
Love Vs Family ties

This love triangle makes two people who are in in love compremise their love for the sake of families

DaoistErmfcv · Adolescente
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3 Chs


Mriana and John have been dating for five years now since highschool and everything was well not until the two of them completed with there studies.

Since the very beginning John's mother was never happy seeing her son chase around with girls ,it always bothered her about the son's life...

one day John decided to tell his parents that's he wants to marry Mriana as he loved her and wanted to be with her....

The mother got upset and slapped him in the face.

"what are you saying ,you think marriage is a joke a is something one can play with"said the mother.

Mother listen" I know it's not a joke but am a grown man now and I need to have a family of my own"

Not in my house dear better you find something else to talk about if you have nothing to tell me.

She left in a rush and closed the door to her room...

she banged her self to the bed repeatedly"no he can't get married..I only have the power upon his money no one else!!..

The thought of seeing her son being laid by a woman tormented her soul to the very least that she couldn't think of anything else....

Two hours later, John's father Mr Bàñdà knocked off from work...He went to the room only to find his wife soaking and comforting her self..

Honey ,what's wrong??he asked

she couldn't say anything just crying...

Mr Bàñdà went and touched her from the back...

Honey if anything is bothering you,you know you can share with me am your husband...

"Please let's just talk to tomorrow

am sleepy Good night"