
Lovegum Nuri

Nuri is a college student struck between her career and a urge to remove loneliness from her life.... Follow this amazing journey of emotions and explore a love angle...

Harshpreet_2281 · Adolescente
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44 Chs

Aspirations and Dreams

She was about to open the letter when suddenly a child started kicking her seat from back suddenly sitting on her economy seat she remembered her last airplane ride. A beautiful memory flashed in front of her eyes.

It was a pleasant day of October when their school trip to Mumbai was planned. Their way was through the air route. Amit sat just behind her on the plane and found an interesting way to disturb her. He started kicking her seat from back and as usual a fight started between them till the air hostess had to make them quiet.

Suddenly there was a wide smile on her face as well as tears in her eyes. Now she felt how much she missed him. Changing of songs, reading her new novel and watching a movie nothing made her smile as the last texts from her family and teachers commenced the rollercoaster of emotions inside her. She wanted to talk to them but Oh this disgusting airplane mode.

Finally she started watching Gilmore Girls, her favourite series. The flight was 16 hour long. She spent the first four hours enjoying the series and then fell asleep for the next 3 hours as the flight took the path from different airports.

The next two hours were spent visualising her life in Harvard. New place, new friends, lots of opportunities, her budding career and her dream to work in the UN suddenly felt a step away from her.

The main motive of choosing economics as her major was to work at a good position at the Economic and social council ( ECOSOC). She was enjoying the view outside as if she was the one travelling to represent India at a global level and didn't realised when she felt asleep again. When she woke up, her dream destination was just two hours away from her.

She saw an elderly couple beside her. Further, chatting with them she realised they were to visit their son in America and discussed their lives with Nuri.The pain of a child going away was the biggest pain in life for a parent. Nuri realised how much her parents would be missing her at this point.

Back in the house, Mr. and Mrs.Ghosh couldn't control their tears and Ariket and Amit as usual trying to comfort them.

"Just tell me as soon as she reaches there." cried Mrs Ghosh.

"Maa, just take a deep breath, she'll just inform us as soon as she reaches, you are just exaggerating a simple matter", said Ariket

" In my opinion, she's about to reach their in 1 hour,so don't think too much aunt", said Amit.

For the next 1 hour, the family, tensed, just prayed for her well being and Nuri just spent the hour in communicating to the couple and realising how much parents sacrifice for their children and suddenly it was time to land on the dream destination.

A place with lots of aspirations and astonishing visuals, she finally reached her destination, her dreams and she screamed in happiness, Welcome to Boston. Welcome to the final path towards the dream of Harvard University. Welcome to America.....