

Hi Guys! This is Author. So before starting the story, I will like to remind y'all that (" ") ⬅️ This is the sentence the character are saying. (* *) ⬅️ This is the sentence they are saying in their mind, heart etc. And also this story is before the spread of Corona virus. Hope you guys will understand and enjoy the story.(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

The Night had fallen down. I love star gazing. Star are the precious elements of the sky. Without them the sky looks dull at the night. The starts tonight were extra beautiful today. As I was resting my head on the chair, someone approached me. He came and sat beside me smiling. I smiled back. He then said "The stars looks beautiful tonight, moreover this lady beside me is more beautiful than the stars!". I blushed. Our marriage has already passed 30 years and still this man can't stop praising me. We met accidentally and ended up falling in love. That's so filmy right? Gosh! but trust me I am speaking the truth. Aren't you curious who he is? Yes he is non other than Kim Younghoon. This man right beside me is a famous idol of a boy group. How did I manage to steal his heart you ask? Well, it would be a great pleasure to tell you guys my story but some other time because I have camp tomorrow with my children and their own children. Suddenly Younghoon wrapped me in his arms and said "Tomorrow we will be going to the camp. We are meeting our children's after a long time. I am very happy you planned this camp" *peck*. " I missed them so much, I couldn't stand the distance at all. In this way we all can spend our time together" I said. He hugged me tightly and said " I am very happy to have you as my life partner, Rebecca". " It's been 30 years and you say this every day Younghoon" I shyly said. "Cause it's the truth and I want you to know how much I love you and value you" he said. I knew that was the truth he said. He has always been caring and supporting in every work I do and everything I say. To be honest I am also very lucky that I have such a caring and loving husband. Not to mention he is Handsome too but I am shy to mention it. I also hugged him and said " I know that you love me. and I love you more. Let's go to sleep now as we have to go to the camp spot tomorrow. Allen and Ashley (our son and daughter) will come at our place and head together". He started to sing and we headed to our room.

(Time skip)

Tomorrow morning

I woke up early and went to take a shower. I suddenly had a back ache and I remember that I have started to grow older. I went to wake up Younghoon. He was sleeping so peacefully but I had to wake him up. " 5 more minutes please " he said. I pulled the blanket and said " No more minutes Younghoon, just wake up already!". It's not like I have always been this active tho ((◍•ᴗ•◍). He woke up and went to shower. Suddenly two cars appeared in front of our mansion and I heard running foot steps. As I turned back suddenly a number of small hands wrapped me in their arms and said " GRANDMA!". I smiled brightly and hugged them back and said " Welcome babies <3". My elder daughter have two twins Dia and Sia where as my youngest son has also a son and a daughter that are named Elsie and Max. All my grandson and granddaughters are so tiny that I can wrap my hand around all of them together. Then Younghoon came out of the shower. My daughter with her husband and my son with his wife came towards me and bowed. I was really happy to see all the families together (≧▽≦). I thought *Today's going to be alot fun!*. Younghoon, Allen and my son-in-law helped to put the stuffs that were needed for camping. I and my daughter and my daughter-in-law were preparing some games and foodstuffs. Then we headed towards Jeju Island as all the children wanted to visit there. Everyone were very excited. They were singing songs, laughing, chatting. I was in the window seat at the car and I was enjoying the view when Younghoon lightly took my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. I was really happy and shy at the moment. Then I rested my head on his shoulder.

Thankyou guys for reading my story. please leave ratings and also don't forget to vote me guys. Keep loving and supporting me(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤. Thankyou!