
Loving Her Rogue Alpha

Before he turned 18, Daniel was the top teenage werewolf and the pride of his tribe. Even Daniel thought he would outperform his father, become the perfect Silver Wolf, and marry his childhood sweetheart—Barbara. His perfect dream was crushed on his 18th birthday when he failed to transform into his wolf form and became a joke of the tribe. “It’s a shame! You don’t deserve to be part of us!” Daniel’s father insulted. “I won’t accept an ‘incomplete werewolf’ to be my husband!” Barbara protested. “We can crush you with just one paw, useless sc*m!” scoffed Barbara’s father with a disdainful look. With a punch in Daniel’s stomach, Rogers—his best friend—spurned and ridiculed him. “Get away from me, dork!” He lost everything, even his secret hideout which his second-best friend—Charlie—burned down. Lost in despair, Daniel took refuge in the human world as he explore his chances of transformation. He wanted to prove to himself that he was the top werewolf even if he could not transform. “HELPPP!” A lady’s cry got Daniel to the scene and rescued her from the rapist—who was then stripped naked. After the rescue, Daniel instructed his assistant to send the lady to the hospital. His kindness was repaid with love when the lady fell for Daniel. Martina was her name and she was one of the illegitimate daughters in the tribe. Upon suffering from abuse by her stepmother, she escaped the tribe and met the man of her life. “I want to see your boss!” Martina picked up the courage to pursue her love… Neither of them knew that they were under the watchful eyes of the greedy devil and that their love would soon lead them to disaster.

JQK · Integral
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30 Chs

[Barbara's P.O.V.]

Three soft knocks rang at my window. This was something Daniel and I had agreed on long ago. As long as he wanted to find me, he would knock on my window with three pebbles. If I heard him, I would go and find him.

He came, but I did not know if I wanted to see him.

I looked at the fireplace in the room and thought to myself, why not leave it up to a higher being to decide, if there were more than three flames, I would see him once last time.

The fireplace was burning, and my eyes were glued to the flames. The dancing flames swayed from side to side, but there were no more than three of them. I listened for movement outside, but there was no sound.

I thought that he had left. It was good that he had left. I would not have to think about whether I should see him or not.

Then… three more knocks came from outside the window, and the dancing flames had the fourth flicker.

It was the will of heaven, and I decided to meet him.

Daniel was still in his tuxedo, but he did not high-spirited as he once did. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were wrinkled, he looked like a defeated man. As soon as I came out, he hugged me excitedly, as if he was grasping at the straws of his new reality.

I could not respond to him as warmly as I did before. I just listened to him quietly. I could feel his fear and helplessness. He told me to trust him, to wait for him… But how could I trust him knowing what state he was in?

The alpha had already given his verdict. Daniel was no longer a member of the pack.

If he could really turn into a wolf, why did it not work out the first time at the ceremony?

Emotions and reason made me cry out loud. After I bitterly complained, I asked another question, "What if you can't transform into a wolf for the rest of your life? Should I wait for you forever?"

I looked forward to getting Daniel's concrete promise. One day, two days, one month, two months… I could wait as long as he gave me a when, but all Daniel told me was soon. How long was soon? Soon could be a week from now, but soon could even be five years from now as well.

Daniel's answer disappointed me greatly. Moreover, as time passed, the other members had arrived. When they saw Daniel sneaking back to the pack, they would definitely hurt him.

Father was obviously aware of this as well. He stepped forward to chase Daniel away. However, Daniel did not listen at all. He stubbornly insisted that my father should believe him. The longer he stayed here, the more pack members would arrive.

When the knife slashed at Daniel's shoulder, my heart ached. I was so worried that I almost went crazy. I barely heaved a sigh of relief when I saw him escape in a sorry state.

As long as he was alive, there was still hope for us.

[Daniel's P.O.V.]

Seeing my former pack members pick up the knife and hurt me turned my heart into stone. I had tried my best to dodge their moves, but there were too many attacks coming at the same time. I was unarmed, so I could only take on the pain head-on.

I was in so much pain, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

The people who had watched me grow up, the people I had always loved in my heart, had turned their backs against me.

Even if I could not transform into a wolf, were the 18 years of my life built on a foundation of lies?

No matter what, I did not want to believe that my people were relentlessly heartless towards me because of this. Perhaps everyone was afraid to approach me during the day because of the alpha's orders. Maybe I would definitely be forgiven if I sneaked back at night.

When night fell, I deliberately chose a secluded place to go. I was going to find Rogers and Charlie. They were my best friends. Others may have abandoned me, but they would not.

I was focused on walking when my stomach suddenly started growling. I realized that I had not eaten anything for the whole day.

There were too many things that had happened that day. They were all shocking enough to stop my digestive system from working.

When I was not aware of my hunger, I was fine. Once I remembered, I felt a pang in my chest as I hurled my body forward in pain. From what I remembered, many of the pack members sent me a lot of food for my ceremony. I just needed to go back and have a good meal.

I hastened my footsteps to go home. Who knew that the food piled up in the courtyard had long disappeared. Even my house had been demolished into ruins.

The glass windows had been smashed, the door had collapsed, the roof had a large hole, and there were traces of wolf claws everywhere.

I punched the ground with hatred, and turned to look for Rogers.

Before I reached his house, I could see him by the roadside, waiting for me.

I pounced on him in glee, feeling wronged by my people, and wanted to seek for comfort. Unexpectedly, when he saw me, he transformed into wolf form and punched me to the ground.

The power of the wolf form was immense. He punched me and my empty stomach. It hurt so much that I was filled with anger.

"What are you doing?" I looked at my best friend. His wolf form was a black wolf. I felt a new sense of betrayal when I met him.

How did everything turn out like this?

Rogers's tone was filled with the hard truth. "Get up. If the pack doesn't want you, you're useless. You're just a pile of garbage now."

I couldn't believe what my best friend Rogers said. I grabbed a handful of soil from the ground and threw it to his eyes. "You don't believe me either. I can turn into a wolf. I'm not trash!"

He raised his hand and easily blocked the dirt. "If you're not a loser, then turn into a wolf for us to see. Don't be a coward and show me right here right now."

Rogers's words filled my blood with rage. If I could turn into a wolf right now, I would have done so earlier during the ceremony.

With the moon above, perhaps I could use the power of the Moon goddess to turn into a wolf in one fell swoop. If I could I would wash away all the shame my people have inflicted on me today with this.