
Lovers who hesitate

"Juliana, is the rumor of you dating your fellow label artist true?" one paparazzi yelled, his hand holding the camera to her face, followed by other paparazzi. Juliana ignored the question as she followed her manager into the building. "Julie" Aiden called out, walking toward her, "You never answer my text or call brat," he said, towering over her, maintaining a straight face. Juliana froze, "I was busy ", she muttered. "Why are you here?" she questioned, tilting her head. "The tabloid is going crazy over news of you coming to meet your rumored boyfriend at a hotel late at night and I'm here to confirm", he scowled. "I-It's none of your concern, I'm an adult now, I can handle things on my own, I'm no longer a kid, you need to get used to that" she argued, avoiding his gazes, biting her lips. "An adult huh? And here I was, trying to be on my best behavior" he said, grabbing her hand, "You're coming with me" P.S. The poster does not belong to me. Please notify me if you want it taken down.

Teddyyy · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs

Chapter 6

'Ring', Julie picked up her phone, "Hi Mom", she answered. "Make sure to come straight home after school", her mom reminded her, "We are having dinner with the Park family before sending them off tomorrow", she continued. "Okay Mom", hanging up.

"I'm seeing him tonight", Julia whispered to herself. "Juliana, are you sick?", Ashley looked concerned, she placed the back of her hand on Juliana's forehead, "You're fine, but why do you look so red?", she sounded worried. 

Juliana laughs nervously, "No It's just a little bit hot in here", covering her face with her hands. "You're literally in front of the AC ?", her jaw dropped, "I will go adjust the AC". "No, It's okay", Juliana said with a straight face, "I'm fine" 

"I can't believe you're going to Korea tomorrow", she whimpered, "What am I going to do without you?", she hugged Juliana tightly. "I try to visit you often", Juliana declared, "So don't cry okay?", trying to calm her down. 


"Hello", she greeted Aiden's parents when she entered her home. They were sitting on the couch, chatting along with her parent. They nodded at her, "Hi Julie"

"Hello Uncle and Aunt", Jason greeted with Aiden following him from behind. "Jason were you with Aiden", Mrs. Lee asked her son. Jason nodded, "Yes, he asked me to pick him up from his date with his girlfriend", he said nonchalantly. 

Aiden jokingly slapped Jason in the head, "Shut your mouth dude", he gritted through his teeth. "Bro I don't wanna tell a lie to my mom", he reasoned, blinking his eyes in confusion, "What's wrong with going on dates?". Aiden let out a deep sigh, "There's time and place for everything", shaking his head. Jason nodded, "My bad", he smiled sheepishly.

"Aiden you have a girlfriend? Why didn't you introduce her to me", Mrs. Kang sounded offended. Aiden sighed, glaring at Jason, "See what you just did", he mouthed to him. "Not Girlfriend ", he blurted.

"Da Bin ah, I'm sure he would tell you about it when the timing is right", Mrs.Lee chimed in. "Honey I'm sure he wasn't ready to tell us", Mr. Park tried to calm down his wife, "I'm sure he had his reason", Mr. Kim joined in. 

"We're not dating", Aiden reasoned. "We're just getting to know each other", he added. "See, I told you," Mr.Park said to his wife. "Let's have dinner", Mrs. Lee announced, trying to change the subject. "Yes", Aiden nodded to his dad, mouthing, 'Help me, Dad'. "Let's eat honey", Mr. Park smiled at his wife.

Julie was stuck in her thought, 'Girlfriend?', she scowled. It was only obvious for him to have a girlfriend. After all, he is so gorgeous that him not having a girlfriend would be a crime.' It's my fault, for getting excited over little things, he was just being nice to his friend's sister, that was it' she contemplated, looking dejected. 

The atmosphere grew less tense as they sat down for dinner. Julie dreaded the fact that she was seated facing Aiden, talk about bad timing. Mr. Park took a sip of wine before turning to Julie, "I heard from your mom that you were moving to Korea", he asked. Julie froze in her seat, pulling herself together, "Yes, I got an offer from a K-Pop company", she managed to answer. 

Aiden widens his eyes in shock, "You're going to be Idol?", he queried. Julie nodded, "Yes, trainee for now", she answered with a straight face. "How about taking the private jet with us", Mrs. Kang offered, smiling from ear to ear. She glances over at her mom, signaling her. "Her grandmother already arranged a flight for her", she answered in her daughter's stead. 

"She must be so happy, now that her only granddaughter is moving to Korea", Mrs. Kang exclaimed. "Oh, you wouldn't want to know", Mr. Kim sighed, "She's counting down the date", he laughed. "Bet she would be much happier if I were also going", Jason chimed in, earning laughter from the parents. "Yes, keep lying to yourself, the second favorite child", Julie mocked. "Oh? This is the first time I'm hearing about this", he looked offended. 

Mrs. Lee laughed, "Then why didn't you go, Jason?", teasing him, "Look at Aiden, he's going to visit Korea on his mid-semester break, unlike someone", she continued. Aiden chuckles, "Why not Jason?", raising his eyebrows.

Jason huffed, "Stop making me the bad guy", looking over at Aiden, "I thought we were going to have a Bros Trip but someone prefers spending time with his girlfriend in Korea than with his best friend", shrugging his shoulder. "Not girlfriend", Aiden pointed out. 

"So you were going to introduce her to us", his mom shocked. "Mom, she's just my friend and she wanted to visit Korea, so I figured she could tag along with us", he reasoned, "Friends", he emphasized the word. "Who brings their girl friend along to their family trip, especially when they're not dating?", Jason smirked, "Apparently, it's Aiden", he deadpanned, smacking his forehead, sarcastically. "Jason", Aiden kicked his leg under the table, "Wait till I get back", gritting through his teeth.

'Any more of this is going to kill me', Julia thought to herself. There's only much heartbreak she can handle in a day. She sighed, 'I can't wait to go cry myself to sleep'

"Julie did you start packing your bag yet?", her mom woke her up from her thoughts. "Yes Mom", she answered, stuffing her mouth with food. She was going to eat her feelings out today. Aiden glances at her, and he chuckles, "You're stuffed like a puffer fish". Julia had no choice but to smile in return. 

"Are you coming with us to drop her off tomorrow?", Mr. Kim asked his son. Jason pretended to think, "I don't want to, but someone is going to cry if I don't", he said patting Julie's head, "Aren't you glad?", he asked raising his eyebrows. "I'm so happy brother", she nodded, sarcastically. 

Mrs. Kang thought of a great idea, "Let's drive to Airport together!", she suggested. "Yes of course", Mrs. Lee agreed, "Let's do that" 

'So I really to see him and his girlfriend huh?' Julia thought to herself, 'Well that's good, I can get over my feelings faster that way'

The Park family bid their goodbyes after finishing dinner, "See you tomorrow", Aiden said facing Julie. "Yes", she nodded. 

Julie rushed to her bedroom as soon as they left, her eyes started to get teary as she opened the door to her room, "It was just a stupid crush", she murmured, hugging her knees as she continued to sob.