


Susan stops at a supermarket near her office to grab something edible for Bode, she can't believe nobody reached out to her since the incident happened. Even if they can't stay by his side, they should have called someone who cared enough for him to stay with him. She is so disgusted by Linda's attitude. She picks enough snacks, beverages, fruits, tea, and milk that would last them a while since she can't say for a certain how long he would stay admitted. She goes to the pay point to pay and leaves the supermarket in a hurry.

Susan gets to the hospital and asks the nurse on

duty what room her friend Bode was in and she was directed instantly. She enters the hospital room to see Bode shivering while sleeping "Awwnn.. my poor baby!" she drops the provisions on a small shelf by the bedside and covers him up with her scarf to keep him warm. She takes the seat beside him gently not to wake him and watches him breathe softly for a while. She picks up her phone to call Henry, he hasn't called her to check up on her or even say anything about the wedding, he picks up at the first ring "Hello beautiful" he says sweetly making her heart go soft instantly, he is so confusing and annoying yet she can't stay angry at him "Hi, what have you been doing?" she asks before she accuses him of not checking up on her "I have been trying to settle, I just re-arranged my clothes and set aside the gifts I bought for people" he explains

"Hmmn.... but Flora can do all that for you" she rolls her eyes as she interrupts him "I know she can but I prefer to do it myself, she has been busy with the visitors and cooking since I arrived, she is human herself" he insists which sounds sweet to Susan's ears. A man who is thoughtful towards others, that's a plus, she smiles as she speaks "I was angry you didn't call me since I left there, you didn't miss my absence one bit" Henry giggles over the phone "you wouldn't believe the house became fuller since you left! Babe, you know how it is with a full house, with my uncles and aunties over, I have been answering more than a million questions. In fact, mom made an engagement announcement!"

Susan acts like she isn't informed, "An engagement?"

"Yes! I was stunned myself, well I guess we will be having a wedding earlier than expected, we need to see to discuss all that, we are still game tomorrow right?" Henry confirms their date which has suddenly escaped Susan's mind "Uhn.. oh.….. I have to get back to you about that, I am at the hospital at the moment, my friend got admitted and I don't know when he will be discharged" Susan explains but Henry lost it as he heard she was with a male friend "What is your problem with male friends? Doesn't he have a girlfriend who can stay with him at the hospital? Why do you have to be the one there till God knows when he will be discharged" he hangs up on Susan whose mouth was left open as she was still trying to explain

"Hello, Henry???"