
Loving you but in your head am just nuisance

I fell in love and drowned myself in it moved with patience and tried to please her but all I got was disappointment pain and grief my head in mud and disgusting comments to hear had to fight at all cost but got nothing dear all I was left with was just sand in my peers

STBboss · Adolescente
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17 Chs

Raider got dubious

When we were on the ship and the cruise was going on in a smooth way on the second day in the late morning the ship got some issue and the engineers who were also on the ship were called by captain they were old friends with the captain.

Captain told them that the ship is making an abnormal sound and he told them that there is smoke coming out from the auxiliary engine. The captain was the experienced one he got that there is problem and this thing was concealed by the captain and those engineers the people on ship were unaquiated with this matter.

The engineers were working on the issue that why the ship is making these abnormal sounds and why the engine is emitting smoke the color of the smoke was greyish black in color. They were using their own tactics to deal with it on the other hand raiders were getting suspecious of the fact that why this ship got investigated and explored by noble security people? there must be something valuable on the ship.

They raided the ship and the commotion started to increase all the commoners were caught in shock that why the raiders are on a raid. It is commoners ship and they don't even have wealth like noble men.

This intimidating situation gave rise to the stress on engineers they thought may be the main deck is caught in fire few of them ran upwards to check on the situation and get to know the ship got raided.

What to do in this hectic situation? They ran towards the engine area and told the captain about the alarmed situation. Captain started to think also Amenda was getting anxious and furious that why the problem are being faced by commoners ship there are alot of innocent people on ship what if they get killed but she kept me hidden.

The raiders told the people that they will not kill anyone until and unless they hand them the valuable possession present on this ship. Everyone were dumbfounded they have lack of knowledge about my presence on ship and Amenda has hidden me in that cask she was also alarmed by the situation so she didn't pulled me out but was feeding me through magic all the time she knew if she pulled me out someone will surely take a step against her and me.

The raiders were exploring the ship and they also got nothing the captain came up and said look this stone its shine is like a sun and look when it get closer to dark it turns blue and the shine changes too the noble men are after this do you want this you have searched all the ship but got nothing right!!! because I had this stone hidden in my casket.

The elder in those raiders came closer and snatched the stone from captain hands he said I've never seen something this extravagant in my life ya. Where did ya get it from?!!! I also raided millions of ships but still got no information about such thing.

Captain glared at him and told him that this thing is a prestigious one no one knows about it because I've hidden it from a long thing if you don't want it then leave as the dark is spreading( by this captain means that soon the sun will set it is going to be dusk soon) or take this and also leave we are caught in a trouble right now the ship is going to burst into flames in no time as soon as the raiders heard this they jumped back in their own ship and sailed away when the people heard this the commotion increased more than before people started to weep captain told them that he decieved the elder of raiders so they can leave and out of no where the engineer came out he told the captain the situation is under control.

People sighed with releif and started to prepare for the dinner. Amenda was called in by captain he told her that why is she protecting me too much?? Amenda stared at him and told him that the baby is the beast child not of the simple generation but of the noble one and in noble one he is the selected one to bring change captain was all ears to what Amenda was trying to convey. He nodded his head and said if thats the case then he will also play the part of protector he told her that he changed the situation back there he was going to hand me to the raiders but then thought about Amenda's grief thats why he gave that stone to raiders.

Amenda asked what was that stone he told her that its light lasts for only few months soon it will vanish this stone is found in the caves present on high hills he has few of them and he use them in the dark its a source of light he pulled the lamp out and this lamp had that stone too. She and captain started to laugh at how captain decieved the raiders and saved the day.

To know more read "Loving you but in your head am just nuisance"

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