
Love Triangle: The Prince, the Weredragon King and I

“I am simply extending my hospitality. I respected you as a princess of a neighboring kingdom. So I act civilized. It has never crossed my mind to treat you like a prisoner. But it seems I failed to humor your expectation.” Swiftly Alexander approached me. Before he could come near, I pushed the chair backward and retreated until my back was on the wall. Shoot! This is not what I have in mind. I turn my head to the side, calculating the distance. If I were to sprint now, I would’ve escaped from this room. But before I can even make the move, Alexander has his body pinning me to the wall. He leered at me. His stare shows lust and desire while his eyes narrow, and his tongue licks his lips. I have dug my own grave! In the enchanting realm of heaven, two princesses, Seraphina and Ariella, with exceptional talents, embark on a journey to human realms. Their path intertwines with Prince Alexander, the crown prince of the Kingdom of Eldoria. A tapestry of adventure, romance, and self-discovery unfolds as they face trials, encounter magical beings, and navigate their desires. The kingdom's stability is tested by monstrous creatures, forcing the prince and his allies to confront their inner strengths. Amidst battles and politics, the prince's yearning for a queen grows, leading him toward a destiny that intertwines with the princesses. That is the novel I once read in high school. And now I have transmigrated into it! The love triangle between the princesses and Prince Alexander would end in tragedy. I hated the male lead because of that. But I never imagined that the tragedy would shift to me! I was trapped in a love triangle between me and the villain, Aetherion, the King of Monsters, and Prince Alexander, who was obsessed with me and my gift. I have clearly chosen the villain as my love interest, but Alexander would not let me go. What should I do?

seraelya · Fantasía
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32 Chs

A Sinister Bargain

The forest seemed to close in as I hurried back to my tent, the weight of Alexander's cruel intentions heavy upon my heart. But my escape was cut short, for there, standing defiantly before me, were Sir Gregory and the knights, surrounded by Alexander's men. The trap had been set, and I was entangled.

"What is the meaning of this?" I demanded, my voice wavering between anger and fear.

Alexander emerged from the shadows, and his face hardened with resolve. "I told you, Celestia. You are not leaving this place unless you comply with my plan."

My mind raced, torn between my desire to protect Astoria and the fear for the safety of my loyal subjects. "You can't do this," I pleaded. "They have nothing to do with this."

Alexander's eyes bore into mine, unyielding. "Then you leave me no choice. I will give you a simple ultimatum, Princess. Either you submit to my plan willingly, or I will have your people suffer the consequences."

Helplessness washed over me, realizing the extent of his cunning and ruthlessness. I had no choice but to submit to his wicked demands, yet I couldn't bear the thought of my people suffering on my behalf.

"I will go with you," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "But you must promise to release them unharmed."

A wicked grin tugged at the corners of Alexander's lips. "Of course, my dear Princess. But they must not resist."

With a heavy heart, I turned to Sir Gregory and Lady Evelyn, my eyes pleading for their understanding. "Please, don't resist. You must go back to Astoria."

Sir Gregory's eyes flashed with defiance, but I shook my head, silently begging him not to put his life at risk for me. Lady Evelyn stepped forward, her voice wavering with emotion. "I will accompany you, Your Highness. I cannot bear to see you face this alone."

Alexander's face softened slightly at her plea, and he nodded in agreement. "Very well, Lady Evelyn. You may accompany the princess."

With a heavy heart, I watched as Sir Gregory and his knights gathered their belongings and left the camp, their eyes filled with worry for my safety. I knew they would not rest until they found a way to rescue me, but I feared that Alexander's grip on me would make their retaliation futile.

As the new camp grew quiet, I felt the weight of my decision bearing down on me. The road ahead was treacherous and filled with danger, and I knew I would need all the strength and courage I could muster to face the challenges that awaited me. With Lady Evelyn by my side, I prayed that together, we could find a way to outwit Alexander and protect the people of Astoria from his malevolent plans.

As the moon rose high in the night sky, I steeled myself for the dark path ahead, determined to navigate the shadows of deception and treachery with a resilience befitting a ruler of Astoria. The sinister bargain I had struck with Alexander was a grim reminder of the cruel realities of this magical world, and I could only hope that the threads of fate would one day lead me back to the safety of my kingdom and the loyal people I so dearly cherished.

Ah… is there a 'pause' or 'stop' button to cut off those narratives from messing with my head? I need to think clearly. And I can't think clearly cooped up in a tent. I need fresh air. So I woke up and sneaked out frequently since I transmigrated to this magical world. The guard in front of my tent did nothing when he saw me coming out. That's weird. I thought he would order me to go inside my tent.

I feel content as I exit the camp and make my way toward the forest. The guards stationed at both my tent and the perimeter pay me no attention, despite my potential to flee. However, I have no intention of leaving Lady Evelyn behind in captivity. I realized my initial question was foolish and let out a sigh before continuing my walk. Eventually, I heard the sound of water flowing from the nearby river that we passed by when setting up camp.

Now we are farther away from Astoria's border. We are heading to Aetheria to hunt Aetherion. The journey will take seven to eight days, depending on the troubles ahead. The number of men will double once we reach Evergrove. To hunt for Aetherion, Alexander will need more men, armories, and supplies. Gabriel is in charge of taking care of those needs.

I found something amusing: Alexander used Ariella's recipes, herbs, and other ingredients to keep his soldiers in good health and ready to fight. He also had his men outfitted with clothes and equipment from Seraphina's workshop. It's quite clever of him to take advantage of both women's talents like this, although I can't help feeling annoyed and resentful towards him. Nevertheless, I can't deny that he's an opportunist with great wisdom.

As I sat on the bark looking at the river, my mind started to rewind the plot in the original novel. When Seraphina learned about Alexander's affair with Ariella, she went ballistic. She sent a thousand poisonous needles flying hundreds of miles from Aetheria to Verdura using her power. The needles pierced Ariella's body. But because of her celestial body, she could not die that easily. Ariella retaliated by contaminating Seraphina's food supplies. Seraphina was vomiting blood until there was none in her body. Again, she survived because of her mortality.

The war lasted for years, and because of it, Aetheria and Verdura were on the brink of destruction. The lush green forest becomes a desert, and the meadow becomes barren. Animals fled. Monsters started to terrorize the neighboring kingdoms, hunting the humans. The stability of the human realm was shaken. Alexander tried to make peace with both women but to no avail.

Finally, the Grand Witch Elara came down to the human realm and stopped the horrendous war between siblings. Elara cast a curse on both princesses. Seraphina was cursed to become Mount Aetheria, while Ariella was cursed to become Mount Verdura. And Alexander, too, received a fair share of judgment. He was cursed to become Eldermar Peak. A stone mountain with a majestic and imposing peak that stands tall and proud as if it holds the ancient secrets of the world within its rugged exterior. Its rocky surface glimmers under the sun, casting a spellbinding aura that beckons adventurers to explore its hidden wonders.

Such a waste of handsomeness!

As I looked up, the subject of my attention stood before me, his eyes glistening mischievously. Long live Prince Alexander, I hailed cursedly under my breath.

Am I to let the war between the princesses happen as written in the novel? Or am I supposed to stop it from happening? If it does happen, it will destroy Astoria and its people too.

"It's a habit of yours, isn't it?" His lips formed a wry smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling defensive.

"You always seem to be getting into trouble," Alexander sat in front of me, blocking my view of the river. "It's like you can't help yourself."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't get into trouble," I said. "Things just happen to me." He is half right. Ever since I came here, trouble has followed me like a shadow. First, I was kidnapped by Frostbane and then held captive by this man. What could be next?

He raised an eyebrow. "Right. And pigs might fly."

I sighed. "Fine," I said. "Maybe I do get into trouble sometimes. But it's not like I do it on purpose. Monsters liked me, and you seems to have taking advantages of my situation."

"I know," he smiled knowingly.

I saw a glint of honesty before his face turned serious. "Well, I just hope you don't get yourself into too much trouble this time."

Oh, is that a warning? I gave him a look. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't take me lightly, princess. You are my captive, and you do what has been told to you. Don't ever sneak out like you are free men."

There goes my night outing. But I could not let this pass without a fight—nobody here except us. Alexander has no collateral against me. I should put him into a challenge. "If you don't want me to wander around, just chain me… put me into a cage. Show that barbarian side of yours, oh cunning prince!" I spat out, almost losing my breath, letting go of all bottled emotions since the kidnapping.

Alexander's smirk makes my anger subsides. I smell trouble! I should hold my tongue for deliberately challenging him that way.

"As your command, princess!" He instantly stood up and swooped me on his shoulder, carrying me like a wheat sack back to the camp.

"Put me down!" I hissed and pounded at his broad back. My stomach was crushed against his shoulder, making me gasping for air.

But my plea was answered with a deft ear. To my horror, Alexander bought me into his tent. He released me onto his bed.

What the… I almost screamed my lungs out. Luckily I held it back. I do not want others to know of this insolent behavior. I do not want to be branded as 'his woman.' I quickly rose and darted toward the tent's door. But his large hand circled my waist, slamming my body into his.

"You're not going anywhere, princess. Tonight you will be sleeping here." He pushed me to the makeshift bed lined with fine fur. "The bed is wide enough for both of us."

With that statement, he lay beside me, deliberately ignoring my discomfort.

"Any more words from you, I will gladly chain you to me. Now let's sleep. Tomorrow we will have a long journey up ahead. I need my rest, and so do you. Keep your mischievous plan for later."

I was stupefied. My body froze after hearing his threat. Slowly, I turned my head to look at him. His eyes were closed, and a slow snore escaped his mouth. So I turned my back toward him and curled my body like a ball. Maybe submitting his order would be best for now. I do not have enough strength to fight.

I closed my eyes and hoped nothing unexpected would happen tonight.