
Loving Her Rogue Alpha

Before he turned 18, Daniel was the top teenage werewolf and the pride of his tribe. Even Daniel thought he would outperform his father, become the perfect Silver Wolf, and marry his childhood sweetheart—Barbara. His perfect dream was crushed on his 18th birthday when he failed to transform into his wolf form and became a joke of the tribe. “It’s a shame! You don’t deserve to be part of us!” Daniel’s father insulted. “I won’t accept an ‘incomplete werewolf’ to be my husband!” Barbara protested. “We can crush you with just one paw, useless sc*m!” scoffed Barbara’s father with a disdainful look. With a punch in Daniel’s stomach, Rogers—his best friend—spurned and ridiculed him. “Get away from me, dork!” He lost everything, even his secret hideout which his second-best friend—Charlie—burned down. Lost in despair, Daniel took refuge in the human world as he explore his chances of transformation. He wanted to prove to himself that he was the top werewolf even if he could not transform. “HELPPP!” A lady’s cry got Daniel to the scene and rescued her from the rapist—who was then stripped naked. After the rescue, Daniel instructed his assistant to send the lady to the hospital. His kindness was repaid with love when the lady fell for Daniel. Martina was her name and she was one of the illegitimate daughters in the tribe. Upon suffering from abuse by her stepmother, she escaped the tribe and met the man of her life. “I want to see your boss!” Martina picked up the courage to pursue her love… Neither of them knew that they were under the watchful eyes of the greedy devil and that their love would soon lead them to disaster.

JQK · Integral
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30 Chs

[Daniel's P.O.V.]

All women-raping trash deserved to die!

One punch was not enough. I punched the man in the face until he looked unrecognizable. Then, I threw the unconscious man to the ground and stepped on him a few times before I felt relieved.

The girl who had been raped had already fainted. Her dress was torn and her neck was covered with terrible bruises. I took off my long trench coat and covered her with it. I picked her up and carried her away.

Although she had not really been raped, the attempted rape had been a huge blow to the girl.

She was alone and had fainted. I could not contact her family.

I looked at her face and felt an indescribable feeling in my heart. I decided to help her in the end. I called Grimm and told him to stay in my private hospital until I could send someone over.