
Loving Madeline

Madeline ”Maddie” Brownwood is a nineteen-year-old college student. Her mother was dead, and her father was unknown to her until one day, a man approached her and told her to come with him to the Divenson Mansion to prepare for her wedding. Hunter Divenson is the handsome and hot engineer and CEO of the Divenson Mining Corporation. He got entangled with his driver’s last dying wish to marry his estranged daughter when his car was hit by a drunk driver. “I’m sorry, Maddie, Mr. Divenson already paid all of our debts, and you know my debts piled up when I accepted you and your mother in this house; you should come with them so that we will be all happy, and you will have a better life.” Her aunt said. Maddie was left with no choice, but to go to the Divenson mansion where she meets her future in-laws, Hunter’s parents were super strict and showed to her face she doesn’t belong to their family, while her future brother-in-law looks at her with lust that made her scared, and his other sister loathes her. Only a twelve-year-old girl, loves and adores her, and carried out her stay at the mansion bearable. The moment she meets Hunter, she falls in love with him. He is so sweet with her every time a member of his family is around, but he is so different when they are alone. “We are only married on the paper since I don’t have time for love, and I can’t love someone like you. Don’t expect if something happens to us in bed; I will love you. I only need an heir of my empire.” He said coldly that making her entire body shiver, and she hated herself for falling in love with him. One day Maddie asked Hunter for a divorce, and her words made him realize he couldn’t let her go because he loves his wife with all his heart. Can Hunter win back his wife’s affection? Is Maddie’s love for Hunter totally gone? Or it was still there and she is just trying to forget and move on? Can she give her husband another chance? -Gold Tier Winner of WFP#35 Female Lead- In-Laws.- (Warning: This novel has mature content in the later part of the story.) ——————————————————————————- Book 2-The Hot Chef and The Wicked Sister Jack Morigan was in love with Madeline, but too bad, she was engaged to Hunter Divenson. Jack made Maddie’s best friend his girlfriend, but deep in his heart, he was still hung up on Maddie. When Gina broke up with him, he knew it was all his fault. Charlotte Divenson was called the wicked sister of Hunter Divenson. She was always envious of her brother because Hunter was the apple of her dad’s eyes and the golden son of her parents. She was known as the wicked brat, but deep inside, she was only a lonely child who wanted recognition from her parents. Charlotte got angry with everyone and shut off the world when her father and younger brother died; she blamed herself and Madeline for their death, and she wanted to hide. Hunter offered Jack a job to make his wife safe, that is, to be the chef cook of his wicked sister Charlotte. Jack yearned to refuse since he hated her, but the money at stake was too high to resist. Her money was running out that she could no longer afford to pay her maids, and her supplies were getting low. She was shocked to find Jack on her doorstep, asking her to take him in since he needed a place to stay. She wanted to say no, but she desperately needed money. They lived together in the same house, bickering with each other, they don’t get along; until one day they could no longer resist the growing attraction between them. Can Jack tame the wicked sister, and leave her and get his money after the contract he signed expired even if he knew he was helplessly falling for Charlotte? What will happen to their love story the moment Charlotte found out the truth that she was only a job for Jack? Are they going to hold on and fight for their love, or they will drift apart with hatred in their hearts?

sirenbeauty · Adolescente
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357 Chs

My New Home

Madeline's POV

I quickly change my clothes into the above-the-knee black pleated skirt and the plain white blouse with three-fourths sleeves, and then I wear the black half apron to complete my attire. As I walk to the main restaurant, I meet a beautiful young woman wearing the same clothing as me. She smiled at me from ear to ear.

"Hello, Madeline, my name is Lianne. Welcome to our diner." She said and hugged me. Her gestures surprised me, but it seemed the Morigans were friendly.

"Thank you, Lianne. Nice to meet you." I replied.

"I am sorry, you arrived a while ago, but my mom asked you to work right away." She said, and I smiled.

"I need a job, which is why I am here," I stated.

"That is good then, and now, since you are new, I want you to deliver the ordered menu fresh from the kitchen." She replied with a smile.

"Don't worry, in due time, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the menu, and by the next day, you can start taking orders from the customers. We are busier during summer and holiday seasons because of the tourists." She added, and I could see servers busy taking orders and cleaning the tables.

The restaurant is busy, and I am enjoying my new job since it makes me forget why I am at Magnolia Village. I felt exhausted by the time the diner served the last customers. I know it was because I woke up so early in the morning and traveled all the way here in Magnolia.

By the time Jack joined us in the staff room, he had looked hotter now that he was wearing jeans and a black T-shirt, and I could see how tall he was.

The rest of the crew already left the diner, and I felt so nervous because I hadn't asked Lydia yet if her brother told her that I would be staying at her house in the meantime. I plan to find my place at the soonest possible time.

"So, Madeline, Tony told me you would be staying in our house, and I love that you will be with us since it was only the three of us who live in that house now. My husband died three years ago." Lydia said, and I felt relieved that I wouldn't be sleeping on the street tonight. And I feel sad to know that she is a widow.

"I am sorry for your loss," I responded as I looked into her eyes.

"Thank you, Maddie, it is okay now. Even though I miss him every day, I am happy that he joined our creator rather than suffer here on earth." She said.

I don't want to ask what happened to her husband because I feel the same way towards my mom. When she died, I was hurt and devastated since I didn't want her to leave me. But later on, it made me realize my mother was suffering, and it was for the best so she would stop hurting.

We all got in the car, and I sat with Lianne at the back while Lydia settled herself in the front passenger's seat while Jack took the driver's seat. It wasn't a long drive to go to their beautiful home. It only took us ten minutes to arrive at their ancestral house.

It was a brick two-story house, and it had a beautifully landscaped lawn. Even though it was a night, I could tell the surrounding of the entire house was ornamented by plants since there is a beautiful garden in front of their home, and trees were lined up at the perimeter. It was Lianne who showed me to my room, and I was amazed at its beauty.

"Welcome to our home, Maddie. I am excited to know you more, Maddie." She said beaming at her, Lianne's friendliness made me feel at home.

"Thank you, Lianne," I replied.

"I believe, you need to withdraw some cash since you needed to buy some stuff," she stated.

"Yes, I do." I responded.

I only have a small amount left in my savings account, and I saved it for the rainy days. But I am just glad I have a house to stay in for now. I need to inquire about my savings account since I didn't have time to check my last paycheck on my previous work because they said they would deposit it in my account since I go with Calixto on that day to Divenson mansion.

I am so happy that my room has its bathroom, and when I finish taking a bath, I change into my nightdress. I only have one since I travel light and I didn't bring any suitcases with me.

What was inside my luggage left in Hunter's mansion mainly are books, and I don't care if the Divensons threw away my belongings.

I like Magnolia and the new family I am living with because I can tell they are good people. The light pink printed bed covers made me feel so sleepy, and I was on my way to the bed when I remembered Lily's letter and drawings for me. I get my backpack and get the envelope.

My eyes widened the moment I fished out its contents. Along with Lily's drawings are cash bills, and I can't believe the little girl gave me a decent amount of money. I could tell it was from her allowance.

I couldn't help myself from crying. And I realized I miss her so much. I need to buy a phone so that I can call her. I am not going to spend Lily's money now that I have a job. I borrowed money from Gina, and it is enough to buy personal needs like toiletries and some clothes.

I woke up early the following day since Lianne told me we would take the early shift to go to the shopping center in the afternoon. The restaurant was packed with customers during lunch, and I became so busy serving food and cleaning tables. I love watching families with kids, and I remember how I wished to have a vacation with my mom.

"I am sorry, Madeline; my mom told me everything about you. I don't want to pry, but I couldn't believe you ran away from Hunter Divenson." She said while driving her car to the Grand Arcade

"Do you know him?" I asked innocently.

"Don't be silly, Madeline; no women in our place don't know about Hunter Divenson. He was my forever crush, don't get angry with me, okay?" Lianne said, and I smiled at her.

"The first time I saw him was when I was a Senior in High school. Uncle Tony brought him to the restaurant, and it was also summer at that time, and he introduced him to us." She added.

"How can you run away from him, Madeline? Hunter Divenson is the epitome of the perfect boyfriend. He is so handsome, filthy rich, and has overloaded sex appeal." Lianne declared, and I suddenly felt sad remembering my husband-to-be.

"It was complicated, Lianne. I am so in love with him. That is why I run away." I said, and I didn't elaborate on how complicated my relationship with Hunter is.

"It is okay, and you don't need to tell me everything. I couldn't believe that I would meet the girl who could break the heart of the most eligible bachelor in the entire country." She responded as she focused her attention on the road.

"Well, he broke my heart, Lianne. That is what I am sure about, and I am not certain if he even cares that I left." I declared.

"As per Uncle Tony's latest update, your fiance was frantic when you left the mansion. He is searching for you, and my mom is afraid that in due time, he will find you, Maddie." She declared.

I suddenly felt thrilled and nervous at the same time. I am excited that Hunter is looking for me, but my realization makes me sad. It would be possible he was looking for me because of my aunt's debts, not because he still wanted to marry me.

"What will you do if he will find you, Madeline?" Lianne asked.

"I don't know, Lianne, but I will cross the bridge when I get there," I answered, and she glanced at me and smiled. I like Lianne's company because she makes me feel at ease even though we talk less about personal matters, and it feels like we have known each other for a long time.

Minutes later, we arrived at the shopping center. We climbed out of her car, and she took me to the nearest Automated Teller Machine (ATM). I almost screamed when I read the amount balance in my inquiry receipt.

I now have a total of Five Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty-Eight Dollars. I was so shocked, and I remember when Calixto told me I had a monthly allowance. My hands are still trembling when I meet Lianne.

"Are you okay, Madeline? It seems you suddenly looked pale." She said, and I smiled at her.

"Yes, I am fine, Lianne," I replied while I was still thinking about the money Hunter put on my savings account.

Lianne helped me choose what phone to buy, and we spent so much time choosing my clothes. I suddenly missed my best friend, Gina, who usually asked me to go shopping with her.

I don't have the luxury to shop from time to time because I am always out of money. I felt drained by the time we finished buying all the necessary things that I needed. We eat pizza before we drive back to Morigan's residence.

Lydia and Jack are still in the restaurant, and I feel a little guilty since I want to extend more time to help this family, but Lydia keeps reminding her daughter to bring me to the nearest arcade.

I got inside my room, and I immediately took my phone from my bag. I couldn't stop smiling at the lavender floral design casing Lianne chose for me. I can't wait to talk with Lily, Gina, and Tony, and tell them I am fine and inform them all I like my new home.