
Loving A Billionaire

"I-I have to go..."I stuttered. "No you don't, you know how much you mean to me Bri how can I let you go?" He looked at me pleadingly with those beautiful orbs which always got me mesmerized "I don't trust anyone after what Jax did, I-I can't trust you, Heinrich, I am scared" I replied not believing what I just said. I start to turn around to exit the room but he grabs my wrist suddenly as he pulls me flush against him. You are the only girl I have and will ever love, you make me feel things I have never felt before, I am incomplete without you Bri and I love you more than you could ever imagine, I am not and will never be like Jax. He states in a rush which leaves him breathless. I gaze at him unable to utter a single word. There was so much sincerity in his tone and I can't deny it. My eyes wander to his lips and in a swift motion, I crash my lips against his. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enjoy the journey of love, drama, and lust and let's not forget the cringe with Brianna as she goes through heartbreak, she finds a hot billionaire and the magic begins

Miss_Writer1 · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Cheater

I hope you enjoy don't forget to vote and comment on this story!!

It's midnight and I am wandering about in the busy and really cold streets of New York,

I am slightly drenched due to the drizzle from earlier today.

Wondering why I am completely drenched on the street?

Well, I have nowhere to go after what happened earlier. I regret ever telling him those three words, how could he after everything we've been through, I thought we were going to be end game but he just couldn't keep his stupid stick in his pants, and the worst thing about the whole situation was that he fucking brought a girl to our home, the little house we both rented when we were of age. I was stupid enough to think that he loved me.

Earlier Today

Hey baby, I would be going to work today, mind being alone at home? I asked.

Yh, sure.

I would be working on my application for the job at Henderson&co don't worry about me, he replied.

Jax is very brawny with blond messy hair, big brown eyes, and full lips, the reason I got attracted to him at first sight.

We met at a party which I got invited to by a friend in college 3 years ago, I got attracted to him and we started hanging out since then which led to us dating.

He gives me a perk on the lips." I love you Bri", stay safe and don't stress yourself at work too much.

I wish

I love you and I won't. I hug him and head out.

It was slightly sunny and windy when I stepped outside as the wind whipped through my black curly hair, I walked to my precious blue bug which was given to me 3years ago on my 18th birthday by my parents. I have been using it since then and it has never disappointed me.

I got in and drove off. I got to work a bit early. Don Angie was a really busy place during the weekends, the restaurant was pretty full. Two old couples were eating side by side, a group of young women in their thirties collapsing with helpless laughter as two young adults looked on and frowned. There were businessmen in their grey suits lighting up cigars. Mmm hot.

American tourists trying to decipher the menu. A family and their teenage children. The noise level was high, and the smoke level too but I didn't mind. I was used to it.

The restaurant was cozy and a bit luxurious, not particularly small but expensive, bright-looking, vibrant and let me add very smoky.

I walked up to the cash counter to Madison the cashier, I greeted her, she was the first person who spoke to me when I started working here which was about 3 years ago. I am an introvert so I don't have many friends, Madison is like my only friend and I am glad she's here.

Madison completed college about 5years ago and was at the end of her rope after searching for a suitable job for months without any luck so she has been working here since then.

She has beautiful short strawberry blonde hair, a shapely figure, glossy skin, a dainty nose, and blue slender eyes. Beautiful,yh I know.

Hey Mads, I am in.

Hey Brianna, you are in pretty early today, did you put a leash on your boyfriend today?.she laughed.

Yep, I had to tie him to the bed today so he won't stop me. I replied sarcastically

She rolled her eyes and said, "whatever, get to work already you are suffocating me."

I laughed out loud and sauntered to the locker room to get changed into my work outfit which consisted of a blue stretch satin button front dress with sequin trimmed collar which showed enough cleavage since it was a bit tight, a hat and apron both with sequin cherry applique detail. Pretty fancy? I know.

I walked out of the locker room quickly to start my shift which ended at 11 pm. I took a lot of orders from a lot of angry and moody customers which resulted in me getting tired and frustrated. Yh this work is shity, and it continued for a while.

It was finally 10:30 pm, phew I can't wait to get the hell out of this shit hole. I was left with about 3costumers to attend to which meant I will be leaving early today. Yayy.

I attended to every customer and was about to leave when a man in a grey suit entered the restaurant, I gasped when I realized who it was. Freaking Mr. Heinrich Henderson, a Business mogul, sole owner of Henderson&co and many other companies around the world, he was a billionaire and he was all over the news.

OMG! OMG! OMG!. I mentally screamed. He was really hot, he had a strong sharp jaw and brown curly slicked-back hair, he had sharp amber eyes you could get lost in with thick long eyelashes and sculpted body, his biceps were almost bulging through the suit sleeves. He was about a head and some inches taller than me and I am 5'5. I wonder what's underneath his cloth, probably six pacs or maybe eight with a rock-hard chest.

Hmm, yummy. I mentally gasped, did I just think that?. You have a boyfriend, you have a boyfriend, you have a boyfriend. Goddammit.

I regained control of my stupid brain and finally spoke, Hi, you are welcome to Don Angie would you please have a seat so I can take your order.

Meanwhile, his eyes were scrutinizing the restaurant and he looked like he was in really deep thought, I wonder what he was thinking about. I cleared my throat and spoke again.

Um, sir, I would like to have your order would you please take a seat?

He reverted his attention to me and gave me a stern look which caused a cold shiver to run down my spine, he looked like he was going to pounce on me any moment from now and eat me alive. Jeez, chill Wolfie.

He walked past me to take a seat. I followed behind to take his order, hmm I could kiss this ass all day, you have a boyfriend, focus Brianna, when he settled in, I handed him the menu and stood rooted to the ground waiting for him to make his order.

After a minute or two, I asked "what will you like to have sir? "he hadn't even spared me a glance since he walked in, he looked too serious and scary.OMG, why me?

He looked up at me for the first time with empty, cold eyes. Your service is not needed excuse me for a moment. he replied sternly.

I stayed speechless and rooted to the ground unable to move, how rude could he even get. Why me? I mentally cried, now I am going to get home late and Jax is going to be worried.

Are you deaf? I made it clear that your service isn't needed, so move. he said

I turned red with anger but I still managed to control myself. Um Sir my shift ends in exactly, I looked up at the huge clock on the wall,5minutes so can you please make your order so I leave because I have had enough of moody and peeving customers in a day.

He looked up at me and simply replied, "No".I saw his lips stretch into a little smirk but it was gone as soon as it came.

What the actual fuck, sir not to be rude but I will like to leave now so can I please take your fucking order. Yh that was rude but I don't care I hate driving at night and it's getting late plus Jax won't allow me to come to work here again. ugh.

He looked at me without any hint of emotion and looked back to the menu without uttering a single word.

I blushed red in anger and embarrassment and walked away. I went to the washroom and looked at myself in the mirror.

My black curly hair was now a mess and my brown bright eyes had lost their brightness. I am a total mess, maybe I should find a less stressful job.

After college, I wanted anything to do with business but since lack was not on my side companies didn't offer me a job so I had no other choice than to continue working here. I am going to keep on trying though I can't work here forever.

After 10minutes I walked back to Mr. Henderson's table to take his order.

What would you like to order say?. I said for the third time since he came. He looked up at me and stood up abruptly

Nothing I would be taking my leave now, I have no interest in anything on this menu. He replied drily

I gasped. I was fuming now and I could smell smoke. How dare you? you made me wait for 10 fucking minutes just so you could leave without ordering anything, you are unbelievable I hate you!

Mind your language miss, he replied

Is that all you could say! Really? you are such an arrogant, rude, bastard ugh, I can't stand you. With that, I turned and walked away angrily without giving him a last glance or waiting for his reply.

How could he? I waited for more than 10minutes and he just had to leave without ordering anything. ugh

Breath in, breath out. I tried to calm myself down.

I quickly changed back to my normal attire and walked out without sparing a glance at anyone.

He had left already. Stupid selfish arrogant billionaire, who does he think he is treating me like that.

I walked to my car and immediately drove off, I picked up my phone to call Jax so I could explain what happened so he wouldn't get angry at the fact that I was late. The phone rang four times and immediately went to voice mail.

Why isn't he answering his phone?

I turned on my radio to drown out all my thoughts about how rude that arrogant bastard was.

I got home and parked my car I got off and took out my key I pushed it in but surprisingly the door was already opened

This is weird he never leaves the door open.

I got in and turned the lock. Jax! I called out, no answer? Hmm.

I walked further into our apartment which had two rooms I walked to the corridor where the rooms were as I approached the door which was slightly opened, I heard two voices, one familiar.

One of them moaned as he whispered something which broke my heart into tiny million pieces.

You feel good Trish

I gasped as tears began to form in my eyes

"Baby I think we should stop, my girlfriend will be home soon it's late, come on". Jax said.

I stood frozen to the ground unable to digest what was happening, tears blurred my vision and my hands were balled into a fist and shaking vigorously.

The door creaked upon and I stood face to face with a panting Jax, this caused tears to pour down my face uncontrollably.

Jax stood rooted to the ground with bulged eyes unable to utter a single word

"How could you?"I whispered.

Babe I can explain, it isn't what you are thinking we were just having an exercise session. He said.

I laughed bitterly and said ''You still dare to lie to me after everything I heard?"

A girl with shoulder-length blonde hair, plump lips, and big brown eyes walked out of the room in only her lingerie, she was also sweaty and panting profusely.

Baby, what's wrong? She asked. "I was going to come before we stopped, you ruined it".

"Not now Trisha, "Jax said to her.

Trisha turned to me, she looked surprised for a second until her lips stretched into a huge smirk. Who is she? She asked, acting oblivious to the fact that she just slept with my boyfriend.

I was sobbing uncontrollably now. How dare you Jax, you cheating bastard, you have been having affairs behind my back and acting as you love me?. It has been three fucking long years Jax why didn't you fucking tell me you didn't love me anymore?

Babe, I am sorry, you weren't giving me what I wanted, we have had sex only once because you have always been busy with work and I was sexually frustrated OK?. He replied

I looked at him with a confused expression and replied "You never mention this to me Jax and it still doesn't give you the right to cheat, I can't believe I fell in love with a monster"

With that, I stormed out of the house with no destination in mind, ignoring my ex's pleading voice as tears poured down my face uncontrollably.