
Loving Her Rogue Alpha

Before he turned 18, Daniel was the top teenage werewolf and the pride of his tribe. Even Daniel thought he would outperform his father, become the perfect Silver Wolf, and marry his childhood sweetheart—Barbara. His perfect dream was crushed on his 18th birthday when he failed to transform into his wolf form and became a joke of the tribe. “It’s a shame! You don’t deserve to be part of us!” Daniel’s father insulted. “I won’t accept an ‘incomplete werewolf’ to be my husband!” Barbara protested. “We can crush you with just one paw, useless sc*m!” scoffed Barbara’s father with a disdainful look. With a punch in Daniel’s stomach, Rogers—his best friend—spurned and ridiculed him. “Get away from me, dork!” He lost everything, even his secret hideout which his second-best friend—Charlie—burned down. Lost in despair, Daniel took refuge in the human world as he explore his chances of transformation. He wanted to prove to himself that he was the top werewolf even if he could not transform. “HELPPP!” A lady’s cry got Daniel to the scene and rescued her from the rapist—who was then stripped naked. After the rescue, Daniel instructed his assistant to send the lady to the hospital. His kindness was repaid with love when the lady fell for Daniel. Martina was her name and she was one of the illegitimate daughters in the tribe. Upon suffering from abuse by her stepmother, she escaped the tribe and met the man of her life. “I want to see your boss!” Martina picked up the courage to pursue her love… Neither of them knew that they were under the watchful eyes of the greedy devil and that their love would soon lead them to disaster.

JQK · Integral
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30 Chs


Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Barbara's P.O.V.]

My red dress was a fiery floor-length dress that my family had spent a fortune on. It was beautiful, but it was not enough for me. I personally sewed beautiful roses on the hem and chest to make it even more dazzling than it was before.

My childhood sweetheart Daniel's bar mitzvah was coming soon. He was the son of the alpha in my pack. He promised me a long time ago that he would let me be his companion when he awakened his would. He even promised me that I could be the new Luna of the pack.

He has always been the best boy in the pack, and being his companion has always been what I have always dreamed of.

So I got up early to freshen up, got dressed, and found the best seat so that he could easily find me.

Not long after I arrived, I saw Daniel's excited wave made for me. He happily confessed his love to me, and that caused my whole face to turn red.

To my left and right were Daniel's best friends, Rogers and Charlie. Charlie, who always liked to banter, would always tease me and call me sister-in-law. I felt my face redden even more from the thought of it actually happening soon. Fortunately, the elders came out to maintain order. The ceremony was about to begin. I tilted my head and glared at Charlie. I had to be completely focused on Daniel right now, nothing should distract me.

Daniel wore a fitting tuxedo making him look like an elegant gentleman. The suit outlined his body perfectly. His shoulders were wide and his waist was narrow. There was not a single bit of excess fat on him. His perfect figure made my face flush and my heart beat faster.

This kind of man would soon belong to me and me alone. If I was not in public eyes, I would have been overjoyed by his greeting and swooned.

I watched Daniel fervently. I did not want to miss a single detail of his transformation into a wolf. The time came as I saw him roar with his arms facing the sky. He greeted the transformation with the most powerful posture.

However, after a long time, there was still no change in Daniel. He was already very good-looking, I admit. However, I was still anticipating for his hunky wolf form. No woman could reject a werewolf's wolf form, because that was the perfect combination of strength and beauty. It was the most beautiful thing a werewolf could show off.

A werewolf who did not transform into a wolf was an incomplete being.

Daniel realized what was happening and obviously panicked because he did not transform into a wolf. He continued to make countless attempts on the stage. However, the results of these attempts were the same as the first time it happened… In failure.

I did not want to believe it, but everything in front of me was the cold hard truth — Daniel could not transform into a wolf. He was a good-for-nothing disgrace to his race.

Such a person would never be considered a complete werewolf. He was not qualified to be an heir, nor was he qualified to have a partner like me. Even if we had a thing for each other in the past, now, he was a good-for-nothing nobody could not transform into a wolf.

Since ancient times, there had been no exceptions to such customs.

[Alpha's perspective ]

As the leader, I knew all the young talents in the pack. The one with the most potential was definitely my son, Daniel. That child had been working hard ever since he was young. He was smart and brave. At such a young age, he dared to fight against the python in the swamp alone.

Today, he was going to transform into a wolf. There was a high chance that he was going to be a pure-colored silver wolf. That was because he was even better than me. When I was six years old, I never had the courage to defeat the python. Ever since that faithful day, I looked forward to this ceremony of his from the bottom of my heart.

However, what I did not expect was that on such a crucial day, Daniel had personally smashed his own glory on stage. I had given him so many chances. The Council of Elders and my men were filled with righteous indignation the moment they saw what went down. I still resisted the pressure and let my boy try, time and time again.

However, half an hour had passed, and Daniel still could not transform into a wolf. I had to admit that my son, whom I had high hopes for, was unable to transform into a wolf. He was one of the few people in the werewolf pack who was unable to transform into a wolf.

Despair surrounded me. My proudest son, the heir who had always brought me endless surprises, was actually a useless person who could not transform into a wolf.

Even so, Daniel was still my son. A werewolf who was unable to transform into a wolf was the lowest existence in the werewolf world. Daniel had always been so outstanding, what happened? If he stayed in the pack, he would not be able to endure the pressure brought upon him by my people.

His pride, his honor, and the unlimited confidence he had brought to his pack would be the heavy shackles of his survival in the future.

This blow would drive him to his death!

Although I was very disappointed and unwilling to accept the results, I did not want to let my son die of depression and pressure in the pack.

I quickly gave an order. "He doesn't have the ability to transform into a wolf. He isn't worthy of being a werewolf."

Daniel begged me to give him another chance. I only looked away in shame. I felt that I had made the right choice. Instead of losing all his pride in the pack, being bullied, being ridiculed, or having irreparable things happen to him, I drove him out for his sake. Perhaps the distant human world would take him in as one of their own.

That way, even if Daniel could not turn into his wolf form, he could live the rest of his life in peace.