
Love X War

On the surface, Damon is a role student in a school full of superpower users, he is favored by all his teachers and even the working staff, everyone thinks that he is a model student, but behind their backs, he breaks rules as he pleases for his own convenience. But that is not all that he was hiding from everyone; he didn’t reveal his powers as well, and he let the students around him believe that he is a weakling. One day Damon was forced to marry Justine, the elite girl who is worshipped by many students, in order to save her country from war. Justine is the daughter of a royal family, she got both brains and power. However, she is loyal to her country so she agrees to the marriage reluctantly. How will this marriage turn out? Will it bear fruit? Or is there a separation at the end of their road. ----------------—credits-------------------- Cover artist: Kuya. Cover designer: MaDa.

MaDa · Fantasía
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49 Chs

Blade Dance

At midnight, Damon wakes up screaming, he was sweating all over his bare top, so he stood up and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

He goes in, unbuttons his pants, and takes it off quickly, then he goes into the bathing tub and turns on the cold water.

Thousands of lukewarm drops dripped down his hair softly, Darkening his already pitch-black hair And the drops slowly made their way to his body and the perfect abs he had. The water defined his well, organized, and obviously worked out body.

A few minutes later, he turned off the water and grabbed a towel, then he wrapped it around his waist,

Then he slid the bathroom's door and went into his dim room, his whole body was shivering and his breaths were visible.

He takes off the bath towel around his waist and slides open the wardrobe to get dressed up, there were only 3 sets of clothes hanging up.

In the dark room, he sat down on the side of the bed, his face in shadow and he leaned forward with his arms on his knees looking down on the ground motionless and depressed for a while, then he looked up at the pile of the books.

He stood up from the bed and walked toward his study table, and picked a book from the top of the pile.

As he opens the book he remembered the nurse saying,

"Even the finest blades rust if they are left aside for a long time"

So he closes the book he was holding then he puts it down on the table saying to himself,

"I guess I will go work out for a bit"

Then he opens his room's door and closes it behind as he is leaving.

It was about 1 AM, the school corridors were dark and quiet late at night.

Damon's footsteps echo through the corridors of the school.

Damon passes through his classroom as he is walking down the corridor, then he stood and said to himself,

"Maybe, I can go look for my button while no one is here"

Then he goes back to his classroom, turns on the light, and goes to his seat at the back.

He searched for it for a while but couldn't find it, then he gave up, walked to the classroom door and turned the light off and went outside closing the door behind him.

Damon continued walking down the corridor until he saw light emanating from a room.

As he gets closer to that room, he hears the clanging sound of steel getting louder and louder.

Damon speeds up his walking pace as he was curious about who is training this late at night.

When Damon got into the room he saw Justine sparing with some robots in a sword fight, he says to himself,

"Oh, of course, it's our hard worker elite girl"

Damon stays silent to not interrupt her, leaning on the wall and crossing his arms as he watches her every movement.

He says to himself expressing his amazement,

"I can't even hear her sword swooshing through the air, that means she is practically cutting into the air"


" She evades enemies and attacks them at the same time gracefully, there is barely any unnecessary moves"


" It's as if she is dancing rather than having a sword fight with those robots"


"Many swordsmen wouldn't be able to reach her level in a single lifetime, probably even me"


"I guess it's impossible for me to win in a close-range fight with her, but-"

"Damon, What are you doing here this late?" Justine said with a loud voice interrupting his thoughts.

Damon uncrosses his arms and stands upright, then walks towards Justine and smirks to her saying,

"Do you know the rule#5 of this school?"

"You can't use school facilities after 10 PM" she replies.

"But what about you, Mr. honor student?" she continues while smirking back at him.

Justine was sweating a lot, sweat droplets would gather on her cherry-colored skin into larger drops, that would run down her neck then finally absorbed by her clothes.

Her top dress was so wet from the sweat that it was transparent enough to show the pattern of her undergarments.

Damon's face turned red, then he turned his head away diverting his sight from her.

"She is such a proud person if I tell her that directly she will feel humiliated, she might bunch me again as she did earlier." Damon thought to himself.

Silence fell over the place for a while but Justine broke it saying,

"I am thirsty, do you want a drink? I will go buy myself one from the vending machine at the cafeteria"

Damon picks out a few coins from his pocket and hands them over to Justine saying,

"Will you do that for me?"


"I will work out a bit until you come back" he continues while avoiding looking at her.

As Justine came closer to the door and before leaving she said,

"Sorry about the hitting you, earlier this morning"

Then she walked out of the room hurriedly without getting a reply.

Damon breathed a sigh of relief saying,

"Good thing she left quickly if she stayed for a little longer I would have told her to her face regardless of consequences"

Justine walked through the dark corridors to the cafeteria, when she reached the vending machine she realized that her clothes we're showing up her undergarments.

Her face turned red as a tomato, as she realized why Damon was avoiding looking at her in the face.

Then she clenched her hand forming a first and hit the vending machine without any reserve.

The sound of the hit resonated throughout the whole cafeteria.

After she calmed down, she loosened up her first and pulled her hand back, then she went back to her room to change her clothes.

As she was walking down the corridor back to the training room holding the drinks she was thinking about how she will face Damon.

When Justine got close to the room, she saw Damon in the dark breathing heavily and drenched in sweat supporting himself on the wall side in front of the room's door.

Justine says wondering,

"Damon, What happened to you?"

Damon replies with a faint voice,

"I just got tired, I will go back to my room to rest for a bit before school starts"

"What about your drink?" she asked.

Damon takes his drink off her hands and says simply,


Then he continued walking down the corridor while supporting himself on the wall side, until he dispersed into the darkness.

When Justine turned to enter the room she saw severe burning signs all over the robots and walls of the room.

She hurried out of the room to look for Damon, but he was nowhere to be found.

At that time she never would have guessed what would happen to both of them this morning.