
My Son Cares For You

She was a beautiful woman who did not seem to have any grudge, or hold anyone accountable to a fault. She was loving and accepting and it was confusing to Beth. The night at the ball, Lord Carlisle had told her that Lady Marjorie wanted him to develop a better relationship with Lady Cossington, yet she was welcoming to her who had upset the Lady. Surely, she should be disliked, shouldn't she?

She remembered how Lord Carlisle had told her that she reminded him of his mother. Maybe in terms of height, for she could not relate what else. The Lady was outspoken and brave. She was accepting of a stranger, and she loved her son.

Maybe deep down, Beth had wished for the older woman to dislike her, loathe her even for upsetting Lady Cossington from the position of Lady Carlisle, but she was surprised that she was accorded with the eye of kindness. Although, she remained wary.

"Thank you. How was your day?"