

Lucifer is head of the 666 gang it took him years to get to this point but now he’s there and ruling over more than half of the cities’ underworld. But will an old lover turned rival fight back and turn all of Lucifer’s plans upside down?

bunnyboishiggy · Acción
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16 Chs

I’ll be back by 1:30 am

Lucifer's perspective:

I swiftly put on my clothes said goodbye to Yuki and headed out. RING. RING. RING. "What could Azael want at this hour?" I whisper to myself as I check my ringing phone. "Hello?" I ask, "Hey man" a deep voice replies. "So Yukio called me and said you were going out tonight and I just wanted to check in on the boss" Azael states, "I don't need y'all to be checking my every fucking move" I curtly reply back. I hang up the phone swiftly before Az has a chance to say something else stupid, I turn down a narrow ally way there's a thick smell of smoke in the air combining with stagnant water. A figure is standing at the next corner their face covered by shadow, I stop in my tracks. "You wanted to see me Suke" I shout, "Aren't we past the nicknames phase by now Lucifer" a cold voice retorts back. He pushes himself off the wall and a shaft of cold moonlight falls onto his face defining his sharp features, fine dark hair falls around his face framing it perfectly and the stark black geometric tattoos can be seen on his pale skin. I can't bring myself to look into his golden eyes. I can't bear to bring back old memories I need to make this quick.