his sight.

"Wh-Who was he…!?" Makoto asked confusedly.

Makarov just sighed.

"An S-class mage, simple as that."




After sometime people all started to get to their senses and wake up.

"What just happened?" Lucy asked stretching herself.

In fact, everyone started to wake up after Mystogan left the guild.

"It was probably Mystogan, again…"

Lucy looked towards Mira holding her eyebrow up.


"He is S-class mage of our guild… in fact one of the few S-class mages in our guild that's who he is.

Lucy heard about the S-class mages.

The strongest mages in the guild, people who went to missions where death was something unavoidable, pros of their work and Erza was one of the S-class mages in Fairy Tail.

Natsu woke up almost immediately with a broken mood.

"That bastard did it again! One day I will challenge him to fight!" Pink-haired boy exclaimed shooting fire out of his mouth.

"Aye, you will do it Natsu…one day maybe."

Everyone were surprised even Erza herself couldn't resist the spell.

"Hahaha! How lame, I thought at least you Erza would not fall asleep."

Suddenly a mocking voice came from the second floor of the guild as standing there was a blonde haired man who had a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Who is that?" Makoto asked Mira who was still drowsy from Mystogan spell.

"I believe you didn't met him yet...He is-"

"I am Luxus, strongest mage in this crappy guild."

He exclaimed looking down on Makoto from the second floor.

"I am quite surprised that unlike trash over here you were not affected by the spell."

Makoto gulped, so this Luxus guy wasn't affected as well.

"Why do you call your guild-mates trash?"

"Huh? Isn't it obvious? Because they are! Look at how weak everyone over here are, I can't stand being with these guys you see?"

Natsu hearing Luxus's trash talk gritted his teeth.

"You bastard Imma kick your ass!"

Natsu dashed upwards towards still grinning blonde mage who just laughed.

Makarov enlarging his hand slammed poor dragon slayer to the ground.

"Second floor is prohibited for all mages beside S-class ones, don't forget it Natsu."

Luxus laughter became even more disgusting. Makoto hearing him felt irritated. For him friends were important as family and hearing someone from Fairy Tail itself say something like that made his blood boil.

"You are acting so high and mighty speaking from above aren't you?" Makoto calmly said.

The atmosphere became quite silent as Luxus's gaze from mocking one changed to the serious.

"Aren't you talking too much, shrimp?"

"I want you to take back your words about Fairy Tail mages being trash."

Luxus's vein popped out as he, like a lightning came down facing the luckster.

"You wanna settle this or something?"

Makoto felt tips of his hair conduct electricity as he firmly looked at Luxus.

Both Lightning mage and Lucky mage weren't backing down. Makoto was upset on the fact that this guy insulted his friends while Luxus was pissed at the fact that this guy didn't recognized his power.

Makoto charging Juggernaut Punch and Luxus packing his lightning were about to unleash their attacks if only not for…


Erza and Makarov stopping them.

Makarov stood in-between Makoto and Luxus while Erza pointed her sword at Luxus's neck.

"My...How scary~!" Luxus mocked turning himself around but not after he looked towards Makoto."What is your name?"

"I am Makoto Naegi." The luckster commented sternly and bitter.

Luxus let a small snicker.

"I will remember you."

As Luxus took his leave Makoto sighed in relieve.

'I was sure I was about to die there!' He internally screamed. 'This guy's magic is no joke!'

While Luckster was gasping for his lucky avoid from the fight people looked at him both strange and admiringly.

"Makoto is so brave that he even faced Luxus without breaking a sweat what a guy!"

Oh god it was happening again…People glazing him over the thing he didn't even do!

'At this point I am scared to do anything at all…'

While it was certainly good to be praised it just didn't feel right with Makoto whose moral compass was turned towards justice and fair share.

"Seriously Makoto-kun, if it weren't for me and master Luxus would have roasted you to dust, be careful next time as I might not be around." Erza whispered to Makoto's ear making Luckster to realize his action.

It was certainly that Luxus was stronger than Makoto by several hundreds steps because guessing from his reaction he was most likely stronger than Erza. Guess he got lucky this time.




Dark night.

Makoto with Lucy were on their way back to their house.

"What a wild day…" Luckster huffed out.

The blonde haired girl giggled at his silly reaction.

"Your life seems to be hard, Makoto-kun…"

"It is because it is! No matter what I do people start to say things hardly comprehensive within human capabilities about me!"

Lucy could only pity the guy by patting his head.

"Everything is going to be alright…I guess?"

Makoto lowered his head in defeat as they approached the apartment.

"Hey there Makoto and Lucy~!"

They were greeted by the sight of Natsu and happy training themselves with white bands saying 'We will be strong!'

Makoto fell silent seeing enraged Lucy.

'I wanted to spend this free time with Makoto and now I see those gremlins...I…'

"Aye, Lucy looks as if she will explode now!"

"Wait you are right! Hey, Luce is everything fi-OOOOOMPH!?!?!?!?"

Two swift punches were delivered hot into both Happy's and Natsu's heads.

"Why everyone are keeping entering our house without ounce of consent!!!"

Laying on ground Natsu pouting showed Lucy and Makoto the strange paper on his hands.

"I wanted to show you this…"

Makoto feeling pity for Dragon Slayer and Cat helped them stand up.

"I know it might seem like too much but let's at least hear them out, Lucy?"

Blonde haired girl sighed.

"Alright, alright but if it isn't something worth attention I will kick them out in an instant!"

Natsu and Happy joyfully jumped from their places taking Makoto into a hug.

"Aye, Makoto is an angel compared to blonde she-devil!"

"Makoto I knew you were a kind soul! Unlike certain blonde tyrant over here!"

Lucy's vein started to pop out.

"Why are you both linking the fact that I am blonde and I will kick you out if you won't start the talk!"

Now seriously sitting in their respective places Natsu, Happy along with Makoto and Lucy drinking tea brewed by Luckster had serious looks looking towards the mission list.

"So…what is this?"

Natsu's grin got wider as he looked towards the Luckster and Celestial Spirit mage.

"Isn't it obvious? It is an S-class quest what else!"


I feel like people won't get Makoto's magic completely so decided to kindly explain it(I am supposed to do it regardless tho)

Basically I read in one of the comments in this book that I should put more emphasis on Makoto's luck but make it somewhat sane considering that with him copying any magic he sees it will be more like cheating so who am I to refuse?

Basically Makoto's magic is based on a gambling. In gambling you are never sure whether the thing which you pull will be to your favor or not. So with that in mind I gave Makoto magic which allows him to pull any random magic including ancient ones, the pros of this ability is in the fact that I as author can come up with vast differences of unique abilities yet keep it within the power level of the universe I am set on. Simply Makoto can either pull an epic W magic or vice versa he can pull the bad L Magic. Simply put Makoto might even get Gildart's magic nor Zeref's based on how lucky he will get but let's not forget that Luck doesn't always works on one's favors so he can even pull, idk, magic which makes him shoot water from his hands or any other useless ability. But with that in mind it will be interesting to see how he using his brains will deal with the problems and opponents using the seemingly useless magic.

Also been hearing that Makoto's magic seems like plot armor...well, it is. I mean how do you expect the story to progress without the plot armor? Plot armor is essential on keeping the protagonist alive. I mean who would like to read a story where protagonists dies or loses everything right away ending the story without any development nor meaning.

I myself am greatly inexperienced and the grammar along with word binding in this fic sucks but I am still trying to keep the quality the best I can, I mean I can use AI to correct me but what will I learn from this anyway? So with that in mind I will say Makoto has Plot Armor but he still will lose if opponent is too strong for him to handle. In 1v1 Luxus stomps the floor with current Makoto(I am planning on making him stronger and stronger over time) unless Makoto pulls some strong Magic out of nowhere so yeh with that being clear I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Love you all.