
Loving The Cursed Werewolf King

Can she melt the ice in Northendell... and his heart? Arielle is the forgotten princess of the Nieverdell, a country blessed with the warm sun all year round. She was sacrificed by her family to become the prisoner of the Northendell Kingdom because of the sins of her brother, the crown prince. In the kingdom covered by eternal ice, Arielle met King Ronan D. Blackthorn, a man full of mystery. King Ronan was cursed. On a full moon, he would lose his human side and turn into a werewolf. Weirdly enough, ever since Arielle stepped into his life, he could slowly control his animal instincts. But great power came with its own consequences. Arielle and Ronan were faced with a difficult choice: Lift his curse or lose Arielle forever.

Gigi_Saga · Fantasía
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801 Chs

What Happened To The Wolves?

<Nieverdell >

A knight rode swiftly towards the palace. He was in a hurry because he wanted to inform them that the wolf guard hut in the forest had been attacked. With lightning speed, he rode through the bustling city.

Everyone started screaming while they saved themselves and their merchandise as he passed. It didn't matter if he stepped on other people's goods or bumped into someone and forced them away, the knight continued to exert his horse.

"Get out of the way! Get out!!!" he shouted. "I have to go to the royal palace! Get out of the way!!"

Curses were thrown at the knight but he didn't pay any heed. Even after he arrived at the palace gates and jumped off his horse, the man immediately galloped towards the palace hall. He passed two guards and told them to get out of the way.

The knight opened the door of the throne room and caused some of the people inside to stop their discussion.