


Workload has been intense since the cut down of

staff, Nora knew it was going to be hectic but

never expected it to be on the extreme. She hasn't had six hours sleep in a week now and hasn't gone home in three days which is so unlike her. She looks so pale and haggard, all she needs at the moment is a cold running bath, a proper massage, and a long sleep which is impossible because they all have a target to meet up and they agreed they could do it if they put all hands on deck, it's too late to back out now.

Nora hasn't had time for Spence, she misses him

but she knows her job is on the line and she can't

risk it. She had spoken to Spence that morning

petting him that she wouldn't be coming home that night, which would be the third time he would be spending the night alone at her place. She promised to make it up to him when all the rush at work is over. Spence told her not to worry, then reminded her about the completion of his parents' house which means he will be in town full time now so Nora shouldn't be so bothered, he begged her to focus on what is important at the moment because there is so much time to be together. Nora winced in pain, what she has always craved for is now available but she isn't available.

Spence doesn't seem to amaze her, he is the

perfect partner, very understanding, caring, homely, and has the perfect words to say to calm her down whenever she is tense. "He is such a rare gold" Nora's phone beeps, she slides to see an incoming call from her sister, Laura. She is surprised, Laura does not call, whenever she needed something from her, she prefers to drop a text message instead. Nora picks up "Hello sis, this one that you called, hope all is well?"

"Yes! I just want to inform you that I will be coming over to your place, I'm done with my clearance in school, but I don't want to go home. You know it takes a few weeks to be posted for youth service? And I no fit stay family house for that long" Nora listens to Laura's explanation with a smile on her face "Of course, you can come over, just that you might be spending more time by yourself because I am very busy at work"

"That one is not a problem, thanks, sis. I will come over tomorrow" the call trails off. Nora's sister, Laura, is the black sheep of the family,

she grew up to be very calm that no one could ever have guessed that she would be the straw that would break the camel's back, well she is glad of the choices she made, at least she was bold enough to. Since she will be coming around and spending some time, perhaps they can have that talk that her mother had always wanted her to have with her. Then a thought crossed her mind, she will put a call through Spence to inform him about her sister's visit, maybe he should still stay over at her place till the next day so that Laura can meet him, and she will also speed up work so that she can join them early to properly introduce Spence to her sister and also have that sleep she has been lacking "A nice family time and a good sleep wouldn't be a bad idea" she beams with a smile.