
Love X War

On the surface, Damon is a role student in a school full of superpower users, he is favored by all his teachers and even the working staff, everyone thinks that he is a model student, but behind their backs, he breaks rules as he pleases for his own convenience. But that is not all that he was hiding from everyone; he didn’t reveal his powers as well, and he let the students around him believe that he is a weakling. One day Damon was forced to marry Justine, the elite girl who is worshipped by many students, in order to save her country from war. Justine is the daughter of a royal family, she got both brains and power. However, she is loyal to her country so she agrees to the marriage reluctantly. How will this marriage turn out? Will it bear fruit? Or is there a separation at the end of their road. ----------------—credits-------------------- Cover artist: Kuya. Cover designer: MaDa.

MaDa · Fantasía
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49 Chs

Unexpected Victory

The Impact of Damon's dropkick has been so great that the fighting ring's floor has been crushed into debris with Morika lying in the middle of it.

Morika tried to get up again but his attempt ended up in failure as he passed out soon after.

Moments ago Damon was receiving punches continuously and the whole audience thought that the match was over already.

But the Audience was dumbfounded by the conclusion; No one expected that Damon had the ability to turn the tables over.

"... L-looks like we have our victor!"

"Everyone please give Damon a big hand!"

"This was a truly spectacular battle!"

As soon as Damon was announced to be the winner, The audience started booing and throwing rubbish at him down on the ring, because they have just lost lots of the money they have betted with.

But Damon didn't really care about the Audience's opinion of him, he didn't care about winning the match as well, all he cared about was that he earned Justine's trust.

That moment when Justine said proudly that she would bet on Damon, he genuinely felt that if he is going on to live with someone for the rest of his life, it would be her, as he could lean on her and trust her wholeheartedly.

Damon turned to look up at where Justine sat among the audience, then he smiled at her, raising his left hand with a "V" sign gesture.

But Justine looked away as if she was angry about something, Damon was clueless what it was.

She then pointed with her hands at the exit of the arena, telling Damon to get out of here because she will meet him there.

Damon walked out of the arena dragging his leg behind him, without waving once at the audience, all the audience were triggered by Damon's ignorant behavior.

As Damon was walking in the hallway out of the arena, he was thinking about the reason Justine seemed angry at him, he was so deep in thought that he forgot about the pain he was in.

When he saw Justine stomping her feet on the ground as she was approaching him from the opposite side of the hallway, Damon was panicking, so he said casually with a smile blistered on his face trying to alleviate her anger,

"I didn't notice earlier because you were far away up there-"

"But you look very beautiful in this dress"

Justine's heart was aching when she saw bruises all over Damon's body as she got a closer look at him, but Justine hardened her heart and scolded Damon harshly dismissing his sweet talk earlier, saying,

"What do you think you were doing out there earlier-"


"Why did you stand there closed eyes taking punches like an idiot-"


"Did you want to show the audience your potential as a sandbag?"

Even though on the outside, Justine was making fun of him, Damon knew that deep inside her she really cares about him. So he kept down his head and took all the sarcasm she threw at him.

After she was done, Damon said in an apologetic tone while keeping his head down in front of her,

"I'm sorry…"

After seeing how apologetic Damon was, Justine calmed down and asked him in a nicer tone,

"Can you tell me about the reason why you stood there taking punches like that"

"Well, I was coming up with a cool name for my attack, but I ended up using those lame names instead" Damon replies jokingly, trying to crack a laugh on Justine's angry face.

Unfortunately, his attempt didn't only end up in failure but actually, it backfired the situation as well; her anger escalated once again that he thought to himself, " Oh, man I am so dead"

Damon says correcting himself with a weak voice,

"I-i mean I was figuring out Morika's attack pattern. So that I can predict his next move"

"Why would you need to do that!" Justine shouts at Damon.


"With your powers, you could have blown the whole ring couldn't you?" she continues.

"Ah, so you figured me out-" Damon says carelessly.

"I can't hide anything from you, can I?"

Damon was leaning on the wall, so Justine realized that he had a hard time standing and talking to her like that so she grabbed his hands and said normally without showing her concern,

"We can talk about that later-"

" Let's visit the nurse first so that she could fix you up"

But Damon pulled his hand from her grip and said,

"Sorry, but I have something to do"

"Something to do?! In your state?" Justine asks in disbelief.

"That is right, I have to repay you-" Damon replies.

"You go back to the room first and wait for me, I will explain everything when i come back"

"Repay me? For what?" Justine asks him wondering.

But Damon doesn't reply and keeps walking down the hallway leaving her behind.

Justine stood there looking at Damon as he was walking while in pain further away from her till she couldn't see him anymore.

She wanted to stop him, but as she saw him suppressing his own pain while walking away like a cripple, she realized that whatever he is going to do must be so important that he is ignoring his own welfare over it.

She was saddened all alone in the hallway by the fact that there is something other than her that he cared about so much.