
new client

Monday morning:

Typically new clients would bring me lots of joy, even Mondays bring me joy.But This Monday was not gonna be a happy day.I'm a love therapist, who just got dumped by my girlfriend of 3 years ,she said that she found someone who made her feel more in love than I had ever made her feel. Of course I understand what she was saying but it still hurt. I mean how can I tell other people how to deal with love when I, cant even handle it.

My thoughts were interrupted by a slight knock at the door.

¨can I come in¨

¨yes of course , come on in¨

when I was told that there was a girl that needed my help feeling love again I pictured her looking different. Less attractive I guess. This was going to be difficult. She was the type of pretty that didn't even know she was pretty. Captivating brown eyes,shoulder length brown hair, freckles across her nose.

"nice to meet you miss Thomas"I said as I shook her hand.

¨ nice to meet you too miss..uh I'm not really sure what your name is ¨ she said with a nervous chuckle.

¨ Iḿ Miss Viotto, How is it that you dont know my name ?"did front desk lady not tell you my name¨

¨ Oh No, she told me your name but I forgot¨

¨oh ok well how about we get started, I would like to start off by asking why your are here?¨

¨ my problem is that my partner recently broke up with me because he wanted to get serious and start doing physical things but wast ready for. any time things start heading in that direction with anyone I just freeze and cant do anything.¨

¨I just want to fix what is wrong with me so It can stop effecting my relationships¨

¨well for starters , there is nothing wrong with you it just seems to me that there might be something you find uncomfortable about going to far¨

¨ right well how do I fix that¨

¨ well the first step to resolving that problem is figuring out what makes you uncomfortable about it¨

¨is there any emotions you feel when you start doing anything physical?¨

¨Im not sure I know what you mean¨

¨what I mean is, is there any type of anger sadness or disgust that you feel at the thought of doing anything sexual with your partner¨

¨hmm Im not really sure I never really focused on that¨

¨ alright well I would try to figure that out and during our next session we can discuss what you discovered¨

¨in the meantime is there anything else that you wanted to discuss¨

¨uh yes actually, I think know what the problem could be....¨

¨ what do you think it is ¨

¨ do you know anything about sexuality and um warning signs of being gay¨

I gave a slight chuckle

¨ they are not warning signs but Yes I know a fair share about that¨

¨ do you think that the reason iḿ feeling this way is because I like girls?¨

¨im not sure , It might just be that your ace¨

¨have you had any type of sexual or romantic connection with a girl before¨

she seemed hesitant to answer..

¨ I dont think I have no ¨

¨ then what made you think that could be the reason¨

¨oh its actually quite silly¨

¨well you dont have to tell me why if you dont want to¨

¨ uh no I do um, I told My bestfreind izzy about this and she said that it could be cause IM gay¨

¨well it may be but as of right now im not so sure thats the case¨

¨ you haven't had any feelings for girls and I feel like you would have figured out If you like girls by now or at least had an inkling¨

¨although some people dont find out till their in there thirties¨

¨ I dont want to wait that long to find out..¨

¨ alright well If you really want to find out I guess the best way to do so is by going on dates with girls and seeing if there is any spark¨

¨ yes thats a great idea thank you Dr. viotto ¨

¨ no problem its what I do¨

¨now before the session ends is there anything else that you want to talk about?

¨uh no I believe thats it ¨

¨ok, see you next Monday then?¨

¨ bright and early¨ the girl said with a bright smile on her face.

This really was going to be a problem, a girl questioning her sexuality that is both hot and kind. And a therapist that just so happens to be as gay as they get.


The day was finally done as tiring as it was I got to help my clients with what they were going through.

There was even one client who had their last session.

It was always nice to see people overcome there troubles but sad to see them go.

I only ever saw clients during work so once they were done I never really saw them again.

But of course fate had to go and mix things up.

After work was done and I was threw with moping I decided that I should go somewhere to lift my spirits. I ended up deciding on going to my favorite bar.

As I walked threw the door I couldn't help but smile as I saw all the gorgeous girls in sight.

¨can I get a shot of vodka please?¨

¨ruff day?

¨yeah you could say that I just kinda wanna be irresponsible for once ¨

¨alright coming right up¨

I chugged that shot as soon as it was in my hand

and then I drank more and more

I was no lightweight and was surprised when I started feeling dizzy . then I remembered that I had multiple shots of vodka and despite me being great at holding in my liquor I was definitely drunk.

¨shit¨my head was starting to pound, I blame this on my ex if she hadn't broken up with me I wouldn't be in this slump. I gave her everything I had , i loved her with all of my being and she just dropped me. Maybe I should see a therapist... hm not a terrible idea. But before my melodramatic thoughts got to far. I saw a girl walk up to me.

¨ hey hot stuff wanna get out of here¨I dispised girls like that I mean Im no pure girl I sleep around , but I dont just go around looking for people to fuck and make it obvious that I wanna do so. this girl clearly just wanted to have sex.

¨ hi and no actually Im quite fine sitting here but thanks¨

¨Oh your A feisty one I like that¨

¨thanks¨ I said while gritting my teeth.

I suddenly felt the presence of another person stepping next to me.

¨ how about you leave she is obviously uncomfortable¨the mystery girl said

¨come on sweetie you know you want me¨"the annoying girl said

¨actually she doesn't, so leave before I have you kicked out ¨My savior said

¨uh fine whatever your not worth it¨

I gave myself a silent cheer. She was finally gone

I soon realized that I hadn't thanked the girl who saved me from that perv.

I slowly turned my head towards her when recognition kicked in.

¨oh crap I know you, ¨

she giggled¨ yeah¨

I couldn't believe that my client was at the bar, this had never happened before. I hope she doesn't question anything.

¨th-thank you for making that girl leave she wouldn't leave me alone¨I said

¨no problem,although I think I deserve and explanation in return for my bravery, what brings you too a gay bar ?¨.....


To be continued:

I hope you liked the chapter, Iḿ a really bad writer but I wanted to at least get the words down. more chapters to come ,let me know if you liked it.

Stella_Eclipsecreators' thoughts