

The great hall being swarmed by full of hogwarts student as they having a feast even the hogwarts teacher were there's.

"let's go"yukie yelled as she dragged kaori with her toward Ravenclaw table while kiyoko,yachi,[name] and ginjima sweat drop as they follow the two from behind.

"So many food"yukie eyes widen as the food been serve on their table "and there's rice ball and there meat-oh my theres mochi"She sequel as her eyes sparkle "yukie"kaori sweat drop "I know how much you like food,you need to eat healthier.yukie-Chan"[name] awkwardly told her that.

"I know that"yukie pouted "well yukie and food can't be separated"ginjama shrugged his shoulder "you right"kiyoko mumble but smiling lightly.

"Y-yachi-Chan"a voice called the blonde first year taking all of them attention to see green haired and freckles on his face sitting next to yachi this make the blonde look tomatoes "y-yamaguchi-kun"she stutter as her cheeks still red because of him.

"oh-ho what did I saw?"kaori said with teasing smirk "I-it's not what's it look like kaori-senpai"yachi wave her hand variously at the girl "really?"this time kiyoko tease her "n-not you too kiyoko-senpai"the blonde look flustered "why your face and yamaguchi-kun red?"[name]asked innocently "hehehehe"yukie smirked at the poor blonde girl and green hair boy.

"Oii don't tease,yamaguchi and yachi"ginjima scold his friends "tch"[name] click her tongue in annoyed "t-thanks you ginjima-senpai"the two first year said In sync "it's fine,so yamaguchi Why did ya called yachi-Chan for?"he asked the green haired boy.

"I called her because-me want to asked her about studying over charms homework's"he told his senpai who nodding his head "more like study date"yukie grinned making the two first year blushing mess "shush"kaori hit lightly yukie head from back.

"Heh,it's not like you didn't found it cute kaori-chan"[name]smirked at her "you and yukie are the same-"before kaori could finish her words.A fan girl suddenly sequel when the famous Miya twins from slytherin and oikawa Tooru come inside the hall with half of slytherin follow them from behind.

"its the twins and oikawa-San as always"ginjima rolled his eyes "what so handsome about them?"yukie asked as she scoffed "I must say they all really handsome-but only osamu-San the better one"[name] grinned this make ginjima and yukie gasp "don't tell me you have crush on osamu-San"they said in sync.

"W-what,I'm not"she stutter with blush covering her cheeks "geh,you lied"kaori tease her "hey"[name] puffing her cheeks "d-don't mind senpai"yachi trying to calm down her senpai from keep getting tease "it's fine,yaachan."Kiyoko smile at her before look at [name] who still being teased.

"this is how our friendships works"she continued making yachi look at her with tear eyes "eh,yaachan are you crying?"kiyoko look worried "it's just a dust come inside my eyes"she said trying to avoid that she actually crying making kiyoko chuckle.


Miya atsumu glare at his twins as he ignore the fan girls on their house "what!"Miya osamu glare back at his twins "why did-she choose you over me?!"he said with frown expression.

"Everyone know I'm the better twins,tsumu"he smirked at the blonde twins "no your not"Atsumu growling as his canine poking out from his lips "oii,this is not the right place to fight"A friends of the oh-so-famous oikawa tooru scold the twins.

"Yes,iwaizumi-san"the twins said in sync even giving the spike hair boy a salute.

"it's not the twins,if they're fighting"the lazy friends of Miya twins said with those droopy eyes "tch"A blonde megane-kun click his tongue in annoyed "why did you look annoyed,tsukishima?"the mean weird bangs asked the first year "I don't like that fan girls,they're annoying"he said glaring at the girls who tried to come over their tables just because of oikawa tooru and Miya twins.

"I preferred hang out with komori then atsumu"the curly hair boy said in blunt tone "omi-omi that harsh"atsumu said in fake tone "I'm telling the truth,you germs!"he said glaring at atsumu who give him wink and salute.

"eww"he whisper to himself "then why you didn't go with komori -sakusa"the oikawa tooru finally spoke up "komori,he at gryffindor table,and me at slytherin table-"he said making the others look at him with confused expression.

"So?"osamu asked as he raising one of his eyebrows at sakusa "I don't like crowded-so I rather stay here even thought barring sitting next to this germs"he said making atsumu gasping even more "can you stop calling me germs,omi-omi"he said pouting.

"I can't -I felt comfortable to called you germs Miya"he said truthfully as an invisible arrow hit atsumu heart "you know what I don't want to be your friend anymore-hmmp"atsumu scoffed as he cross his arm over his chest just like a child "whatever"sakusa mumbles to himself.

"Oh yeah,kuroo and kenma they takeda [name] childhood best friends right?"oikawa suddenly talk about the Ravenclaw girl "kuroo-already told you that last night wasn't it"his friends said to him "I know-iwa but Isn't weird that they not even tried talking with her"he said with small smirked "I kinda agree with oikawa-San"the lazy friends of Miya twins said agreeing with his senpai.

"maybe-they didn't have time to greet or talk with her,since kuroo-San is Gryffindor quidditch team captain and kozume-San he always busy with his game"the mean weird bang said even shrugging his shoulder "maybe"oikawa whisper to himself as he eyes caught the mentioned girl were looking at their table "just maybe-"he smirk as he look down on the hall ground and his eyes glowing red.