
Chapter 2

Stepping into the house the sweet aroma of delicious food swept past her nose reminding Chloe that she haven't had lunch, she rushed upstairs took a quick bath and came running down the stairs, oh my this is so delicious she said as she settled on the dining table munching on a chicken wing.

No rush sis, the food isn't running ken said

Your obviously the best cook I've ever met; you should teach me how to make this delicious meals some day

Ok; whenever you like, but the tuition fee is pretty high, he smirked

Mmh; she began with a mouthful; am your sister why do you need to take tuition fees from me; not like am gonna be going to a catering school or .... She coughed

Handing her a glass of water he said, you should learn your table manners

Chloe's phone rang just as she was about to say something, picking up her phone she looked at the callers ID; it was Dave her agent, I got to take this she said heading to the balcony.


Sorry to disturb you ;I just got information about Mr.wilsons movie

Mmh Mmh ,go on

There was a change in the schedule ,the audition will be held in two day .....

Two days that's pretty rushed,she cut him off

Come to the office tomorrow and take a look at the script

Ok, I'll be there.


After the audition Chloe got into the movie with the role of second female lead; sulking she went home just in time for some good dinner.

Hey sis ,what's with the face ,ken said placing the last dish on the table .

I got into the movie as second female lead she said

Wow, we should celebrate then ken said porking a piece of steak into his mouth

Uhh,have you read the script of the second female lead! Chloe exclaimed

It won't be that bad ,he said casually shrugging his shoulders

It's not that bad though....It's totally bad!! Chloe shouting munching furiously on a drumstick

Hey easy ,have some mercy on the poor drumstick; you look like a furious chibi doll ken chuckled

Hey, you don't know what it feels like to act as the Maid of your ARCHENEMY; I'm doomed ,she's gonna make this movie a hell for me, she cried out

Well that's some bad news he laughed, your archenemy you mean Sandra

I thought you weren't scared ; aren't you the tough Chloe ,or have you gone all soft ,he teased

Have you ever seen a cat stand his ground in front of a bear ,huh

That was all a show okay,I wouldn't want to look like a baby in front of fellow actress

I might just end up being a minon like Camille Chloe ranted

Jeez ,calm down ; you should be thinking about the opening ceremony .

It's definitely gonna be a blast;

A famous director,a famous female lead, what's more the male lead might end up being famous too ,he said

Stephen cooper,his the lead male actor , she said rolling her eyes

STEPHEN COOPER; you must be kidding me this movie is probably a big shoot....

Wait how did you manage to get in as second female lead ,he said looking at her suspiciously

Are you on my side or their's Chloe said

Hey you should be happy you got into a movie with famous actors,

This movie is gonna be a boost to your popularity and acting career,

Why don't we go pick a dress at the mall for the opening ceremony ,ken said

I'll just go by one of my old dress , nothing to get excited about ,I didn't get the female lead ,okay; she said

Placing his forehead on his palm,he kept eating dropping the topic.