
Love You to the Moon and Back

Fate brought two hearts together. He saved her once and she too, saved him once. Through the unexpected meeting after meeting, the two became closer to each other. Together they uncovered the secrets that might caused them their lives. Could love prevail between the love birds? Does it strong enough for them to go through the turbulent and chaos?

NateJac · Ciudad
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69 Chs

In The Club

Rose went to her private penthouse, washed herself up and changed into more casual attire and hit one of her favourite popular bars in the town: Blue Moon Bar.

After she parked her Bugatti Veyron in the space provided, she walked leisurely towards the entrance. The guards greeted her in respect and opened the door for her.

She went straight to a table and elegantly sat down as if she was the owner of the club.

A waiter came and took her order before he came back in a few seconds, bringing her drinks.

"Drinking alone, miss?" the waiter asked. Whenever he saw her came alone and drank alone, he was wondering. Why did she always being alone without friends around her?

"Yep. Ah... Can you bring me a few more bottles of beer? Thanks." the waiter swiftly left to do her bidding and came back in seconds. Rose lifted her eyebrows, amazed by the instant service he provided. She slipped a few extra tips for him and winked at him. The waiter blushed and quickly left leaving Rose alone. Rose chuckled observing the way the waiter react.

After a few glasses of beer, Rose took out her phone from her handbag and started to browse her Facebook through the booming music.

At first, there was not much to read until she came to a post about her. She casually clicked on it and was utterly surprised to see the rumours about her and Jude Townshend! How it had evolved into some big news! Goodness! This is scary... What should people bother about other's lives, particularly hers?

Before this, they posted about her being with someone unknown instead of her fiancé.

And currently, it was Jude Townshend. These people apparently are crazy and wild in imaginations.

Even the photos of today's funeral service uploaded on Facebook.

Reading the comments did not dampen her mood, instead, she was beginning to enjoy them.

These morons! Why the hell bother about my life? It is up to me who did I date, who do I love most and who will I choose as my husband. It's my choices, no?

Looking at the way Jude holding her hands, holding her waist, the way he looked into her eyes, the way he smile in the photos... uh... Well... It is indeed successfully stirring my poor heart to flutter non-stop. Damn! Is this what people call as 'love'? Do I love him? For real?

"There you are!" the voice was familiar to her ears. She flashed her smile at Leah and gestured her to sit next to her.

Leah was speechless as well as helplessness looking at the state her friend was in. She sighed heavily and her lips became a thin line as she sat next to Rose.

Rose casually flung her arm around her shoulders that made Leah flinched.

"I never thought people would gossip about me to this extent," Rose mumbled and pouted her lips. Few men across them stared at her and one or two of them even winked at her. She simply flashed her smile at them, but deep within, she was cursing them to the eighth generations.

" Now you know... Anyway, why did you come here? I was looking for you all the while." Leah stuttered. She was concerned about her friend, so when she didn't find her either at her parents' home or her penthouse, she was worried sick. She worried that something bad might happened to her. Well, she might know how to fight and protect herself, but if she was drunk, how else she could fight for own safety?

Then she remembered Rose prefer to hit a bar whenever she was down. The first bar that came across was: Blue Moon Bar. And, ta-da! She was indeed at the Blue Moon Bar with few bottles of beers on the table and few more were emptied. She was totally tongue-tied seeing the bottles. How much had she drunk?

"And they talked a lot about me and Jude," she complained, still pouting her lips after she uttered her lines.

"Huh, talking about that. What's up with you and Jude? Do you guys have something going on?" Leah tried to prompt her to talk about it.

"Some people mentioned seeing the two of you came out from St Patrick the other day. Hence, rumours grow wild." Leah commented. She gulped down her beer in one go and was pouring another glass herself.

"Oh..." it was just that.

"Oh? What do you mean by 'oh'? My dear Rose," Leah placed both her hands on Rose's shoulder and shook her a bit from her stupor.

"Do you remember our conversation three days ago?" instead of answering Leah, Rose asked her.

"About being in love?" Rose nodded her head.

"I don't know since when, but I definitely falling in love with him." Rose smiled in content as she could imagine the way Jude smiled at her.

This time Leah was dumbfounded. Does Rose love Jude? Oh my god!!! This is... This is... Shocking!

"So the rumours are true?" Leah exclaimed loudly.

Rose gulped down her beer before looked at Leah who was waiting for her response.

"Soon..." she smiled mysteriously at Leah before gulped down another glass of beer.

"Gosh! Rose, you can't be serious!" Leah was so surprised that she couldn't dare to believe whatever she heard from Rose herself.

Rose gestured Leah to come closer but Leah was reluctant as she knew Rose was going to trick her with the same trick.

"C'mon. I have something to tell you." then she drank another glass of beer in one go.

Though she was reluctant, Leah inched closer to Rose while Rose grinned sheepishly before roared to her ears: " I love Jude! So what?" Then she chuckled merrily while down another glass of beer while Leah looked askance at her behaviour.

Gosh! Rose was crazy tonight. Leah was contemplating when Rose called a waiter and asked for vodka instead of beer. Soon, five bottles of vodka arrived. Even the men across them were stunned looking at the five bottles of vodka. Rose stood abruptly and brought a bottle to the table where the men were.

"Vodka for you, enjoy!" Leah was stunned, for the umpteenth times that night. The men cheered and one of them tried to take the advantage to hold her hand but, he was shoved brutally by Rose.

"Uh-uh... Not a chance." Rose turned around while chuckled and left them. Leah who was nervous at first heaved a sigh in relief. She was having a nightmare seeing Rose walked towards a group of men earlier and seeing one of them trying to take advantage, she was practically closed her eyes.

Who didn't scare if someone was to take advantage of others with the booming music around. No one would realise it anyway, that's why she was scared to death by Rose's stunt earlier.

"You scared me to death! Never do that again, please," she begged Rose to not repeat the same thing.

"Nah... I was boring earlier. Needed to move some muscles." Leah once again rendered speechlessly. To spend a night with Rose in a bar is a totally a nightmare. That was what she could say.

"If you're boring, call Jude then. Maybe he could enlighten you a bit more," Leah casually threw her suggestion. Rose pondered a little while before she fished her phone and dialled a number.

"Come to Blue Moon Bar. A. S. A. P. You snooze you lose," then she simply ended the call without waiting for the response. Leah looked at her.

"Who did you call?"

" You told me to call him, so I did," Rose answered her nonchalantly. Leah blinked her eyes in disbelief. Goodness... Rose was totally... Insane.