


~alarm sounds~

Morning again . I stopped my alarm and looked at my phone saw it was 7:00 am so enough time left before school. I went out of the bed and washed my face and went to get ready for school. Now if you are thinking why would a secret agent want to go to school? The answer is simple because I have a mission.

After getting ready as usual I went to the next apartment to wake him up. And who is him ? It's not that simple though. He is Kai, a high schooler who also happens to be my boyfriend and a person I love a lot. Now many people are homophobic so maybe they won't understand us but to be frank he has made my life colourful and way better than before.

*Knock knock *

After knocking several times I still got no answer. So finally I entered the password and went in. I opened the door and found the very expected scene of Kai sleeping. I shook him to wake him up.

D.O: Wake up sleepyhead or you are going to be late for school.

Kai: I don't want to go , let's just stay back at home together.

D.O: That's not happening. You have to get to school. It's important to go to school and every student should...

Ahhhhh, What the hell?

Kai flipped me over to the bed such that he was on top of me and kissed me.

Kai : Good morning.

Then he smirked.

D.O: *Blushing* Ugh ... Good morning!

Kai : Why are you so red you look like a tomato?

D.O: It's totally your fault , stupid.

I tried to break free but we ended up making out for 15 minutes.

Then I when he finally left me I served us breakfast.

D.O: I will have to be a high school teacher for next mission.

Kai : I don't understand you are so small, even shorter than me yet how can you be so good at martial arts.

D.O: I am not short or anything it's just that you are too tall.

Kai: pffffft...

D.O : Don't laugh it's the truth.

Kai: It's okay I totally get it (still laughing). Anyway which school are you going?

D.O: I don't know yet.

Hehe! I am going to your school as if I am gonna tell you that's now. I wanna surprise you.

Kai : Okay then, I am off.

D.O: bye

Kai kissed me and left. I too took up my bag and left too. I pressed the remote to my car and hopped in.

Kai uses his bicycle for school maybe from tomorrow I will just give him a ride. I couldn't help but smile.

End to POV





I went to school and met with my two best buddies Junkook and Chanyeol.

We have been best friends for years but still I didn't tell them about kyungsoo. I will tell them but not now.

Junkook: Dude did you hear that we are having a new teacher.

Chanyeol: I hope for a female teacher.

Junkook: Don't worry dude even if it's a female teacher you don't stand a chance.

Chanyeol: Don't you underestimate my charm . I can attract any woman I want.

Kai: Yeah just like last time you would flirt with someone and then you will get to know she's married.

Junkook: Yeah that's what's gonna happen.

Chanyeol: I may have had a few fails while flirting but that doesn't mean it will always happen.

Then our homeroom teacher Mr. Choi Min Ho entered the room followed by I suppose our new teacher. WHAT! WHAT THE FUCK? KYUNGSOO IS OUR NEW TEACHER. THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE.

D.O: Hello everyone I am DO KYUNG SOO your new maths teacher. I hope you will co-operate with me. If you have any questions you can ask me.

Chanyeol : Our new teacher is a male but he is cute.

Jungkook: Dude you know our principal is homophobic.

Chanyeol: Dude I am homophobic too. Don't think too much. What do you say Kai?

I was lost in my own thoughts and I came back to reality when chanyeol called me.

Kai: No I am not homophobic. I support homosexual people.

Afterall , I am homosexual.

Jungkook: Yep you are right they are humans too after all.

Chanyeol: let's not talk about it. I feel like I am a narrowed minded person.

Maybe I will ignore them.

Jungkook: That's better.

I didn't care what they were talking about I was now just scared what will happen to our relationship. Fear crept over my body. I don't want to lose Kyungsoo what ever happens.

End of POV

Author's Note

(Hey everyone this is my very first chapter and I hope you like it. If you liked it pls hit the like button and add my book to your library. If you have any suggestions please make sure to leave comments. I would try my best to give some mature contents soon....)

Shrinadawncreators' thoughts