

Lucifer is head of the 666 gang it took him years to get to this point but now he’s there and ruling over more than half of the cities’ underworld. But will an old lover turned rival fight back and turn all of Lucifer’s plans upside down?

bunnyboishiggy · Acción
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16 Chs

The Boss

Yukio's perspective:

I've been friends with Luci for about ten years, I would do absolutely anything and everything for him. I've been with him every step of the way even when he was dating that fucking ass Daisuke, but now he's mine. And i'm never letting him go. I pulled him towards me and gently embraced him, he tensed up slightly at my touch. His warm arms wrapped around my neck and I kissed the top of his fluffy dark brown hair. He sighs softly and nestles his head into my neck. Slowly he pulls out of my grasp and continues walking to his room, "hey dumbass where are you going?" I call out to him. He turns around and faces me his emerald green eyes locking onto my blue ones, "I have to go out again tonight, I thought I told you?" he says in a flat voice. "Want me to come?" I ask, "nah it'll just be me tonight, i'll b back by 1:30am" he says as he is getting his clothes out of the closet. "Ok" I reply.