
Lucky draw that’s all

The MC got three choices while in the process of recreation Easy Mode: life is easy you have a system blah blah blah…. Hard Mode: you just need to put more work On your own: you only get your origin talent unlocked and explain and that’s all. And imagine what the Mc chose… —————————- I-am just bored and putting my ideas

M0011 · Cómic
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15 Chs

Finally leaving the forest and being treated as a beggar an idiot? And my first equipment.

2 day went by and now i am currently sitting on one of my summoned flying eagles and i actual saw an ending to this huge forest.

"Hurry up!" After saying this it's speed started to increase to the point I had to hold on my dear life.

"Slow down!" Saying this it slowed down sighing in relief because I almost fell from this height and that will lead to death.

After reaching the end of the forest I started to see a road in my sight but this time I actually found a carriage with people in them. Getting excited because I can finally talk with people this time I was happy I mean I never had a girlfriend or any best friends but i am human being and I am sociable being.

Running towards the carriage shouting excitedly.


The carriage stops and a person that was about 5,9 with dark skin and black hair comes towards me with a confused expression.

I introduce my self:

"Hi i am Lucky and who are you?" Asking this question and waiting for an answer I see him casting a pity look at me.

Thinking of it again I introduce my self again but the look of pity increased.

This time I realised the look that he gave me is like he looks at an idiot.

Thinking of this i suddenly realised a problem and that is i don't know the language at all at the now I understand that I became an idiot in other peoples eyes.

Sighing I look at his eye that felt with pity and I see him reaching to his pocket and gave me 5 notes with 100 on each of them and started to walk away.

My expression freezes while holding what I can assume to be money then I look at my self and now seeing my dirty cloth. I can see now i am not only treated as and idiot but as a beggar as well.

Sigh going away and seeing their direction so I can at least know the direction of a city or someplace similar to human inhabitants.

Waiting until they leave my sight I started to doing a lucky draw this time I do clothes + repairs + cleans + growth + male . I mean I don't want to get female clothes no matter how good it is so waiting for a bit I got nothing except words image and at the end I finally I got the item I needed.

Card: full cloth wear (growth)

Tier: 3

Type: equipment

Amount of use: 1

Description: it is clothes that can auto repair and clean itself as a side function and auto adjust. The main function it is that in can grow by inserting cards into them of course their are limitations.

Use: wear it instantly by using the card

Note: you can customise the way it looks one time once a month. That also include any thing you wear and I mean anything.

Summoning it from the card What appeared in front of me was a piece of white cloth that was the size of a palm looking at it i started to imagine the custom I want and it appeared in front of me then thinking about it appeared on me.

( https://www.ccosplay.com/genshin-impact-zhongli-cosplay-suit-vago-mundo-costume?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImfmNo_ip8gIVhevtCh10jwUVEAQYASABEgI8n_D_BwE )

After getting clean clothes I started to do the easier lucky draw and that is fairy tail + language

After getting this I just integrated and know I understood one extra language without any effort at all.

Thinking of this I summoned a horse with wind and lightning coming out of it's hoofs and the only bad thing about this horse is that it's fighting power is low but the speed it is as high as an S rank monster.

Card: steed of wind and lightning

Lvl: 50/100

Tier: B class

Type: summon

Amount of use: infinite

Description: a horse that it's main ability it is the speed and endurance.

Use: think of summoning

Note: it have a bit of control of lightning and wind

Now i am going to the city to know where I am.