
Lovely Sinners

Her hands wandered up from my waist to my face, holding it tightly, but gently at the same time. Our eyes locked, staring into each other's souls in the dimly lit motel room. My breath hitched, breaking from the spell, as the feel of her lips brushed against my own. "God, how the hell did we end up here?" She asked me, as a smirk began to form on my lips. I brushed my nose against her's, biting my bottom lip a bit. "I'm not exactly sure, but I'm definitely not complaining." I mumbled to her, as she scoffed and rolled her eyes with a playful smirk. "Yeah well, let's be glad we were able to find a motel away from everyone, or my parents may kill me." She giggled, as her fingers ran through my dark, curly hair. "Well yeah, a lot of Christian families don't exactly agree to homosexuality." I joked, but she quickly shut me up with her lips melting against my own. *** Fayola Abbas, a simple African-American girl starting her senior year of high school. Her post-high school plan?: To get as far away from the place with her two best friends. But, her plans may have come to a halt when a new girl arrive. Fayola had been lucky enough to grow up with a family that loves and accepts her, no matter who she dates or is attracted to. But the one girl Fayola begins to fall head-over-heels for doesn't have the same luck. Will Fayola have to fall out of her deep crush or will she continue to purse this forbidden lover?

Kyaira_Mitchell · LGBT+
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8 Chs


"Damn, winter is rolling in way too fast." I grumbled to myself, while I rubbed my hands together. I was currently seated in my car, stationed outside Dasom's house, since I promised her I'd drive her to school today. Sure, things ended on a kinda good note the other night, but I'm just worried about how she'll act. I can confidently say I'm pretty good at masking my feelings-

"Hey Fayola!" Oh sweet Jesus! That voice!

I jumped a bit in my seat, as a large blush formed on my cheeks.

"M-morning!" Okay...So I'm definitely not good at masking my feelings around Dasom. I watched her get into the car, let out a sigh, as she situated herself in the passenger's seat. She looked over at me with a smile and also a raised brow.

"Are you that cold? Your face is pretty red. You're not sick are you?" She asked, as I watched how concerned she was all of a sudden. I shook my head, since I didn't trust my voice. I turned to the road and headed to the school, while my head felt like a jumbled mess already.

The ride was a bit quiet, but I could see Dasom fidget in her seat a bit, as if she was dying to ask me something. I looked over at her, as she looked my way already-Oh my lord she's biting her bottom lip! Now, why the hell did she have to go and do that?! That's a major turn-on for me! Oh goodness...

"So, about the other night...I'm sorry I kissed you on the cheek. It's just a habit of mine from doing that to my friends back at home." She mumbled and looked down at her lap. I smiled and glanced over at her from the road, while I shook my head a bit.

"Don't apologize! You're fine! I didn't think too deeply about it at all!" Lies. I'm a complete liar. I thought about your lips all night and only got two and a half hours of sleep.

"Okay good! I was hoping I didn't make things awkward since we just met yesterday!" She laughed, as I nodded and gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"No! Not at all! Honestly, I hope we can get to know each other better! I'd really like to be good friends!" I happily said, but heard the voices in my head nag about being more than friends.

"I'd like that a lot! You, Jiro, and Amoy are really cool and nice people! Never met a group so accepting!" She gushed, as I pulled up to a parking spot close to the front doors. I cut the engine and turned to lean into the back seat to grab my backpack.

"Well I'm glad! But, to be honest with you, we were being a lot more normal than we usual are yesterday." I told her with a strained laugh, as I pulled my body back up, to sit right, with my bag in my lap. Dasom just laughed and nodded, as she stepped out of the car with a shiver.

"Man! It's getting cold! In my old town it usually never got this cold until mid-November!" She explained as I stepped out of the car as well.

"Yeah, well, it's always cold around here. I just hate how fast autumn passes." I grumbled and swung my backpack onto my shoulder. We began to head up to the school and chatted a bit more about the weather, until we got to chemistry. I was there earlier than usual, as Mr. Timothy looked over, and raised a brow.

"Ms. Abbas, you're quite early." He commented, as I gave him a bright smile.

"That I am! You're welcome!" I joked, as he shook his head and went back to the papers on his desk. I looked around and found Jiro and Amoy seated next to each other. I waved to Jiro, since Amoy was already asleep, and led Dasom to sit next to me behind them. Once we sat, Jiro turned and smiled.

"Dasom, you should ask for rides from Fayola more often! This is the first time in the whole school year she's been, not just on time, but early!" He snickered, as I leaned over and punched his shoulder roughly. He yelped and glared at me, as Dasom raised a brow at this.

"Don't your parents wake you up in the morning?" She asked and I laughed a bit at that.

"Nah! My parents are either: A) Away on a business trip or B) At work. They're usually out of the house an hour before I gotta leave. They work at the same building, so they go in together." I told her, as she made an 'o' shape with her mouth. I was about to ask Jiro if he finished the homework from the other night, until a large and rough hand landed on my shoulder. I let out a loud and annoyed groan, which caught everyone's attention, as I slowly turned and looked up at the person.

"Mateo Garcia, can I help you on this fine and cold morning?" I asked with a bit of irritation, as the 5'11 baseball jock looked down at me.

"Ya sure can! See, I asked you last Friday if you wanted to hang this Friday, but you kinda waved me off. So, I'll pick you up at 7 this Friday! Lemme get your number so I can text you the details." The douchebag told me with a smile and held out his phone. I smiled back and took his phone, but instead of giving him my number, I simply opened the note app on his phone. I typed into it quickly and handed it back to him. He smiled and looked down at his phone, but his smile quickly vanished and his brows furrowed.

"What the hell is this?" He asked angrily, as I leaned over to look at the phone.

"That is me saying: 'I have no interest in your small dick and pee-size of a brain. If you could gladly leave me the fuck alone the other times I've asked, then you wouldn't be looking like a dummy.'" I read aloud, as the people in the class broke into a fit of laughs and giggles. I watched him clench his jaw and phone, as he leaned down to my face, and I simply smiled.

"Listen here! When I ask a girl to go out with me, there's no two-ways about it! You go out with me and that's final! So put in your fucking number and I'll see you Friday!" He growled at me and shoved his phone back into my hands.

I looked down at the device, back to Mateo, then back to the phone. I then stood up, stepped around him, and walked over to the door. I stood in the threshold for a moment, then leaned down so the phone was on the floor.

"Alright, if you're gonna growl and act like a dog...Then I'm gonna treat you like one." I hummed, then looked out the door to all the people on their way to class.

"HEY! IF ANYONE WANTS TO SNOOP THROUGH MATEO GARCIA'S PHONE, THEN FETCH IT BEFORE HE DOES!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I then quickly slid the phone into the hallway, as Mateo barged towards me. He stopped in shock when I actually slid his phone, as people began to run and grab the phone.

"Fuck you, Fayola! No wonder you're so single! You crazy ass bitch!" He screamed in my face, as I wiped the spit away, and watched him run off.

"Mateo! Next time, keep your spit and dick to yourself!" I yelled to the jock that had run off to get his phone. I leaned over, grabbed the handle to the classroom door, and shut it. I playfully dusted off my hands, but when I looked up everyone had a look of shock on their face. Well, besides Jiro and the now awake Amoy, as they hysterically laughed.

"W-Well...Um...Let's start class now...So please take a seat, Fayola." Mr. Timothy stuttered to me in shock, as I smiled and skipped over to my seat. The bell rung, as Mr. Timothy began that day's lesson, but Dasom still stared at me in shock. I looked over at her with a raised brow and a small smile.

"You alright-"

"That was amazing!" She yelled in a hushed voice, as Jiro and Amoy we're still trying to calm down from their laughter. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Eh, gotta deal with them somehow." I simply brushed off, as Dasom quickly shook her head with a blush. She looked over at me with a soft smile and brushed her hair behind her ear-And she's biting her lip again! I can't-

"Well, you looked really cool and confident doing that. No wonder he wanted to go out with you. You're so pretty, smart, and confident. Definitely all attractive traits." Dasom complimented, as I blushed softly and smirked. I leaned back in my seat and put my hands behind my head. I closed my eyes and tried to give myself that cool and 'bad boy' type of look, as I glanced at Dasom.

"What can I say? I'm pretty slick-" I was quickly cut off when my face met the tile floor, as everyone in the room gasped, and looked over at me in shock. So... When a teacher tells you not to lean back in your seat, you should probably listen... I lost my balance quicker than I could process in my head.

Mr. Timothy walked over with a raised brow, as I looked up at the people crowded around me.

"So, Ms. Abbas...Have you finally learned what happens when you lean back in your seat?"

Well...How badly did I just ruin my reputation in school? Or am I even more of a class clown now?


This has to be one of my favorite chapters I've written so far! Fayola is definitely one of my favorite characters I've written! I'm more of a writer to write about more confident and strong women, as I feel like many book about romance usually describe their female characters as small and fragile. But! Women are damn strong and confident! More than men half the time!

So, do you think Fayola and Dasom are gonna dive deeper into their emotions about love and sexuality?

Do you think Mateo is gonna come back and still try to seduce Fayola? Or is he gonna try and ruin her?

Lemme know your thoughts!

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