
Lucifer's Girlfriend// Bl ( omegaverse)

Liam is an omega who has the worst luck in the world, his parents died when he was born, he had to live with his grandparents who raised him attached to the Catholic religion, when he believed that his life could not be worse he meets a demon which is not just any demon but lucifer himself who came to claim him as his "wife" .....

La_casa_del_terror · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Ep 4

Between the bush about to attack you can see it, see that angel of light illuminate my darkness, it was something strange, I did not know what this feeling was about, so I could only observe, that boy was not like the others, he was special….

-My lord of the order and we attack -said one of my soldiers

-No ... wait ... -I said without taking my eyes off that angel-It's not time yet

-But my lord! -Exclaimed the subject

-I approached the soldier expelling fire around me-!! IF YOU SHUT UP, I'LL SEND YOU TO LIMBO !!!!!

The subject remains silent and I can continue contemplating that view, but it did not last long since a voice took me out of that view.

-SATAN IS HERE !!! - An angel shouted to see us hiding-CALL THE GUARDS !!!

- WITHDRAWAL !! - Exclaim what we ran out of there

-But my lord we could have attacked -said one of my soldiers

The other silenced him, leaving me immersed in my thoughts, that image I couldn't get out of my head, it was beautiful, those eyes, that hair….

"He should be mine"


I was handcuffed by my leg to a huge bed without being able to do much more than go to the bathroom that was inside the room, the devil left me some magazines from hell and books, I did not really want to since I would be condemned to this eternal prison for the rest of my life.

"Grandparents ..." I sighed looking out the window at the horrible scenery.

Outside I could see how the higher demons tortured the low level ones with forced labor, and some psychological torture, I could also see some well-known celebrities who had recently died, being punished for their sins committed on earth, I tried to look further but I only saw the dark sky, without any visible stars or moon, there was also no vegetation since it was only surrounded by darkness and fire, I could see that there was a village in the distance, they must be the souls that come to stop here, but something called my Attention and it was that further away there were houses but these were more small castles, I wanted to be able to see who lived but it was impossible, well the people who related about what hell was like if they knew, there was nothing but lamentations and screams of agony .

-I don't know how all this happened ... -I sighed again-I followed exactly what was taught in the church, but now I find myself in hell being one more prisoner ...

-I see you are very entertaining- A voice catches my attention, it was the

-A but if he is the same Lucifer in person- I said sarcastically- Tell me are you coming to torment my soul?

-Well, yes… ..Look how smart you are- From his hand a whip materialized- In fact I came to play with you… ..

-Have you already bored of seeing that sad and discouraging landscape? -Lying my elbows on the frame of the window that was open

-I see you don't know how to defend yourself ... well ... -He approaches me floating-I can help you with that

This is how he has fun with me, causing pain and pleasure at the same time, with his powers he lifts me up holding me with black hands leaving me completely naked on my back.

He smiles satisfactorily- Let's get started

I don't know how long I had been in the same situation, I just wished I could go home, a tear appeared running down my cheek. I notice that he does not continue hitting me, but now his hands led me to where he was sitting now, placing me on his legs, remaining seated with my arms hugging him.

-Today I want something new ... -he said whispering in my ear

I was startled to see that he was naked just like me, I couldn't help but look down as something was touching me and he just kept his underwear on, he moved his finger giving me back my underwear, I didn't understand anything because he was being generous.

-Ngh! - I was surprised when I felt something slimy in my underwear -What is…?

But I couldn't say more because he desperately kissed me, leaving me surprised.

"What's going on?

To be continue